Bolsa Chica wetlands

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Bolsa Chica wetlands
all images © Mark Chappell

At least some of the images on these pages were made at Bolsa Chica.

  • A large screen will give the best results (you may have to scroll pages containing multiple images)
  • Loons, grebes
        Pacific loon
        Red-throated loon
        Pied-billed grebe
        Eared grebe
        Horned grebe
        Western grebe
        Clark's grebe
        Great blue heron
        Green heron
        Black-crowned night heron, in flight
        Yellow-crowned night heron
        Common egrets; in flight
        Snowy egret; in flight
        Reddish egret
        American bittern
    Pelicaniform birds
        American white pelican
        Brown pelican, flying, fishing
        Double-crested cormorant
    Ducks and geese
        Ruddy duck
        Surf scotor
        Red-breasted merganser
        Lesser scaup
        Green-winged teal
        Blue-winged teal
        Northern pintail; in flight
        American wigeon
        Eurasian wigeon
    Rails, coots, etc.
        American coot
        Clapper rail
        Bonaparte's gull
        Western gull
        Ring-billed gull
        Parasitic jaeger
    Terns, etc
        Forster's tern
        Elegant terns, courtship flight
        Royal terns
        Caspian tern
        Least tern
        Black skimmer
    Sandpipers, other shorebirds
        Shorebird flocks; in flight
        Red knot
        Least sandpiper
        Western sandpiper, flock
        Greater yellowlegs
        Long-billed curlew
        Marbled godwit: preening,
        Short-billed dowitchers; more
        American avocets; flying
        Black-necked stilt
        Red-necked phalarope
    Hawks and falcons
        White-tailed kite
        Northern harrier
        American kestrel
        Peregrine falcon
        Allen's hummingbird
        Anna's hummingbird
        Downy woodpecker
    Wood warblers
        Common yellowthroat
        California towhee
        Savannah sparrow
    Orioles, blackbirds
        Western meadowlark

    The scene. . .
    Bolsa Chica sunrises