[Note: All Basque words are in Italics and Bold-faced Green]
After finding a way to decode and translate the Ogam
inscriptions of Ireland and Scotland, I applied this new knowledge to the
vocabulary and names of other European languages. The Spanish language proved
to be as straightforward as English in the application of the
word-agglutinating Ogam formula (see Ogam), as
shown in the well-known word "amigo" (friend): ami-igo, from the Basque
verbs amilkatu (to fall down) and igoarazi (to help up). This
most appropriate description of a true friend therefore reads: "He helps
me up when I fall down." Note how the middle vowel "i" is part
of both roots, which is called "vowel-interlocking". This is a characteristic
of the word-construction process for all Romance languages and English. It
was obvious from this that the Spanish language was an invented language like
Latin and English, and was not developed over time from a proto-language. The
church linguists who invented the Spanish vocabulary often used Christian
teaching in their word-creation, such as in: "Espaņol" which they
spelled originally as "Espanjol" and in "zurumbatico"
(see below). To better illustrate the word-invention system that Christian
church linguists used, here follow some more examples. In Basque, the Spanish
"c" is usually a "k" (sometimes an "s"), the
"v" is an "f" or a "b", and "sh" is
written as "x." analisis (analysis), ana-ali-isi-is., ana ana anatomia anatomy, composition ali ali alik possible isi isi izigarri frightening is. isu isurgai liquid The composition of the possibly frightening liquid. arbol (tree), ar.-.bo-ol., ar. are arrendu to ask permission .bo ebo eboluzionatu to develop, to make into ol. ola ola wooden plank Ask permission to make (the tree) into planks. brujeria (witchcraft), .b.-.ru-uje-eri-a, .b. obi obieta cemetery .ru iru irudikurtza idol worship uje uhe uhertasun maliciousness eri eri erigarri noxious a a a the The worshipping of idols in the cemetary is noxious maliciousness. calendario (calendar), .ka-ale-en.-.da-ari-o, .ka eka ekainaldi solstice season ale ale alegera rejoicing en. ene -enetan always .da eda edandatu to get drunk ari ari arrigarrizko awful o o -o suffix which gives the word a "typically Spanish" flavour. Rejoicing during the solsticial season always (results in) getting awfully drunk. celebre (celebrated), .se-ele-eb.-.re, .se ase asekatu to have a craving, longing ele ele eleiza Christian assembly eb. eba ebanjelari evangelist .re are arreraegin to welcome The Christian assembly longs to welcome the evangelist. civilizacion (civilization), .ki-ibi-ili-iza-asi-on., .ki eki ekinalean do as much as possible ibi ibi ibili to behave ili ili ilintitu to encourage iza iza izari moderation asi atxi atxiki loyalty on. one onestasun decency Do as much as possible to behave and encourage moderation, loyalty and decency. compasion (compassion), ko-om.-.pa-asi-on., ko ko komeni to be helpful om. ome omenezko honorable .pa epa epai decision asi asi asi to start on. one oneste act of blessing To be helpful is an honorable decision to begin an act of blessing. condor (condor), .ko-ondo-or., .ko iko iko that ondo ondo ondoratu to draw near, come closer or. ore orekari aerialist, high flyer That high-flyer is coming closer. dilatar (to expand), .di-ila-ata-ar., .di adi adi be careful ila ila ilarteko to last some time ata ata ataldu to divide, ar. ara aragi meat To make it last some time, be careful to divide the meat. elegir (to elect, to choose), ele-egi-ir., ele ele ele word egi egi egin to create, to choose ir. iru irudikari representative Word (used) to choose a representative. espaņol (Spaniard), es.-.pa-an.-.jo-ol., es. esa esanahi significance .pa apa aparteko special an. ana anaitu to unite .jo ajo ajola izan to take care, to serve ol. ole oles egin to call upon It is of special significance that we unite and serve when called upon. estatus (status), esta-atu-us., esta ezta eztai celebration atu atu atutxa better world us. uste uste trust Celebrating our trust in a better world. estragon (tarragon), est.-.ra-ago-on., est. esta estali to cover .ra ara arrabeteko handful ago ago -agotu to add on. onu onuts very nice Add a handful and cover it very nicely. fardel (knapsack), .fa-ar.-.de-el., .fa afa afa happy ar. are arremankor together .de ede ederizan pleasing el. eli elikadura food Happy together with pleasing food. fragil (fragile), .f.-.ra-agi-il., .f. ife ifernu damned .ra era errazkeria negligence agi agi agirakatu to be blamed il. ile ilezin forever Damned negligence, I'll be blamed forever. gramatica (grammar), .g.-.ra-ama-ati-ika, .g. iga igar dry .ra ara arra repetition ama ama amaikat to many ati ati atxiki to memorize ika ika ikaskai lesson Many dry repetitions (will) memorize the lesson. gratamente (pleasingly), .g.-.ra-ata-ame-ente, .g. agu agurtu to greet .ra ura ura her ata ata atadi main entrance ame ame amestu to dream about ente ent entzat destination She was greeted at the main entrance of the dreamed-about destination. hechiceria (sorcery), .he-echi-ike-eri-a, .he ihe ihesari eman to escape echi etxi etxi house ike ike ikertu to investigate eri eri eriozkortasun noxiousness, maliciousness a a a the Escape from the house so the noxiousness can be investigated. huerfano (orphan), .hu-er.-.fa-ano, .hu uhu uhui cry of happiness er. era erabideko polite .fa afa afa pleasing ano ano ano portion, hand-out A polite cry of happiness for the pleasing hand-out. matutino (morning), .ma-atu-uti-ino, .ma ema eman to celebrate at. atu atutxa beautiful world uti uti utikan get out ino ino inoiz sometime Sometime get out (of bed) and celebrate this beautiful world. notorio (well-known), .no-oto-ori-o, .no ano ano food oto oto otoikatu to beg ori ori orrits banquet o o -o suffix which gives the word a "typically Spanish" flavour. To beg for food at the banquet. orador (orator), ora-ado-or., ora ora oratu to grab, to engross ado ado adoretu to stimulate or. oro oroz completely To engross and stimulate completely. pecadillo (sin), .pe-eka-adi-ilo, .pe ape apeta tendency eka eka ekarri to cause adi adi adikaitz incomprehensible ilo ilo ilordu agony (It has) a tendency to cause incomprehensible agony. perentorio (urgent), .pe-ere-en.-.to-ori-o, .pe ope opetsi to offer ere ere ere also en. ene ene me .to eto etorri to come ori ori orrits banquet o o -o suffix which gives the word a "Spanish" flavour. He also offered me to come to the banquet. pitonisa (fortune teller), .pi-ito-oni-isa, .pi ipi ipuin story ito ito ito to laugh a lot, laughter oni oni onibilera good fortune isa isa iseka to joke Story of laughter, good fortune and joking. posada (guesthouse, lodging), .po-osa-ada, .po opo oporraldi time-off osa osa osatu to unify, to get together ada ada -ada noise of the last word Time-off for a noisy get-together. senado (senate), .se-ena-ado, .se ese esetsi to argue ena ena -ena verbal suffix expressing the future ado ado adorez courageously They will argue courageously. sofa (couch), .so-ofa, .so oso osoro completely ofa oba oba natural, comfortable Completely comfortable. super (super), .su-upe-er., .su isu isurgai liquid upe upe upel cask, vat era era erakuskariketa sampling Sampling the liquid in the cask. tarantula (large spider), .ta-ara-an-.tu-ula, .ta ata atalgabeko simple ara ara aramu spider an. ane anega measure .tu etu etsitu despair ula uli uli coward A simple spider (causes) despair in a coward. torrente (torrent), .to-orre-en.-.te, .to eto etorri come orre orre orrela that way en. ena -ena (superlative) .te ate aterpe safe haven Come that way to a safe haven. veloz (quickly), .be-elo-oz., .be ibe ibeni to sit elo elo elorri thorn oz. oze oze sharp To sit on a sharp thorn. visitar (to call on), .bi-isi-ita-ar., .bi ibi ibili to go isi isi isilki quietly ita ita itaundu to ask ar. aro arrotzari inn-keeper Go quietly and ask the inn-keeper. zurumbatico (stunned), .zu-uru-um.-.ba-ati-iko, .zu izu izuizan to be terrified uru uru urruindu to be scorned, despised um. uma umadun pregnant .ba aba abade priest ati ati atxiki to find out iko iko iko swelling I am terrified to be scorned for being pregnant when the priest finds out about the swelling. zurumbo (stupid with alcohol), .zu-uru-um.-.bo, .zu izu izuizan to be terrified uru uru urruindu to be scorned um. umi umildu to humiliate .bo ibo ibolada group of people I am terrified to be scorned and humiliated by the people.
In comparing the method, with
which these words were decoded, with the method I used for other European
languages, there really isn't very much difference. They all are agglutinated
in the same manner out of the Basque language with the use of the VCV Formula, of which the vowel
interlocking is the main feature. Do I really need to decode more Spanish
words to prove to the world that Spanish is an invented language, and that
this language is made up by linguists out of Basque? |
For further detail, please refer
Nyland, Edo. 2001. Linguistic Archaeology: An
Introduction. Trafford Publ., Victoria, B.C., Canada.
ISBN 1-55212-668-4. 541 p. [
see abstract & summary]
Nyland, Edo. 2002.
Odysseus and the Sea Peoples: A
Bronze Age History of Scotland Trafford Publ., Victoria,
B.C., Canada. 307 p.
[see abstract & summary].