Please CLICK on first
letter of word (or Depress Ctrl/F to Search for Words):
aba-abi, abade (priest) abiadura (starting
point): "The priest's starting point".
abbot:, aba-abo-oto, abata (abbot) abots (voice) otoigile (praying):
"The abbot's voice (leads in) praying".
abdicate: ab.-.di-ika-ate, aba-adi-ika-ate, abaildu (to be tired) adixkideki (in a
civilized way) ikasbidetu (to set an
example) ateratu (to leave):
"I am tired and will leave in a civilized way to set an example".
ability: abi-ili-iti, abil (skillful) ilinti (fiery,
eloquent) itxi (to repudiate,
to deny): "Skillful and eloquent repudiation".
abject:, aba-aje-eku-uti, abade (priest) aje
(deterioration) ekurugaitz (worried) utikan (get out!):
"The priest is worried about the deterioration; get out!".
abnormal:, abadune (chance) anormal (abnormal,
unseasonable) orma (ice, frost) alba (dawn, in the
morning): "A chance of unseasonable frost in the morning".
aboard: abo-ard, aboskatu (to voice to
tell) ardigaldu (late comers):
"Tell the late comers".
abolish: abo-oli-ix., abo-oli-ixi, aboskatu (to voice, to
tell) oliodun (oil-vendor) ixi (be quiet):
"Tell the oil vendor to be quiet".
aboriginal: abo-ori-igi-ina-ala, aboskatu (to shout out) origorri (gold colored) igita (harvest) inarrosi (to shake, to
thresh) alaiarazi (to fill with
joy): "Shout it out that the threshing of the golden harvest fills with
abort: abo-or.-.t., abo-ora-ate, aboskatu (to shout out) oratu (to seize, grab) ateratu (to get out): "He shouted to grab and get out".
about, abo-ut., abo-uto, abotz (voice) utopia (paradize,
good times): "Voice (speaking about) good times".
above, abo-obe, abotz (voice) obeditu (to obey):
"Obey the voice".
abrade: ab.-.ra-ade, abe-erra-ade, abenda (race) erramulari (rower) adelatu (to prepare):
"Prepare for the rowing race".
abreast:, abu-urre-asta, aburukide (person who
agrees) urreratu (to draw
closer) asta (donkey) aztarnatu (track):
" I agree the donkeys are drawing closer on the track".
abridge:, abo-orri-ida-age, abonau (to approve
of) orri (sheet, page) idatzi (to write) agerkari (document):
"I approve of a one page written document".
abroad:, aba-aro-ade, abots (to voice, to
tell) orogailu (reminder) adelatu (to prepare):
"Speak a reminder to prepare well".
abrogate:, abe-ero-oga-ate, aberats (rich) erromes (pilgrim) ogasun (wealth) ateratu (to leave
behind): "The rich pilgrim left his wealth behind".
abrupt:, aba-aru-upt, abarreztatu (to cover with
branches) arrunki (simply) upatxo (small barrel):
"Simply cover the barrel with branches".
abscess:, abo-osi-ike-eso-osa, abonau (to approve
of) osin (deep) ikermen (examination) esonde (advice) osagile (doctor):
"I approve of a deep examination and advice by the doctor".
absent:, abialdi (departure) isekatze (to make fun
of) entzutegabe (unknown):
"We made fun of his departure for the unknown".
abstain: ab.-.sta-in., aboskatu (to proclaim) ostatari (innkeeper) inolaz (absolutely no
more): "The innkeeper proclaims: absolutely no more".
abstract:, aba-azte-era-aka-ata, abantzu (almost) azterkor (inquisitive) eragin (to promote) akabu (ultimate) ataltasun (simplicity):
"Almost inquisitively promote ultimate simplicity".
absurd:, abi-isu-urde, abilezia (talent) isuri (to inspire) urde (male pig):
"To inspire talent in a male pig".
abulia: abu-uli-iha, aburu (opinion) uli (coward) ihalozkatu (to wallow):
"the opinion is that he is a wallowing coward".
abundant: from French abondant, abo-on.-.da-an.-.t.,
abo-one-eda-ono-oto, abonau (to approve
of) onezia
(healthfulness) edan (drinking) ano (wine) otordu (mealtime):
"I approve of the healthfulness of drinking wine at mealtime".
abuse, ab.-.ju-use, abo-oju-us, abots Voice) oiu egin (to cry out,
to scream) uspeldura (battering and
bruising): "A voice cried out from a battering and bruising".
academy: aka-ade-ami, akabu (perfect) adelu (preparation) aministratzaile
(administrator): "Perfect preparation for administrators".
ache: ak.-.he, aki-ihe, akialdi (tiredness) ihesezin (unavoidable):
"Unavoidable tiredness".
accent: ak.-.ze-ent, akasdun (defective) azentu (accent,
speech) entzungaitz (difficult to
understand): "Defective speech is difficult to understand"
accept:, ako-oze-epa-ata, akordio (agreement) ozendu (to resound) epai (decision) atalbako (simple):
"Resounding agreement for the simple decision".
accident:, aka-aki-ide-ent, akabu (death) akitu (to be tired,
aged) -ide (companion) entzuera (famous):
"The death of my famous aged companion".
acclaim:, aka-asi-ila-ima, akabu (perfect) asialdi (beginning) ilarri (monument) imaginakin (sculptor):
"Perfect beginning for the monument sculptor".
accord: ak.-.ko-ord., aka-ako-orda, akabu (perfect, best
possible) akordio (agreement) ordainbidezko (satisfactory,
acceptable): "The best possible agreement was acceptable".
account: ak.-.ko-unt, aka-ako-untzi, akabu (perfect) akordio (agreement) untzidun (ship owner):
"Perfect agreement with the ship owner".
actual: ak.-.tu-al., ako-otu-alo, akordiozko (traditional) oturuntza (meal) alordun (farmer):
"A traditional farmer's meal".
adage: ada-age, adarjo (to make fun
of) ageriko (in public):
"To make fun in public".
adamant: ada-ama-ant, adarkadura (ramification, consequence) ama (mother) antolarazi (to make the
child clean up): "The outcome was that mother made the child clean
adapt: ada-ap.-.t., ada-apa-ato, adarkadura (consequence, outcome) aparteko (special) atonketa (arrangement):
"The outcome was a special arrangement".
addition: ad.-.di-iti-on., adi-idi-iti-one, adi (be careful) idiki (to open) iti (bull) onen (the best):
"Be careful when you open (the fence) for the bull to do his best".
additive: ad.-.di-iti-ibe, adi-idi-iti-ibe, adi (be careful) idiki (to open) itxi (to close) ibeni (to put on):
"Be careful when you open, to close again by putting (the lid) on".
address:, ade-ere-eso-osa, adelu (to prepare) errezibimendu (welcome) eso (advice,
announce) osatu (to get
together): "Prepare a welcome and announce the get-to-gether".
adept: ade-ep.-.t., ade-epe-eto, adelu (preparations) epemuga (due date, big day) etorkunde (arrival): "Prepare for the
arrival of the big day".
adequate: ade-eku-ate, adelatu (to prepare, get ready) ekuru (quiet) aterpe (shelter):
"Get a quiet shelter ready".
adhere: ad.-.he-ere, adi-ihe-erre, adibide (advice) ihesluku (shelter) erretiratu (to retire
to): "My advice is to retire to the shelter".
adhesion: ad.-.he-esi-on., adi-ihe-esi-ona, adi (be careful) ihesibili (to escape) esinguratu (to hem in, to
keep together) onago (closer):
"Be careful to keep closer together when escaping".
adjacent: ad.-.ja-ase-en.-.t., ado-oja-ase-ene-ete, adoratu (to worship) ojanguren (edge of the
forest) aseguratu (to insure) enetan (always) etenkatu (to get away):
"Always worship at the edge of the forest to insure getting away".
adjust: ad.-.ju-ust., adu-uju-uste, adurra jausi (to rave, to
cheer) uju (shout of joy)
ustegabe (unexpected):
"unexpected cheering with shouts of joy".
adi-imini-izte-era-ati-one, adierrez (in orderly
manner) imini (to arrange) iztegi(dictionary) era (entire) atiki (to find) oneratu (to improve):
"Arrange the entire dictionary in an orderly manner to improve the
admirable: ad.-.mi-ira-ab.-.le, adi-ini-ira-abe-ele, adi (careful) imitazio (imitation) iradoki (to make) abelaska (manger) ele (cattle):
"He/she made a careful imitation of the manger and cattle".
admiral: ad.-.mi-ira-al., adi-imi-ira-al, adi (careful) imitagarri (exemplary) iradoki (to make, to
create) aldezpen (defensive
strategy): "Create a careful and exemplary defensive strategy".
admire: ad.-.mi-ire, adi-imi-ire, adi (careful) imitazio (imitation,
likeness) ire (yours, of
you): "A careful likeness of you".
admit: ad.-.mi-it., adi-imi-itu, adiskidegarri (friendly) imintzio (gesture) itunketa (agreement):
"A friendly gesture of agreement".
adoption: ado-op.-.ti-on., ado-opa-ati-oni, adore
(encouragement, assurance) opari egin (to give) atxiki (to keep) onik (unharmed):
"Give assurance to keep from harm".
adult: adu-ul.-.t., adu-ule-eto, adurrajausi (to be charmed) ulerketa
(understanding) etorkizun (future):
"Charmed with understanding the future".
adultery: adu-ul.-.te-eri, adu-ule-ete-eri, adurra jausi (to slobber) ule (hair) etenkatu (to break in,
to enter) erion (to spill):
"Slobber the hair (then) enter to spill".
affirm:, afa-abi-ira-ami, afa (happy event) abian (about to) iragarri (to announce) amiamoko (stork):
"The stork is about to announce the happy event".
again: aga-in., aga-ina, aga (abundance) inarroskata (agitation):
"An abundance of agitation".
agenda: age-en.-.da, age-eni-ida, agerkai (document) eni (to me) idazpuru (heading):
"Heading of the document (sent) to me".
agreement:, age-ere-eme-entzu, ageriko (public) erretolika (discussion) emekiro (peacefully) entzupen (hearing):
"Public discussion at a peaceful hearing".
alderman, alde-er.-man (irregular), alde-eri-man, alde (region) erri (common
people) manatu (to decide):
"The common people of the region decide".
almanac: ale-ema-ana-aku, aleketa (abundance) eman (to produce) anaikidetasun (brotherly
cooperation) akuilatu (to
stimulate): "Produce an abundance of grain and stimulate brotherly
amatory: ama-ato-ori, ama (mother) atondu (to prepare) orrits (lovely meal):
"Mother prepared a lovely meal".
amber:, ama-abe-era, ama (mother) aberaski (elegant) erakarkor (attractive):
"Mother looks elegant and attractive".
ambition:, ama-abi-iti-on, ama (mother) abiadan (speedy) iti (ox) onbide (good example):
"Mother's speedy ox is a good example".
amen: ame-en., ame-ene, ametsetsi (to idealize) ene (exclamation):
"Exclamation of idealization".
anabaptist: ana-aba-ap.-.ti-ist., ana-aba-apa-ati-isti, anaiarte (congregation) abade (priest) apal (humble) atxiki (to remain
loyal to) istildu (to submerge):
"The humble priest of the congregation remains loyal to submerging in
analysis: ana-ali-isi-is., anatomia (composition) alik (possible) izigarri (scary) isurgai (liquid):
"The composition of the possibly scary liquid".
annihilate:, ani-ini-ihi-ila-ate, animalia (animal) initz/ainitz (many) ihiztatu (to hunt down)
ilarazi (to kill) aterpe (shelter,
blind): "Hunt down and kill many animals from a shelter".
apo-ohe-ero-odi-isi-aku, apokeria (filthy deed) oheadar (bedpost) erotiko (erotic) odi (knothole) isilean (in secret) akuilatu (to
masturbate): "It is a filthy deed to masturbate in secret (using) the
erotic knothole in the bedpost".
apocalypse:, apo-oka-ali-ipu-usa, apokeria (filthy deed) okastagarri (disgusting) alienazio (death of a
person) ipuinezko (legendary) usario (tradition):
"The disgusting and filthy killing of a person in the legendary
tradition". This refers to the voluntary sacrifice of a young man
(Tammuz, Ezekiel 8:14).
approach:, ape-epe-ero-atxi, apez (priest) epeluzapen (to allow more
time) eroste (to redeem) atxikitzaile (the
faithful): "The priest gave more time for the faithful to be
ara-ama-age-ede-edo-one, aragikor (lustful) Ama (Goddess) ageriko (notorious) ederrak hartu (to be
defeated) edonongo (everywhere) onezkero (right now):
"The lustful and notorious Goddess must be defeated, everywhere and
right now"; (2Kings 23:13-14).
assassin:, ase-esa-asi-isi-ino, aserre (angry) esale (speaker) asi (to begin) isileko (covert) inozotze
(intimidation): "The angry speaker begins with covert
assembly:, asa-ase-ema-abe-eli, asaldaketa (excitement) ase (full) emankizun (performance) abesbatza (choir) eliza (church):
"Full of excitement for the performance of the church choir".
associate:, ase-eso-oki-ate, asegale (craving for) esonde (advice) okitu (complete) aterbe (confidence):
"Craving for advice in complete confidence".
assure:, asi-isu-ure, asi (to begin) isuri (to inspire,
show good will) urreratu (to get
closer):"Begin with showing goodwill while getting closer".
asterisk: aste-eri-isk., astergai (subject of examination) erizkatu (to compare) izkutu (hidden,
elsewhere): "Compare the subject of examination elsewhere".
astonish: asto-oni-ish., aztoratu (to confuse) onik (safe and
sound) ixartu (to wake up):
"To wake up confused but safe and sound".
asunder:, asu-une-ede-era, asu (newborn lamb)
unetxo (short
distance) ederrak hartu (to snatch
away) erratu (to wander):
"The newborn lamb wandered a short distance and was snatched away".
atom: ato-om., ator (come!) omentze (act of
celebrating): "Come! Let's celebrate!"
attrition: at.-.t.-.ri-iti-on., ati-ita-ari-iti-onu, atxiki (to be loyal
to) itaundu (to ask) arrisku (danger) itxi (to abandon,
to ignore) onuste (good faith):
"Ask the loyal ones to ignore danger and to have good faith".
augury: au-guri, aupatu (to
glorify/deify) guritu (to indulge
in): "Indulging in glorifying."
auspice: aus.-.pi-ike, ausitu (to calm down) ipini (to place, to find a place) ikerlari (visitor): "Calm the visitor down and find a place
for him".
author: au-ut.-.ho-or., auke-uto-oho-oro, aukera (opportunity) utopikera (ideal) ohore eman (to honor) oroegile (Creator):
"Ideal opportunity to honor the Creator".
authority: au-ut.-.ho-ori-iti, au-uto-oho-ori-iti, aukera (opportunity) utopikera (ideal) ohointza (thievery) orrits (that) itxi (to stop):
"Ideal opportunity to stop that thievery".
baby: .ba-abi,
aba-abi, abarroskatu (to make
noise, to cry) abiatu (to begin):
"To begin to cry", "First cry".
bachelor: .ba-atxe-elor, oba-atxe-elor, obakuntza (betterment) atxeki (to stick
with, to put up with) elorrio (hardship):
"He puts up with hardship for betterment".
bacillus:, aba-aki-ila-alu-usi, abagadune (occasion) akitu (tired) ilaundu (to weaken) alukeria (bad action,
feeling) usin (sneeze):
"On occasion tired, weak and feeling bad with sneezing".
back: .ba-ak.-.k., eba-ake-eka, ebatzi (to decide) aker (male goat) ekarri (to bring
back): "He decided to bring the male goat back".
bacon: .ba-ako-on., eba-ako-onu, ebakune (slice) akordiozko (traditional) onuts (very nice):
"Very nice traditional slice".
bacteria: .ba-ak.-.te-eri-i.a, aba-aki-ite-eri-iha, abagadune (on occasion) akitu (to be tired) itegun (work
performed) eritsu (sick) ihardun (to spend
time): "On occasion too tired to perform work and spending time being
bad: from abade (priest of the
pre-Christian Goddess religion), just remove first and last vowel.
badger:, aba-adi-ige-ero, abagadune (opportunity) adimentsu (intelligent,
smart) igestoki (hiding place) errotu (to settle, to
establish a home): "Smart opportunity to establish a home in the hiding
bag: .ba-ag., eba-age, ebaki (to cut, harvest) agerkin (sample): "Cut a sample".
baggage:, aba-agi-iga-age, abagadune (some time,
occasion) agian (I hope) igaro (to travel) agertu (to discover):
"Sometime I'd like to travel and discover".
bait: .ba-it., aba-ito, abagadune (opportunity) ito arazi (to snare):
"Opportunity to snare".
bakery: .ba-ake-eri, eba-ake-eri, ebadura (slice of
bread) akeita (coffee) erri (village):
"A slice of bread with coffee in the village".
bale: .ba-ale, eba-ale, ebakin (cut hay) aletegi (barn):
"The cut hay in the barn".
baleen/balein: bale-ina, bale (whale) inara (swallowed
by): "Swallowed by the whale".
balk: .ba-alk., aba-alka, abantzu (almost) alkartuezineko
(incompatible): "Almost incompatible".
ball: bal.-.l., balo-ol, baloi (ball) olgetan (to play):
"To play ball".
ballad:, bala-ala-adu, balada (ballad) alaitu (to fill with
joy) adura jausi (charming):
"A charming ballad fills with joy".
ballast:, balda-ala-astu, baldarkiro (sluggish) alabearreko (necessary) astunketa (weight):
"Necessarily sluggish with weight".
ballet: bal-.le-et., bala-ale-eta, balakaldi (adulation) alegia (fable) etapa (stage):
"Adulation for the fable on stage".
balm: contraction of Baque word baltsamo (lotion): "Lotion".
balmy: bal-mi, baldintasun (condition) miragarri (wonderful):
"Wonderful conditions".
balustrade: balu-ustera-ade, balu (if he had...) usteragileki (persuasiveness) adeitasun (courtesy):
"If only he had persuasiveness and courtesy".
bamboo, from banbu, ban-bu, banderamakila (flagpole) burujabetasun
(independence): "Our flagpole of independence".
banana, bana-ana, banakatu (to divide) anaitu (to bunch):
"Divide the bunch".
band (music): from banda: "Music band".
banish: .ba-ani-ix, eba-ani-ixi, ebasle (thief) anitzetan (often) ixilpetu (to hide):
"Thieves often hide".
beaker: .be-ake-er., uberka (water container) akeita (coffee) erion (to spill, to
pour): "Container to pour coffee from".
beggar:; abe-ega-aga-are, abegi egin (to receive) egape (shelter) -aga (abundance of,
much) arreratasun (kindness):
"He receives shelter with much kindness".
begin: .be-egi-in., ibe-egi-ino, ibeni (to start) egindura the action) inor (somebody):
"Somebody start the action".
beneficial: be-eni-ife-esi-al., (note "efi" in
beneficial was originally "ife" as shown here; beargorri (extreme
poverty) eni (to me) ifernu (damned) esibarruti (obstruction) alaitasun (happiness):
"Extreme poverty to me is a damned obstruction to happiness".
bill: from bildu (to gather, to
collect): to gather.
bravo: bra-abo, brastadako (sudden,
spontaneous) abonau (approval):
"Spontaneous approval".
brash, bra-ax., bra-axo, brastadakoan (suddenly) axolagabeko (careless): "Suddenly
breast:, abu-ure-azte, aburu agertu (to express an
opinion) urreratu (to get
closer) aztergai (subject of
examination): "To express an opinion you have to get closer to the
subject of examination".
calendar: .ka-ale-en.-.da-ar., eka-ale-ene-eda-ara, ekainaldi (solsticial season) alegera (rejoicing) -enetan (always) edale (drunk) arratsera (every evening): "Rejoicing
during the solsticial season always means getting drunk every evening".
capable: .ka-apa-ab.-.le, eka-apa-abe-elka, ekarri (to bring) aparteko (superior) abe (support) elkardura (meeting): "He/she brings superior support to the
capital, .ka-api-ita-al., aka-api-ita-ala, akatu (in the end) apika (may be) itxaro (to have trust in) alatz (miracle): "In the end maybe have
trust in miracles".
caprice, .ka-ap.-.ri-ise, eka-apa-ari-ise, ekarri (to get) apa (kiss) arritasun (surprise) iseka (joke): "To get a surprise kiss as a joke".
capture: .ka-ap.-.tu-ure; aka-apo-otu-ure, akatsbako (perfect) apodun (hoofed animal, ungulate) oturuntza (meal) urreraketa (to draw closer, coming up): "A perfect meal of ungulate is
coming up".
carat, .ka-ara-at., aka-ara-ato, akatsgabeko (flawlessly) aratz (pure) atondu (to polish): "Flawlessly pure and polished"
caravan, .ka-ara-aba-an., aka-ara-aba-ano, akabu (the end) ara (towards, at) abaro (shady place) ano (food): "At the end there is a shady place and food".
carnal:, aka-ara-ana-alu, akatsbako (perfect) aragikeria (fornication) anaitu (to unite, to get together) alu (vulva): "Perfect fornication with a vulva".
carpenter: .ka-arpe-en.-.te-er., ika-arpe-ena-ate-era, ikaragarri (large) arpegi (front of the building) -ena (superlative, beautiful) atenagusi (main entrance) eraiki (to build): "He built the
(beautiful) main entrance in the large building front".
carry: erakarri (to carry): "To carry".
castle, .ka-as.-.t.-.le, aka-asa-ate-ele, akabu (superior) azalpen (manifestation, display) eleienda (legend) aterpe (protection): "Superior display of legendary protection".
catholic: .ka-ato-oli-ik., aka-ato-oli-ika, akatsbako (perfect) atontzaile (organization) oliotu (holy) ikasbide (teachings): "Perfect organization for holy teachings".
caucus: kau-auku-us., kausituketa (meeting) aukuratu (to elect) usadio (according to tradition): "Meeting to elect according to
celebrity: (was celebrety), ase-ele-eba-are-eti, asekaitz (craving) eleiza (Christian assembly) ebanjelari (evangelist) arrera egin (to welcome) etiketa (ethical, moralistic): "The
Christian assembly is craving to welcome the moralistic evangelist".
cellar:, ke-eli-ila-ari, keriza (refuge) eliza (church) ilarazi (to kill) arinari eman (to escape): "Church refuge to
escape the killing"., aseguratu (to insure) emetasun (pleasing environment) ete (forever after) arima (soul): "Insure a pleasing environment for ever after for the
century, .se-en.-.tu-uri, ase-ena-atu-uri, asezindaku (craving, longing for) atutxa (better world) urrikalkor (merciful): "I am longing for a much better and more merciful
chapter: cha-ap.-.te-er., txa-apa-ate-era, txairoki (gracefully) apailatu (to organize) aterapen (composition) erakarle (attractive): "Gracefully organize the composition to make it
look attractive".
cherry: txe-er.-.ri, txe-ero-ori, txertatu (to graft) erromuskil (twig) orridun (leafy): "Graft a leafy twig".
chimney,, txi-ima-ani, tximinia (smokestack) imatz (wicker) anizkoitz (multiple layered): "Smokestack (made of) multiple layered
wicker". (A tube was woven of wicker, then lined with clay, which baked
in the heat of the fire into a pottery chimney).
Christ: kri-izt., Kriatzaile (God, Creator) iztun (speaker): "God's speaker. or: He speaks for God".
circus, .si-ir.-.ku-us, esi-iri-iku-us, esi (fence) iriki (to open) ikusbide (to view) ustekabe (the unexpected): "Open the fence and view the
cistern: .ki-isti-irra-an. (was cistirn), ekinalean (do as much as possible) iztil (pool, water supply) iragangaitz (long lasting, durable) aniztu (to increase): "Do as much as possible to increase the durable
civilization: .ki-ibi-ili-iza-ati-on., ekinalean (do as much as possible) ibili (to behave) ilintitu (to stir up, to encourage) izari (moderation) atiki (loyalty) onestasun (decency): "Do as much as possible to behave and encourage
moderation, loyalty and decency".
clean, k.-.le-an., iku-ule-ani, ikusi (the wash) ule (hair) anitzetan (often, frequently): "Wash your hair frequently".
climax:, eki-ili-ima-aka-asa, ekin (to continue) ilintitu (to stir up) imajina (idol) akabu (supreme) asaldaketa (excitement): "Continue to stir
up (your) idol to supreme excitement".
clitoris:, ike-eli-ito-ori, ikertu (to explore) elizlur (sacret spot) itoaldi (embarrassment) ori (that) isilkeriaz
(in secret): "Explore that sacred spot of
embarrasment in secret".
colonize, .ko-olo-oni-ize, ekoiztu (to produce) olo (oats) onibar (real estate, land) izendatu (to claim ownership): "Produce oats to claim ownership to the land".
color, .ko-olo-or., eko-olo-ori, ekoitzi (to harvest) olo (oats) oribizi (goldcolored): "Harvest the gold-colored oats".
come, kome, komeni (be helpful): "Be helpful".
comedy, ko-ome-edi, komiko (comic) omen (fame) ediren (to find, to achieve): "The comic achieved fame".
comic, komi-ik., komi-iku, komiki (comic) ikusgura (costume): "Comic costume".
common, .ko-ome-emo-on., akordiozko (traditional) omentsu (celebrated) emonkor (generous) onestasun (decency): "Celebrated traditional generousness and
communion:, ako-oma-amu-uni-one, akorduan euki (to remember) oma (grandmother) amuros (loving) unibertsal (universal) oneste (act of blessing): "Remember our
loving grandmother's universal blessing".
compare,, ako-oma-apa-are, akorduan euki (remember) oma
(grandmother) apailatu (to cook) arretaz (carefully): "Remember how
carefully grandmother cooked?"
compassion:, ko-ome-epa-asi-one, komeni (to be helpful) omenezko (honorable) epai (decision) asi (to start) oneste (act of blessing): "To be helpful is an honorable decision to
begin an act of blessing".
conclude:, ako-ona-aki-ilu-ude, akorduan euki (to remember) onarketa (welcome) akitu (to be tired) ilunalde (evening) udetxe (summerhouse): "Remember the
welcome at the summer cottage when we were tired in the evening?"
conquer: ko-on.-.ku-er., ako-ona-aku-era, akordiotu (to consent, to grant) onartze (permission) akuilatu (to incite, to launch) eraso (attack): "Permission is granted to launch an attack".
consent:, ako-ona-ase-ent, akordio (agreement) onarketa (welcome) asebete (to satisfy hunger) entzuleria (audience): "Welcome agreement satisfies the audience".
Coptic: .ko-op.-.ti-ik., ako-opa-ati-ika, akordiozko (traditional) opagai (offering) atxikigarri (faithful) ikasbide (teachings): "Traditional offering of faithful teachings".
copulate: The word originally must have read: copjulete: .ko-op.-.ju-ule-ete,
ako-opa-aju-ule-ete, akorduan euki (to remember) opa izan (longing for) ajuria (heather field) uletsu (hairy) etendura (split, crack): "Remember how I longed for your hairy crack in
the heather field"?
copy, .ko-opi, uko-opi, ukozko (negative) opildu (to flatten out), "Flatten out the negative".
cordial, .ko-or.-.di-al., eko-ora-adi-ale, ekonomo (administrator) orain (always) adiskidetsu (friendly) aleginez (careful): "The administrator was always friendly and careful".
core, kor, kortxo (cork): "Cork".
cormorant: ko-ora-amo-ora-ant., koska (ledge) orraztu (to rob) amorrotuz (determinedly) oratu (to grab) antolatu (to prepare): "Determinedly on the ledge to rob (the eggs) he
prepared to grab".
corporal, ko-or.-.po-ora-al., ko-ora-apo-ora-ali, kopetadun (brazen) orain (always) apokeria (insulting) orratio (angry) alukeria (repulsive): "Always brazen,
insulting, angry and repulsive".
cosmos, kosmo-os., kosmo (universe) osin (depth): "The depth of the universe".
country: .ko-un.-.t.-.ri, ako-une-eto-ori, akordiogarri (agreeable) une (place, spot) etorki (family) orrits (feast): "Agreeable spot for a family feast".
craft, .k.-.ra-af.-.t., eki-ira-afa-ato, ekin (to persevere) irabazbide (professional) afa (happy) atondu (to solve problems): "Persevering professional is happy to
solve problems".
creation:, oke-ere-ati-one, okergabe (pristine) erregali (gift) atxikitzaile (faithful) onetsi (to bless): "Pristine gift to the blessed faithful".
cruel, .k.-ru-el., oke-erru-ele, okerkeria (injustice) errukigabekeria (mercilessness) ele (story): "Story of injustice and mercilessness".
cupola, .ku-upo-ola, iku-upo-ola, ikusgarri (scenic) upohol (barrel-shaped) olana (canopy): "Scenic barrel-shaped canopy".
cultic, ku-ul.-.ti-ik., ku-ule-eti-ika, kukukeria (mystery) uletu (to understand) etika (ethics) ikaserazi (to teach): "Understanding the mystery and teaching its
current: from French courant, kurant: kura-ant., kuraia (force) antepara (canal which brings water to the
waterwheel): "The force of the water from the canal turns the
curt: .ku-urt., akuilatu (to urge) urten (to leave): "Urged to leave".
decision: .de-esi-isi-on., adelatu (to prepare) esinguratu (to surround) isilka (secretly) onezkero (right now): "Right now
prepare to secretly surround them".
defense: .di-ife-en.-.s; adi-ife-enu-us, aditu (watch out for) ifernu (damned) enultasun (weakness) usnatu (to suspect): "Watch out for
any damned suspected weakness".
delegate: .de-ele-ega-ate, idetu (to compare, to swap) ele (story) egarritu (to make someone thirsty) atera (to get): "Swapping stories makes one get thirsty".
descendant: .de-eske-en.-.da-ant, ide-ezke-eni-ida-ant, idetu (to compare) ezkel (cross-eyed) eni (to me) idazkitu (to establish) antz (resemblance): "(They) compared the cross-eyed (person) with me
to establish a resemblance".
desideratum: .de-esi-ide-era-atu-um., adei (gently) esinguratu (to surround) ideialki (ideal) erakasketa (education) atutxi (better world) ume (child): "Gently surround
our children with an ideal education for a better world".
desk: .de-esk., ederki (beautifully) eskuzko (handcrafted): "Beautifuly handcrafted".
desperate: de-espera-atu, dei (calling) esperantzagabe (hopeless) atutxa (better world): "Calling hopelessly for a better world".
destroy:, ede-esta-aro-oi, ederrasartu (to lie, to mislead) estakuru (pretext) arrotz (foreigner) oiher (evil): "Misleading pretext of
the evil foreigner".
devastate: .de-eba-azta-ate, edeki (to remove) ebasle (plunderer) aztarna (footprint) ate (door): "The plunderer
removed his footprints by the door".
devout: .de-ebo-ut., ide-ebo-uto, ideologia (ideology) eboluzionatu (to develop) utopia (better world): "Ideology which develops a better world".
diary: .di-ari, adi-ari, adieragin (to explain) ariketa (activity): "It explains the
dictionary: .di-ik.-.ti-ona-ari, edi-ika-ati-ona-ari, ediren (to find) ikasgai (study material) atxiki (to memorize) onaldi (prosperity) arinaldi (improvement): "To find study material to memorize for
improvement in prosperity".
didactic: .di-ida-ak.-.ti-ik., adi-ida-aka-ati-ika, adimentsuki (intelligently) idatzi (to write) akatsgabeko (perfect) atxiki (faithful) ikasbide (teachings): "To intelligently write perfectly faithful
dignity:, adi-igu-uni-iti, aditze (understanding) igurikitza (tolerance) unibersal (general) itikor (permissive): "His
understanding and tolerance (makes him) generally permissive".
disciple:, udi-iso-oki-ipu-ule, udikan (go away) isolamendu (isolation) okitu (total) ipuin (gospel) ulertu (to ponder): "Go away into total isolation to ponder the
discover: .de-es.-.ko-obe-er., (was:
descover):ade-esi-iko-obe-ere, adelatu (to prepare) esibarruti (enclosure) iko (that) obetu (to improve, make liveable) eremu (wilderness): "Prepare an enclosure that makes the wilderness
distance:, adi-izta-ani-ike, aditze (to understand) iztar (thighs) aniztu (to increase) ikermen (rest stop): "Understanding
the thighs he increased the rest stops".
doctor:, odoldun (bloody) okerkeria (injury) etorri (to come) orain (right now): "A bloody
injury; come right now"!
dog: .do-og., ado-ogu, adoretsu (brave) oguzi (to speak out loud): "Brave
and loud".
drink: .d.-.ri-in.-.k., eda-ari-ina-ake, edan (to drink) arin-arin (quickly) inara (swallow) akeita (coffee): "Quickly drink
your swallow of coffee".
drop:, odo-oro-opi, odolberoaldi (fit of rage) oroz (totally) opildu (to flatten): "Totally flattened in a fit of rage".
eager, ea-age-era, ea (emphasis) ageriko (honest) erreaksio (reaction): "Very honest reaction".
eagle, ea-ag.-.le, ea-age-ele, ea
(emphasis) agerbide (symbol) eleiza (church): "Special church symbol".
ear, ea-ar., ea-ara, ea
(emphasis) arramaka (shouting): "Loud
early,, ea-ari-ili, ea
(emphasis) arinarazi (hasten) ilintitu (to stir up a fire): "Hurry up and stir up the fire".
earn, ea-ar.-.n., ea-aro-onu, ea
(emphasis) arotz (carpenter) onura (earnings, wages): "Good carpenter's wages".
earnest,, ea-are-ene-esta, ea (emphasis) arreratsu (kind) ene (to me) estalgabe (sincere): "Very kind and
sincere to me".
earth, ea-ar.-.t.-.h., ea-ari-itu-uhu, ea (emphasis) arrigarri (marvelous) iturri (source) uhui (happiness): "Marvelous
source of happiness".
easy, ea-azi, ea (emphasis) azi (to grow up): "Growing up fast".
Easter, ea-aste-er., ea
(emphasis, special) aste (week) eraspen (devotion): "Special week of devotion". Or:
Easter, derived from German "Ostern", pronounced
with clear "oh" or "oo": o.o-oste-ern., oho-oste-erne, ohoratu (to glorify, to worship) ostera (return) ernebizitu (to excite): "Worship His Exciting return". (I prefer this
east, ea-ast., ea (emphasis) astro (star): "Special star".
eat, ea-at., ea-ato, ea
(emphasis) atondu (to prepare): "Especially
eave, ea-abe, ea (emphasis) abegi egin (to receive): "Special receptacle (for rainwater)".
ebb, eb.-.b., eba-abi, ebatzi (to decide) abialdi (departure): "It decides the
departure" (of the ship).
ebony, ebo-oni, eboluzionatu (To develop, to create) onizan (something useful): "Create something useful".
echo, ek.-.ho, eka-aho, atzera ekarri (to return) ahoziritu (to mislead): "The returning
(sound) is misleading".
ejaculate: eja-aku-ule-ete (note the shift from a to e): eia (come on, keep on) akuilatu (to stimulate) uletsu (hairy) etendura (split, crack): "Keep on
stimulating the hairy crack".
empty: em.-.p.-.ti, ema-apu-utzi, eman (to give) apurtxo (a little bit) utzik (merely, just): "Give just a little bit".
encyclopaedia:, ena-asi-ika-alo-opa-edi-iha,
-ena (possessive suffix) asi (to begin) ikaste (learning) alogeratu (to engage, acquire) opa (desire) ediren (to find) ihardetsaldi (answer): "To begin learning, you must acquire a desire to find
energy:, ene-era-agi, -enetan (always) eragin (to motivate) aginbidedun (powerfully): "Always powerfully motivated".
envious:, eni-ibi-usa, eni (to me) ibilkeria (behaviour) usainka (suspicious): "(His) behaviour to me is suspicious".
erotic: ero-oti-ik., erromantiku (romantic) otzikaratu (to tremble) ikusaldi (time spent looking): "Trembling romantically (during) the time
spent looking".
estate: es.-.ta-ate, ese-eta-ate, esertze (act of being situated) -eta (place of) aterpe (refuge, safe place): "To be situated in a place of
estrus:, esta-aru-usa, estaldi (to mate animals) arrunki (simply, commonly) usaindu (to smell): "Mating animals commonly smell".
executive: (eksekutive),,
eka-ase-eku-uti-ibe, ekaitz (storm) aserre (anger) ekurugaitz (worried) utikan (get out) ibeni (act of putting on): "His
act of putting on a storm of anger has me worried that I have to get
existence: (eksiztense),
eka-asi-izte-ene-ese, ekarpen (contribution) asierako (original) iztegi (vocabulary) ene (my) esentzia (essence): "The essence of
my original vocabulary contributions".
exotic,, eka-aso-oti-iku, ekarri (to bring) azokari (merchant) otzitu (to chill) ikusnahi (curiosity): "The merchant
brought a chilling curiosity".
expect: ek.-.spe-ek.-.t., eka-aspe-eki-ito, ekantze (to become accustomed) asperti (revenge) ekinaldi (attempt) itotzaile (murderer): "He became
accustomed to the murderer's revenge attempts".
experiment: (eksperement),
eki-isu-upe-ere-eme-ent, ekin (attempt) isurgai (liquid) upeleratu (to store in vats) eredu (example) emendatu (to enlarge) entsegu (experiment): "Attempt to store the liquid in vats as an
example of how to enlarge the experiment".
extasy, ek.-.s.-.ta-asi, eka-asa-ata-asi, ekarpen (contribution) asaldaketa (excitement) atano (better world) asi (to start): "My contribution
to the excitement of starting a better world."
facility: .fa-aki-ili-iti, afa (happy) akiarazi (to be exhausted) ilintitu (to revive, to recover) itxi (to allow): "Happy (place)
where the exhausted are allowed to recover".
family: from French: famille: .fa-ami-ile; afa (happy) amiamoko (stork) ilehartze (joking): "Happy joking about the stork".
fast: .fa-ast., afa (happy) astajoko (donkey race): "Happy donkey race".
fever: (German: Fieber): .fi-ibe-er., ifi-ibe-ere, ibili (to act) ibeni (to put on, to apply) erremedio (cure, remedy): "Act by putting on a remedy".
finance:, ofi-ina-ana-ase, ofiziale (official) inauguratu (to open) anaia (brother) ase ase (overful): "The official
opened the overful (trunk) of the brother".
flower: .f.-.lo-er., afa-alo-era, afa (happy, pleasing) alor (field) errainuketa (sunshine): "A pleasing field in the sunshine".
fond (of):.f.-ond., afa-onda, afa (happy) ondartu (to get stuck, attached to):
"Happy to get attached to".
fortune: .bo-or.-.tu-une, abo-ora-atu-une, abogadu (lawyer) orratio (expression of surprise) atutxi (better world) uneko (instantaneous): "The
lawyer's surprise instantaneously (opened up) a better world".
fragile: .f.-.ra-agi-ile, ifa-ara-agi-ile, ifernu (damned) arrazkeria (negligence) agirakatu (to be blamed) ilezin (forever): "Damned
negligence; I'll be blamed forever".
freedom:, afa-are-edo-ome, afa (pleasing) arreman (relationship) edozelako (common) omen (honor): "Pleasing common
relationship of honor."
frighten: .f.-.ri-ig.-.te-en., afa-ari-ige-ete-ene, afa (happy) arriskatu (to risk) iges egin (to escape) etenbehar (tension) enegana (to come to me): "Happy you risked to escape the tension by
coming to me".
frugal,, afa-aru-uga-alo, afari (meal) arrunt (simple) ugari (fruitful, productive) alor (small field, garden plot):
"A simple meal from a productive garden plot".
ega-ara-ali-ika, egakortasun (smell) arranguratu (to complain) alienatu (to destroy a person's composure)
ikaragarri (awful): "(People) complain that the smell destroys a person's
composure; it's awful"!
general: .ge-ene-era-al., ageri (honesty) -enetan (always) eragin (to promote) alaitasun (happiness): "Honesty always
promotes happiness".
Genesis: .ge-ene-esi-is., ageri (revelation) ene (my) ezingehiagoko (supreme) izadi (creation): "My supreme revelation
of Creation".
Gnostic:, igo-ono-osa-ati-ika, igoarazi (to lift up) on on (exquisite) osatasun (perfection) atxikigarri (faithfulness) ikaskai (teachings): "Lift up to exquisite perfection our teachings in
goal, .go-al., ego-ala, egokitasun (opportunity) alai (happy): "Happy
gonad: .go-ona-ad., igo-ona-adi, igortzi (to rub) onartu (to approve of, to like) adi (careful): "(I) like careful rubbing".
gondola,, ego-oni-ido-ola, egon (to stay) onik (safe and sound) idor (dry) olana (canopy): "Stay safe and dry
under the canopy".
gospel,, igo-osa-ape-ele, igo arazi (to lift up) osatasun (perfection) apez (priest) ele (story): "Lift the priest's
story up to perfection".
gossip: .go-osi-ip, ego-osi-ipu, egodun (winged) osintsu (foundationless, meaningless) ipuin (talk): "Winged meaningless talk".
gourmet:, ego-uro-ome-eti, egosi (to boil) uroilanda (marsh hen) omenka (according to) etiketa (instructions): "Boil the marsh hen according to
grammatica: .g.-.ra-ama-ati-ika, iga-ara-ama-ati-iki, igar (dry) arra- (repetition) amaikatxo (many) atxiki (to memorize) ikaskai (lesson): "Many dry repetitions will memorize the lesson".
gust: .gu-ust., egu-uste, egualdi (weather) ustegabe (unexpected): "Unexpected
aha-ane-esa-ardu, ahalegin (attempt) anega (measure) esan (to narrate) arduratu (to take responsibility for): "An attempt to take a measure of responsibility
for the narration".
harass: .ha-ara-as.; aha-ara-asa, ahakargarri (upsetting, worrisome) arao (blasphemy) asaldatu (to be perturbed): "To be perturbed by the worrisome
harbour:, aha-ara-abo-uri, (The prayer of a
person in desperate need); ahalgabe (impotent, helpless) arazio (worried) abotz (voice) urrikalpen (mercy): "Helpless (in his boat) a worried voice (cries)
heart: .he-art., ihe-artu, ihesleku (refuge) artuemon (trust): "Trusted
el.-.l., ela-ali, (the "h" has no meaning in the word): ela (story, legend) alienatu (a person's destruction):
"The story of a person's destruction".
help: el.-.p., ela-apa, (the "h" has no meaning), ela (word) apalaldi (weakness): "Word
(expressing) weakness".
heretic: ere-eti-ik., (the "h" has no value): eremu (wasteland) etikaezin (unethical) ikaraz (frightfully): "frightfully unethical wasteland".
.he-ero-on., ohe-ero-on, ohe (bed, nest) erromuskil (twigs) -ondo (pertaining to tree): "A
nest of twigs in a tree".
honesty: one-esti, onegite (doing good) estimagarri (appreciated): "Doing good
is appreciated".
hospital: os.-.pi-ita-al., osa-api-ita-ala, osasunda (to get well) apika (perhaps) itaunka (asking for) alatz (miracle): "To get well, perhaps,
is asking for a miracle".
honorary: .ho-ono-ora-ari, ahobatez (unanimous) onon (the very best) oraingoan (on this occasion) ari (to him/her): "On this
occasion we unanimously wish our very best to him/her".
humanity: .hu-uma-ani-iti, ahurka (in large numbers) umaketa (reproduction) aniztu (to increase) itxi (to allow): "Births in large
numbers allowed the increase".
hymen: .hi-imi-in., ohi-imi-ine, (note: originally hymin), ohitu (to get used to) imitatu (to reproduce) inertzia (lie still, be passive): "To get used to reproducing, lie
hysterical: iste-eri-ika-al., izterbegiko (unpleasant) eri (affliction) ikaragarri (frightening) alarao (scream): "Unpleasant
affliction with frightening screams".
identity: ide-en.-.ti-iti, ide-ene-eti-iti, identifikatu (to identify) ene (my) etiketa (label, name) itxi (to permit, to allow): "You
are allowed to identify my name".
impotent: im.-.po-ote-ent., imi-ipo-ote-entzu, imini (size) ipotu (to grow small) ote (perhaps) entzungura (anxiety): "To grow smaller
in size is perhaps anxiety".
improvement:, imaginatu (to sculpt, to shape) apropos (purposely) obetu (to perfect) emendatu (to increase) entsegutu (experiment): "To purposely shape and perfect the experiment to
increase (production)".
impulsive:, imi-ipu-ule-ezi-ibe, imintzio (gesture) ipurgarbiketa (adulation) ulerterazi (to listen to) ezigaitz (indomitable, irresistable) ibintze (act of putting on)): "Gesture of adulation (after) listening to
the irresistable act put on".
inaugurate: ina-au-gura-atu, inaustu (to cut) au (this one) gura (desire/hoping for) atutxa (better future): "I cut this (ribbon) hoping for a better
indicate: in.-.di-ika-ate, ina-adi-ika-ate, inauguratu (to open) adierazpen (explanation) ikasbide (example) aterri (clear): "Open the
explanation with a clear example".
initiate: ini-iti-ate, injineru (engineer) itxi (to close) ate (door): "The engineer closed the doors". innocence:, ino-ono-oke-eni-ike, inozo (naive) onon (wonderful) okerraragabe (uncorrupted) eni (to me) ikertu (to visit): "A wonderfully naive, uncorrupted (person) came to
visit me".
integrity: in.-.te-eg.-.ri-iti, ina-ate-egi-iri-iti, inauguratu (to open) atertu (to clear the air) egi esan (to be truthful) irizpidetu (to pass judgement) itxi (to permit): "Be truthful and clear the air by opening the
doors to permit the passing of judgement".
intelligent: in.-.te-eli-ige-en.-.t.,
ino-ote-eli-ige-ene-ete, inolaz (somehow) ote (perhaps) elizdiru (obligation) igesegin (to evade) ene (before) eten (getting tired): "Somehow perhaps evade the obligation before
getting tired".
interrupt: in.-.te-erru-up.-.t., ina-ate-eru-upa-ata, inauguratu (to open) atera (to remove) errudun (faulty) upa (barrel) atal (fragment): "Open up and remove the faulty barrel
ina-ato-ole-era-abe-ele, inarrospen (agitation) atondu (to find a solution) oles egin (to call upon) erakusten eman (to explain) aberekeria (brutality) ele (story): "To find a solution to the agitation he was called
upon to explain the story of brutality".
irksome:, iro-oko-oso-ome, irol (manure) okolu (stable) osoro (total) omenaldi (tribute): "Manure from the
stable was his total tribute".
irrigate: ir.-.ri-iga-ate, ire-eri-iga-ate, ireki (to open) eriontegi (spillway) igartu (to wilt) atertu (to stop): "Open the
spillway to stop the wilting".
itinerary: iti-ine-era-ari, itxi (stop) inertzia (rest) erazko (convenient) arriskugabe (safe): "Stop for a rest at
a convenient safe place".
lamb: .la-am.-.b., ala-ama-abe, alaitsu (joyful) amaigabeki (endlessly) abereborda (sheepfold): "Endlessly joyful in the sheepfold".
leather: (from German Leder), .le-ede-er.: alegina egin (to make an effort) ederki (to take from) eremu (wilderness): "Make an effort to take it from the
legality: .le-ega-ali-iti, alegiņa (do your best) egape (escape) alik (possible) itxiki (to stop): "Do your best to
stop any possible escape".
legislature: .le-egi-isla-atu-ure, ele egin (to talk about) eginahalez (conscientiously) isladatu (to reflect upon) atutxa (better world) urreraketa (drawing closer): "To conscientiously talk about and reflect
upon drawing a better world closer".
lemon: .le-emo-on., ale (fruit) emonkor (prolific) onuragarri (beneficial): "Prolific and beneficial fruit".
lesbian: .le-esbi-an., ileta jo (to complain) ezbide (unreasonableness) anatomia (anatomy, biology): "(He is) complaining about the
unreasonableness of (her) biology".
libido: .li-ibi-ido, ilintitu (to stir up) ibili (to act, to behave) idolatratu (to idolize): "All stirred up he behaved like he was
library: .li-ib.-.ra-ari, eli-ibi-ira-ari, elizdiru (religious duty) ibili (to acquire) irakaskuntza (education) arrigarri (marvellous, admirable): "It
is your religious duty to acquire a marvellous education".
lion: .li-on., ali-one, alienatu (to destroy a person) onean (instantly): "Kills a person
litter: .li-it.-.te-er., ali-ito-ote-era, alienazio (to destroy a person's moral) itoi (pigsty) ote (perhaps) errazkeria (negligence): "A pigsty destroys the moral; perhaps (it is)
liturgy:, eli-itu-ure-egi, eliza (church) iturri (origin) urreraketa (to approach) egia (truth): "The church's
original approach to truth".
lord: .lo-ord., alo-ordu, alogeratu (to engage, contact) ordudun (when needed): "To contact
when in need".
love: .lo-obe, elo-obe, elorritsu (bed of thorns) obe (better than): "(Love is)
better than a bed of thorns".
magic: .ma-agi-ik., ama-agi-ika, ama (Priestess) agindu (to command) ikarakortu (to be afraid of): "Be afraid of the Priestess' command".
malignant:, ema-ali-iga-ana-ano-ote,
emanaldi (performance) alienazio (destruction of a person) igartu (withering) anatomia (anatomy) anormal (abnormal) ote (perhaps): "The destruction
of a person's performance by withering of the anatomy is perhaps
manufacture: .ma-anu-ufa-ak.-.tu-ure, eman (to produce) anu (fainting) ufaztu (to stink) akabu (dead) atun (tuna fish) uregosi (boiling water): "Dead tuna
fish in boiling water produces a fainting stink".
manure: .ma-anu-ure, emanaldi (emission) anu (fainting) urreratu (to draw near): "The emission causes fainting when you draw
marriage: .ma-ar.-.ri-age, emazte (wife, woman) ari (active, occupied) iritsi (to get) ageriki (honestly): "To get an
active woman honestly".
master: .ma-aste-er., emanaldi (performance) astegun (working day) erabaki (to decide): "He decides the performance during the working
mathematics: .ma-ate-ema-ati-ik.-.s.,
ema-ate-ema-ati-ika-ase, eskola eman (to teach) atergabe (constant) eman (to produce) atiki (to memorize) ikaskai (lesson) asezintasun (craving, desire): "Constant teaching produces a desire to
memorize the lessons".
mature: .ma-atu-ure, emantsu (generous) atutxa (evergreen oak forest) urentasun (nobleness): "Generous like the nobleness of the evergreen oak
meaning: me-ani-ing., mende egon (to depend on) anik (often) inguruka (round-about description): "It often depends on a roundabout
meeting: .me-eti-ing., emeriko (peacefully) etiketa (formality) ingurukatu (to gather in a circle): "The formality of peacefully gathering
in a circle".
eme-ene-ezta-aru-ati-ona, eme (female) enea (privacy) ezta (no way) arrunt (vulgar) atxiki (to catch, to collect) onartuezin (unacceptable): "It's female privacy, no way, it's vulgar; to
collect it is unacceptable". (This refers to the use of menstrual blood
in the religious ceremonies of the Asherah religion and some Gnostic groups).
mercenary:; ame-era-ase-ena-ari, ameriketakegin (to make a fortune) erakarri (cause) aserre egin (to fight) -ena (superlative) arriskutsu (dangerous): "He makes a fortune fighting for a most dangerous
militant: .mi-ili-ita-ant., imitatu (to repeat) ilindi (fiery, militant) itaunka (interrogating) antolatzaile (organizer): "Repeat the interrogation
of the fiery organizer".
minstrel: min-.stra-al., (originally minstral), minbera (sentimental) astrapalatsu (loud) alegia (fable, ballad): "Sentimental loud ballad".
mission: .mi-isi-on.; (originally written with one
"s"), umiltasun (humbleness) isilka (quietly) onegite (doing good): "Doing good in
moisture: .mo-oi-istu-ure; umotasun (sensible) oian (wood) iztupaltu (to caulk) uretaratu (to launch): "It is sensible
to caulk the wood before launching (the boat)".
.mo-ome-ent, umore (humorist) omendun (famous) entzunarazi (to pay attention): "The
famous humorist (made them) pay attention".
monastery: .mo-ona-aste-eri, amodiotsu (loving) onarketa (welcome) azaleratu (to show) aterpepetu (to give shelter) erikor (ailing): "We show a loving welcome and give shelter to the
money: .mo-oni, emo-oni, emoi (present) on izan (useful): "Useful
monk: mo-onk., moralezko (moral) onkide (companion doing good works): "Moral companion doing good
moody: .mu-udi, amure egon (to be distrustful) udikan/utikan (go away): "Go away! I don't trust you".
motive: .mo-oti-ibe, umore (humor) otoi (request, please) ibeni (to introduce): "Please introduce (some) humor".
narrative: .na-arra-ati-ibe, inausi (to trim, to abridge) arranguraz (carefully) atikitzaile (faithful) ibeni (to place, put in order):
"To carefully abridge and faithfully put in order."
nation: .na-ati-on., anaia (brothers) atxiki (be loyal to) onibar (land): "Brothers be loyal
to the land".
naughty: na-auk.-.ti, nagusitu (to walk over) aukerako (proper) etika (ethics): "To walk over
proper ethics".
navy: .na-abi, .na-abi, onartu (to authorize) abialdi (departure): "Departure is authorized".
necessary:, onezkero (right
now) esetsi (to attack) esiketa (blockade) izapide (according to plan) arritu (to surprise): "Attack the
blockade right now according to plan to surprise them".
net .ne-et., ene-eta, enetan (always) -eta (bountiful): "Always bountiful".
noble: no-ob.-.le; norbere (my own) obetu (to prefer, to favour) ele (story): "My own favourite
oats to claim
ownership to the land".
obdurate: ob.-.du-ura-ate,
obe-edu-ura-ate, oben egin (to sin) eduki (to have) urratu (to break a law) atergabeki (continually): "He has sinned by breaking the law
obsession:, obe-ese-esi-oni, obe (preferable) esetsi (to attack) esitzaile (besieger) onikatera (to escape unharmed): "It is
preferable to attack the besieger and escape unharmed".
obstinate: ob.-.sti.-ina-ate, oba-azti-ina-ate, oba (better) aztiatu (to foresee) inarrosketa (agitation) aterapen (consequence): "It is better
to foresee the consequences of the agitation".
offense:, ofi-ina-ase, (originally "ofinse"), ofiziale (official) inarrosi (to agitate) aserretsu (furious): "Agitated and furious official".
offer, of.-.fe-er., ofi-ibe-era, ofiziale (craftsman) ibenikunde (introduction) erakarle (attractive): "The craftsman's attractive introduction".
ombudsman, om-bods-man (irregular), omen (honor) abots (voice) manatu (to decide): "The voice of honor decides".
onanism: ona-ani-is.-.m., ona-ani-isu-umo, onargaitz (unescapable) anik (often) isuri (to spill, to waste) umontzi (womb): "It is often
unacceptable to spill (inside) the womb".
opera: ope-era, opetsi (to offer) erakartasun (attraction): "To offer an attraction".
oracle: ora-ak.-.le, ora-ake-ele, oraindanik (from now on, future) akela (priestess) ele (story): "The priestess' story about the future".
orchestra:, ori-ike-este-era, orrits (feast) ikertu (to visit) estekada (fullness, glut) errainutsu (radiant): "Visit the feast
of radiant fullness".
orgasm:, ora-aga-ase-ema, oratu (to grab) aga (long pole) asegaitz (craving) emazte (wife): "He grabbed his
pole, craving for his wife".
orgy:, oro-ogi, orrokatu (to scream) ogipeko (maid): "The maids are screaming".
original: ori-igi-ina-al., origorri (golden yellow) igita (harvest) inarroskatu (to winnow) aletu (to thresh): "The golden-yellow harvest is threshed and
ornament:, ori-ina-ame-ent, orri (paper) inauguratu (to unwrap) ameki (carefully) entzunahi (curiosity): "Carefully
unwrap the paper from the curiosity".
ovation: oba-ati-on., oba (better) atiki (to be loyal to) oneskarri (worthy of respect): "It is
better to be loyal and worthy of respect".
pagan: .pa-aga-an., opari (sacrifice) -aga (with abundance of) anaigo (group of worshippers): "Group of worshippers with an abundance
of sacrifice".
pain: .pa-in, opaisan (pray for) indar (strength): "Pray for strength".
Parliament:, apa-ari-ili-iha-ame-ent, aparteko (special) -ari (cause) ilinti (fiery) ihardukitze (arguing, oratory) ameslari (idealistic) entzungarri (worthy of being heard):
"Fiery and idealistic oratory for a special cause is worthy of being
parson:, apa-are-eso-ongi, apaitz (priest) arrenseskatu (to ask earnestly) esonde (advice) ongietorri (welcome): "Ask the priest earnestly
(for his) welcome advice".
passion: .pa-asi-on, opa (desire) asierako (initial) ondonahi (to make love): "Initial
desire to make love".
pastor:, opa-ase-eto-oro, opa izan (to desire for) asegaitz (craving) etortze (act of coming) oroegile (Creator): "He has a desire
and a craving for the coming of the Creator".
patrimony:, opa-ata-are-emo-oni, (note the vowel
switch, i to e), oparo (rich) aita (father) arrera (welcomes) emon (to give) oniritzi (consent): "The rich father
welcomes the giving of consent".
pauper: pau-aupar., pausagabe (restless) aupari (bold): "Restless and bold person".
peasant: .pe-asa-ant., epe galdu (shortage of time) azaro (planting season) antolakizun (organization): "Shortage of
time during the planting season (requires) organization".
penis: .pe-eni-is., epe luzatu (to prolong) eni (to me, in me) isuri (to spill): "Prolong to
spill in me".
perverse:, ipe-eri-ibe-era-ase, iperdi (buttocks) errizinolio (castor oil) ibeni (to introduce) eragin (to promote) asezina (craving): "Introducing castor oil (between) the buttocks to
promote a craving".
phallus:, apo-oha0ala-alu-uste, apokeria (filthy deed, rape) oha (bed) alabearreko (unavoidable) alu (repulsive) ustelkeria (morally corrupting): "An unavoidable rape in bed is repulsive
and morally corrupting".
pig: .pi-ig., opiltxo (roll, chubby) iges egin (to run away): "Chubby ran away".
pleasure: .p.-.le-asu-ure, apa-ale-asu-ure, aparte (special) alegeratu (to make happy) asuri (newborn lamb) urreratu (to come close to): "It
makes me especially happy to come close to a newborn lamb."
plunder:; opa-alu-una-ade-era, opaezin (undesirable) alukeria (repulsive) unagarri (annoying) adeigabeko (rude) eraso (attack): "Undesirable, repulsive, annoying and rude
politics: .po-ole-eti-ik.-.s., opo-ole-eti-ike-ese, (The original
spelling was poletic.), oposaketa (opposition) olesegin (to call upon) etikoa (formal) ikertzapen (investigation) esetsaldi (attack): "Call upon the
opposition for a formal investigation into the attack".
possession:, opo-ose-ese-esi-ondo, (possesion), oposaketa (antagonism) osezin (which cannot be completed) esetsi (to argue) esibarruti (fence) ondo (one side): "Antagonism and arguing over a fence which cannot
be completed on one side".
prayer: .p.-.rai-er., opa-arai-ere, opa (desire) arraiegun (abstinence) errezu (prayer): "Desire for abstinence and prayer".
precipitate: pre-eki-ipi-ita-ate, premia (necessity) ekin (to persist) ipini (to place, to put) itaun (question) atertu (to clear the air): "There is a necessity to persist placing
questions to clear the air".
president: (anglecized from praecedentium):
.p.-.ra-ese-ede-en.-.ti-um., apa-ara-ese-ede-enu-uti-umo, (see Auraicept na n'Eces line 5085, page 259): aparteko (special) arazo (task) esetsi (to attack) ederrak hartu (to defeat): enulkeria (slothfulness) utikan (to drive away) umoretxar (moodiness): "It is a
special task to attack and defeat slothfulness and drive away
priest: .p.-.ri-ist., apa-ari-iztu, apaiz (priest) ariketa (assignment) iztun (talker, communicator): "The priest's assignment is to be a
opo-oro-oki-ila-ama-ati-onu, opor (time off) oroitarazi (to commemorate) okitu (entire) ilarteko (lifetime) ama (mother) atxikimendu (loyalty) onuts (wonderful): "Take time off
to commemorate mother's entire lifetime of wonderful loyalty".
professional:, apa-aro-ofi-isi-ona-alo, (note
spelling change), aparte (especially) arrotsu (proud) ofiziale (craftsman) isilmandatu (secret) onartu (acceptable) alokairu (salary): "The (trade) secret of an especially proud craftsman
(calls for) an acceptable salary".
prolific:, apu-uro-oli-ife-eku, (vowel switch from
"e" to "i"), apurtu (to break) urontzi (container) olio (oil) ifernu (damned) ekurugaitasun (worry): "The broken oil
container is a damned worry".
prophesy:, apo-oro-opi-ihe-ezi, apokeria (insult) oroegile (Creator) opio (opium) iheska (escaping) ezinbeste (fate): "It insults the Creator (to use) opium to escape from
your fate".
protocol:, opa-aro-oto-oko-olo, oparitu (to give) arrotzari (innkeeper) otoi (request) okolu (stable) oloztatu (to feed oats): "Give the inkeeper the request to feed (the
horse) oats in the stable".
province:, apa-aro-obe-eni-ike, (from French:
provence), aparteko (special) arroztiar (hospitable) obegipeko (favourite) eni (to me) ikertu (to visit): "This especially
hospitable place is a favourite for me to visit".
prurient:, epa-aru-uri-ent, epaipetu (to judge) arrunt (vulgar) urrikalgarri (to be pitied) entzuera (reputation): "Judged to be
vulgar and of pitiable reputation".
pudendum: .pu-ude-endu-um., ipurterre (impatient) udetxe (summer cottage) endurtu (to damage, to rupture) umontzi (hymen): "Impatient in the
summer cottage to rupture the hymen".
pure: .pu-ure, ipu (moral) urentasun (nobleness): "Moral nobleness".
puzzle: .pu-uz.-.le, apu-usa-ale, apur (a bit) usainhartu (to guess right) alegera (to be happy): "A bit of guessing-right makes me happy".
pyramid: .pi-ira-ami-id.; epika (epic) iragartzapen (to prophesy) amildu destruction) ideiadura (ideology): "The epic prophesied the destruction of our
realize: .re-ali-ize, urreratu (to come close to) alik (possible) izenpetu (to sign): "We come close to the possible signing (of the
rebuttal: .re-ebu-ut.-.ta-al., ere-ebu-utzi-ita-ala, erreakzio (reaction) (e)buruharro (conceited) utziketa (omission) itaundu (to ask) alatu (to cause pain): "His conceited reaction was to question the
omission just to cause pain".
recognition:, are-eko-ogu-uni-ixi-one, arrera (reception) ekonomo (administrator) oguzi (to speak out loud) unibertsal (everyone) ixilik (be quiet) on esan (to praise someone): "At the
reception the administrator loudly asked everyone to be quiet so he could
give praise".
regular: .re-egu-ule er., (was reguler), arrezkero (from then on) egunero (every day) ulerbide (example) erreztu (to make easy): "Every day
from then on give an easy example".
relation: .re-ela-ati-on, errez (simple) ela (word) atxiki (to be loyal to) ondoretasun (lineage, family): "Simple
word to be loyal to the family".
reliable: .re-eli-i.a-ab.-.le, ere-eli-iha-aba-ale, erregutzaile (prayer) elizkoitu (to be pious) iharrosi (to move, to change) abaildura (weariness) alegera (rejoicing): "Pious prayer changes weariness into
religion: .re-eli-igi-on, erein (to sow) eliza (church) igita (to harvest) ongietorri (welcome): "Sowing the church's welcome harvest".
renovate: .re-eno-oba-ate, erremindu (to burn out) enora (wart) oba (better) aterapen (results): "Burning-out warts gives better results".
response:; errepika (tolling of the bells) esposaberri (newlywed) onarpen (reception) asetze (satiating, memorable): "The
tolling bells (will announce) a memorable reception for the
newlyweds". (In Basque the tolling of the bells more completely is: kanpaien (bells) errepika (repetitive) zaratatsua (boisterous).
resurrection: .re-esu-urre-ek.-.ti-on., are-ezu-ure-eka-ati-one, arrentza (prayer) ezurruts (body, skeleton) urreratu (to approach) ekarrarazi (to cause to bring) atiki (faithful) onespen (blessings): "Approach the
body with a prayer and bring faithful blessings".
revelation: .re-ebe-ela-ati-on.; arrerosle (Redeemer) ebertar (Hebrew) ela (story) atxikimendu (faithfulness) oneste (blessing): "The Hebrew Redeemer's story of faithfulness and
revolve:, ere-ebo-olo-obe, erreminta (tool) eboluzionatu (to develop) olo (oats) obetu (to improve): "Develop a tool
to improve the oats. (i.e. a rolled-oats mill)".
ritual: .ri-itxu-al., ori-itxu-ala, orrits (feast) itxura (appearance) alatzritsu (miraculous): "Feast of the miraculous appearance".
root: .ru-ut, aru-ut, arrunki (simple) utzarazi (to stay behind): "(The root) simply stays behind".
royal: .ro-oia-al, aroitarazi (to commemorate) oian (forest) altxamendu (insurrection): "Commemorate
the forest insurrection". (This may be related to Robin Hood's
activities in the Sherwood forest.)
rude: .ru-ude, arrunt (coarse, vulgar) urde (male pig): "Vulgar male pig".
sanctuary: .sa-an.-.k.-.tu-ari,
asa-ani-ike-etsitu-ari (irregular), asagotu (to go far away) anitz (many) ikertu (to visit) etsitu (to despair) arinari eman (to escape): "Many come from far away to stay here, desperate
to escape".
semen: .se-eme-en., asetu (to fill) emeriko (smoothly) eni (me): "Fill me
senate: .se-ena-ate, esetsi (to argue) -ena (verbal suffix expressing future) atergabeki (incessantly): "(They) will argue incessantly".
sensual:, ase-eni-isu-alu, asegaitz (craving) eni (to me, in me) isuri (to spill) alu (vulva): "(I have a) craving
in me to spill in a vulva".
service:; ese-era-abi-ike, esetsi (to attack) eragozkarri (problem) abiatu (to begin) ikertu (to investigate): "Attack
the problem by beginning the investigation".
severe: .se-ebe-ere, aserre (angry) ebertar (Hebrew, Jew) erreakzio (reaction): "Angry reaction
from the Jew".
sex: (seks), .se-ek.-.s., ase-eko-oso, asezin (craving) ekoizpen (fruitfulness) oso (simple): "A craving for simple fruitfulness".
shark: .xa-ark., uxaketa (shooing away) arkitu (to encounter): "Shooing away the encounter".
shelf: xe-el.-.f., xe-ela-afa, xedatu (to select) ela (story) afa (happy): "Select a happy story".
sinecure: .si-ine-eku-ure; (provides revenue without having to work
for it); isil (reserved) inertzia (passiveness) ekurutasun (peace of mind) urentasun (nobility): "Reserved passiveness gives peace of mind to the
society: .so-oki-eti, oso (sincere) okitu (complete) etikoa (ethical): "Completely
sincere and ethical".
sofa: .so-ofa, osoro (completely) oba (comfortable, natural): "Completely comfortable".
solution: (pronounced soljution) .so-ola-aju-uti-on., isolamendu (isolation) ola (cabin) ajuria (heatherfield) utikan (get away) onespen (blessing): "Getting away to the isolation of a cabin in the
heather field is a blessing".
son: .so-on., eso-one, esonde (advice) onezko (beneficial): "Beneficial advice".
sorrow: so-oro, so'il (alone) oro (all): "All alone".
ase-epe-esi-iha-ali-iza-ati-one, aserrarazi (to fight) epemuga (decisive) esiketa (blockade) ihardun (to keep busy) alienazio (to destroy the moral) izapide (tactics) atiki (to adhere to) onen (very best): "To fight a decisive blockade we must keep busy
destroying their moral and adhere to the very best tactics".
spin: .spi-in., azpitabestu (to entwine) ingiratu (to prepare): "To entwine in preparation".
sterile: .s.-.te-eri-ile, osa-ate-eri-ile, osagaitz (incurable) ateka (situation) erion (flowing from, resulting from) ilegabezia (baldness): "Incurable situation resulting from baldness".
stop:, esa-ato-opo, esau (saying) atondu (to be prepared) oposatu (opposition): "It says to be prepared for opposition".
Incidentally: halt: .ha-al.-.t., (German equivalent of "stop"),
oha-ala-ate: ohar (warning) alabeharreko (unavoidable) aterakeria (abrupt command): "Warning!
Unavoidable abrupt command!"
storm: .sto-orm., ozto-orma, oztopo (impediment, problem) ormazulo (hole in the wall): "The
hole in the wall is a problem".
strength:.ster-eng-tz, izterbegi (enemy) engainakor (false) aitzakitu (promises): "The enemy's
false promises".
sublime:, isu-ubi-ili-ime, isuri (to flow, to spill) ubide (waterpipe, canal) ilintitu (to revive, to restore) imilaun (measure, volume): "The flow
(through) the waterpipe is restored in volume".
suffer: .su-ufa-ar, (vowel change from a to e): isurbera (running) ufaldi (panting) arramaka (crying): "Running, panting and crying".
sugar: .su-uga-ar., isuri (flowing) ugari (abundant) aratz (pure): "Flowing abundant
and pure". (This sounds like maple syrup: zugar = elm, rowan).
summons:, isu-ume-emo-one-esa, isurbera (running) ume (child) emon (to give an order) oneratu (to come here) esana egin (to obey): "Give the running child the order to come here and
supervision:, isu-upa-ara-abi-isi-ondu, (note
vowel change), isurgai (liquid) upara (store in vats) arrataz (carefully) abiatu (beginning) isil (slow) ondu (maturing): "Carefully storing the liquid in vats is only the
beginning of the slow maturing process".
swelling:, ise-ela-ali-ingu, iseka egin (to make fun of) elastiko (swelling, bump) alizan (noticeable) ingurualdi (round): "Making fun of a
noticeable round bump".
symphony: .si-im.-.p.-.ho-oni, isi-ima-apa-aho-oni, isiltarte (a moment of silence) imajina (idol, celebrity) apal (humble) ahozuriketa (adulation, ovation) oniritzi (acceptance, approval): "(After) a moment of silence the humble
celebrity accepted the ovation".
system: .si-iste-em., esinguratu (to surround) izterbegi (enemy) eman (to beat): "Surround the
enemy to beat him".
talkative: .ta-al.-eka-ati-ib.,
ata-ale-eka-ati-ibi, atalgabeko (simple) alegera (joy) ekarri (to bring) atiki (to catch) ibilkera (the spirit): "Simple joy is
brought by catching the spirit".
taxation: (taksation), ita-aka-aza-ati-onda, itaundu (to demand) akabu (ultimate) azartu (to dare) atxiki (to seize) ondasun (assets): "Demand the ultimate and dare to seize the
testament: .te-esta-ame--ent; etekin (profitable) eztabaida (discussion) ames (hopeful anticipation) entzunmin (anxious to hear): "Anxious
to hear the profitable discussion with hopeful anticipation".
testicle: .te-esti-ik.-.le, ate-esti-iko-ole, aterpetu (to protect) estimagarri (valuable) iko (lump, ball) oles egin (to call upon, for future use):
"Protect the balls for future use".
theatre:, ote-ato-ore, ote (perhaps) ator (to come) orekari (tightrope walker): "Perhaps come to (see) the tightrope
totem: .to-otu-ume (from totum), etorki (lineage, clan) otu (to come to mind) ume (child):
"The lineage of the children comes to mind".
tree: .t.-.ri, eto-ori, ongi-etorri (welcome) orritsa (foliage): "Welcome foliage".
tribute: t.-.ri-ib.-.ju-ute, ta-ari-ibi-uju-ut, taldeburu (group leader) arrigarrizko (amazing) ibitu (to ford a river) uju (shout of joy) utsitu (to let out, bring out): "The group-leader's amazing crossing
of the river brought out shouts of joy".
trust:; ita-aru-ust, itaundu (to ask) arrunt (simple) uste ukan (to have faith): "Ask simply to have faith".
'ubiquitous', ubi - iku - ito - us. (
meaning periodic, recurring): ubil (whirlpool) ikustatu (act of watching) itoarazi (to drown) usa (dove/holy man): "Watching
the drowning of the holy man in the whirlpool".
ugly:, uge-eli, ugerdo (dirty) elikatura (food): "Dirty food".
ukulele: uku-ule-ele, ukurtu (to go bad) ulerbide (example) eleiza (church): "A bad example in
the church".
ulcer:, uli-ike-eri, uli (coward) ikertu (to examine) eri (illness): "Examine the coward's illness".
ulterior: ul.-.te-eri-or., ule-ete-eri-oro, ulertu (to understand) etekin (benefit) eri (illness) orobateko (similar): "Understanding it
would benefit other illnesses".
umbrage: um.-.b.-.ra-age, ume-eba-ara-age, ume (young) ebasle (thief) arauhausle (violator) ager (notorious): "The young
thief is a notorious violator".
unabashed: una-aba-ase-ed., unadura (boredom) abade (priest) asegaitz (craving) edan (to drink): "When bored the
priest had a craving to drink".
unabated: una-aba-ate-ed., unadura (boredom) abade (priest) atera (to get) edanda (drunk): "The bored priest got drunk".
unable: una-ab.-.le, una-aba-ale, unatu (to get tired) abantari (rower) alegiņa (to make an effort): "The tired rower made an effort".
una-ake-ese-epa-ata-aba-ale, unagarri (annoying) akela (witch) esetsaldi (attack) epaile (judge) atadi (main entrance) abadune (opportunity) alegin (to attempt): "The annoying
witch had the opportunity to attempt an attack on the judge by the main
una-aka-ako-ome-epa-ani-eda, unagarri (annoying) akabu (death) akordiotu (to cause) omenka (according to) epaile (judge) anik (many) edabe (drinks): "The annoying
death was caused, according to the judge, by many drinks".
unaccountable: una-ak.-.ko-un.-.ta-ab.-.le,
una-aka-ako-uni-ita-abu-ule, unagarri (annoying) akabu (death) akordiotu (to cause) unibersal (general) itaunketa (interrogation) aburu (opinion) ulertu (to ponder): "The pondered
opinion was that the annoying death was caused during the general
una-aka-aku-usa-ato-ome-eda, unagarri (annoying) akabu (death) akuilatu (to motivate) usadio (custom, habit) atondu (to arrange) omendatu (to pay tribute) edan (drink): "The annoying death
was motivated by the habit to arrange the paying of tribute with
una-aka-aki-ino-ole-edi-ige-ede, unagarri (annoying) akabu (death) akiakula (excuse) inolaz (somehow) oles egin (to call upon) ediren (evidence) iges egin (to evade) ederra sartu (to mislead): "The annoying
death was somehow excused by calling upon evasive and misleading
unacquainted: una-aku-ai-in.-.te-ed., una-aku-ai-ina-ate-edi, unatu (to get tired) akuilatu (to urge) aipatu (to refer to) inauguratu (to open) aterpe (shelter) ediren (to find): "I am tired and
urge you to refer me to find an open shelter".
unadorned:, una-ado-oro-one-eda, unagarri (annoying) adoratu (to worship) oroegile (Creator) oneratu (to come here) edanda (drunk): "It is annoying to worship the Creator when coming
here drunk".
unalterable: una-al.-.te-era-ab.-.le, una-ala-ate-era-abo-ole, unagarri (annoying) alabehar (fate) ateratu (to leave) eraile (murderer) aboskatu (to proclaim) oleazio (last rites): "It is
annoying to have to leave the murderer to his fate while proclaiming the last
unarmed:, una-are-eme-eda, unatu (to get tired) arrera egin (to receive) emeriko (peacefully) edan (drink): "Tired, he was
received peacefully for a drink".
urge:, ura-age, urrago (closer) agerbide (signal, sign): "Signal (to come) closer".
uterus: ute-eru-us., uts-egin (to be absent, to miss) errutar (season, period) usu (often): "(She) often misses
her period".
vacation: .ba-aka-ati-on, ebaskindegi (hide-out) akabu (special) atxikidura (family ties) onegin (to benefit): "Special
hide-out to benefit family ties".
vagina: .ba-agi-ina, abadune (opportunity) agian (I hope) inauguratu (to open): "I hope to open
an opportunity".
validate: .ba-al-ida-ate, ebaluatu (to appreciate) al izan (capable) idazkari (secretary) aterpe (protection): "Have it appraised by a capable secretary for
your protection".
venereal: .be-ene-ere-al., abegi egin (to welcome) eneņo (my dear) eregu indulging) alu (vulva): "My dear is welcome to indulge in my vulva".
vicar: .bi-ika-ar., abiatu (to begin) ikaserazi (to teach) araubide (discipline): "He begins
with teaching discipline".
violate: .bi-i.o-ola-ate, abi-iho-ola-ate, abiratu (to run towards) ihortziri (thunder) olano (small hut) aterpe (shelter): "The thunder
(made us) run towards a small hut for shelter".
visit: .bi-isi-it, ibili (to behave) isil (quietly) itzalgarri (respectful): "Behave
quietly and respectful".
voluptious: bolu-uptxo-us., (irregular construction), boludun (miller) upeltxo (barrel) usantza (habit, shape): "The miller's barrel shape".
walk: al.-.k., ali-ike, al izan (capable) ikertu (to visit): "(He is) capable
to visit".
window:, ina-ado, (the "w's" are meaningless), inauguratu (to open up) adoretu (to encourage, please):
"Please open up".
witch: itch, itxuraldatu (to change shape): "(She)
changes shape".
witty: used to be wittoy: it.-.toi, ito-otoi, ito (to laugh a lot) otoiztegi (oratory, speech): "The
speech made me laugh a lot".
worship: or.-.shi-ip.; ori-ixi-ipu, orrits (feast) ixil (quiet) ipurgarbiketa (adulation): "Feast of quiet adulation".
yacht: .ia-ak.-.t., eia-aka-ate, eia (let's go, come on!) akabu (perfect) aterrune (the weather is clearing): "Let's go, it's perfect, the weather
is clearing".
year: .ie-ar., aie-ari, aienatu (to slip away) ariņeketan (very fast): "Slips away very fast".
yearn: .ie-ar.-.n., aie-aru-une, aienatu (to disappear) aruntz-onuntz ibili (to wander, to
rove) unetxo (short distance): "(He/she)
disappeared after wandering a short distance".
yeast: .ie-ast., aie-asti, aier izan (to have a tendency to) astintasun (fluffiness): "It has a tendency to fluffiness"., aie-eho-oma-ani, aiene egin (to grieve) ehortze (funeral) oma (grandmother) ani (many): "Many grieved at
grandmother's funeral".
yellow: .ie-el.-.lo, aie-ela-alo, aierutsu (suspicious) ela (story, tale) alogereko (mercenary): "Suspicious mercenary tale".
yes: .ie-es., aie-eze, aiertu (to tend to) ezergabe (the needy): "Tend to the needy".
yesterday: .ie-este-er.-.da-a.i, aie-este-ere-eda-ahi, aieneka (grieving) estemin (intestinal pain) eregu (indulging) edate (drinking) ahituezin (endless): "Grieving from intestinal pain after indulging in
endless drinking".
yonder: .jo-ondar (note the vowel shift), ajola izan (to take care) ondarreratu (to go to the beach): "Take
care when you go to the beach".
youth: .jo-ut.-.h., ajo-uti-iha, ajola izan (to take care) utikan (to go away) ihaute (carnival): "Take care when you go to the carnival".
zealot: .ze-alo-ot., eze-alo-oto, ezetza eman (give a negative response, say no) alogereko (mercenary) otoizbera (devout): "Say no to the
devout mercenary".
zebra: ze-eb.-.ra, ze-ebo-ora, zerrendak (stripes) eboluzionatu (to evolve) orratio (being surprised): It's surprising that it evolved stripes.
zenith: .ze-eni-it.-.h., eze-eni-iti-ihe, ezelan (somehow) eni (to me) itxi (to be thrown) ihesindar (centrifical force):
"Somehow it looks to me as if (the stars) were thrown by centrifugal
zero: .ze-ero, eze-ero, ezerez (nothing at all) erori (to fall to, to drop to): "Dropped to nothing at all".
zest: .ze-est., oze-esti, ozendu (to make one's voice resound) estima (appreciation): "To make one's voice resound with
zinc: .zi-in.-.k., azi-inu-uki, azido (acid) inurritu (to feel prickly) ukitu (to touch): "With acid it feels prickly to the touch".
zodiak: .zo-odi-ak., -azo (to make) odi (tube, round hole) akabu (perfect): "Make a perfectly
round circle".
zulu: .zu-ulu, izu-ulu,izuarazi (to intimidate) uluka egon (to howl): "To intimidate they howl".