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                                                          EDO NYLAND’S RESEARCH


                                                                      (Please also see Reviews)



       It is often possible to gain some insight into human migrations from ancient place names in a particular area and the languages spoken there.   An ancient language form that originated in the West African area among ancient civilizations was intensively studied by Nyland (2001).  He found that many words used to describe names of places and things in many parts of the world are closely related to the ancient language, which he named "Saharan".  The Basque Language is a close relative of the original Saharan.  Following are links to Nyland's research with languages that indicate prehistoric origins and travels of people around the world. [Also see Human Migrations & Language and Igbo VCV Dictionary ]


          Please CLICK  on subject to view:


#1.   A Brief Biography-1927-1982


#2.   Ainu-Basque Relationship


#3.   Alcuin in England


#4.   Alcuin in Germany


#5.   Basque & Linear B


#6.   Basque & The Bible


#7.   Basque-Dravidian Compared


#8.   Benedictine Monks


#9.   Classifying World Languages


#10.  Edo Nyland's Linguistics


#11.  Eskimo-Basque Relationship


#12.  Hebrew


#13.  History in Biblical Names


#14.  Horse Creek Petroglyph


#15.  Hidden Sentences in English


#16.  Indo-European Linguistics


#17.  Irish History


#18.  Latin


#19.  Language & Migrations


#20.  Literary & the Auraicept


#21.  Neolithic Saharan Languige


#22.  Ogam In Ireland


#23.  Ogam in Scotland


#24.  Old Egyptian


#25.  Origin of Dutch


#26.  Origin of English


#27.  Origin of German


#28.  Origin of Greek


#29.  Origin of Slavic Names


#30.  Origin of Spanish



#31.  Origin of Sumerian


#32.  Origin of Yiddish


#33.  Place Names of the World


#34.  Revised English  Dictionaryy


#35.  Rh-Negative Blood Types


#36.  Sanscript


#37.  The Odyssey


#38.  The Ogam Script


#39.  The Sea Peoples


#40.  The Witch Burnings


#41.  Timeless Society


#42.  Translating Ogam


#43.  Turn the World Around


#44.  Vowel-Consonant-Vowel Dictionary


#45.  What is Ogam?


#46.  Why did Odysseus Go?



   Other Subjects:   Basque Place Names in America, Africa & The Pacific,  Human Migrations & Language




For greater detail, please refer to:


          Nyland, Edo.  2001.  Linguistic Archaeology: An
               Introduction.   Trafford Publ., Victoria, B.C., Canada.

               ISBN 1-55212-668-4. 541 p. [ see abstract & summary]


          Nyland, Edo.  2002.  Odysseus and the Sea Peoples: A

               Bronze Age History of Scotland  Trafford Publ., Victoria,

               B.C., Canada.  307 p.   [see abstract & summary].