Mak, Vincent, Rami Zwick and
Akshay R. Rao (2010), “Pay what you want” as a profitable
pricing strategy: Theory and experimental evidence”
Publications in Journals:
Mak, Vincent and Rami Zwick
(in press), “Experimenting and Learning with Localized
Direct Communication,” Experimental
Economics. download
Xu, Alison Jing, Rami Zwick and Norbert Schwarz
(2011), “Washing away your (good or bad) luck: Physical
cleansing affects risk-taking behavior [Brief Report],” Journal of Experimental
Psychology: General, Advance online publication.
doi: 10.1037/a0023997. download
Robin, Amnon Rapoport and
Rami Zwick (2011), “Experimental comparison of two
multiple-stage contest designs with asymmetric players,” Public Choice, 147:
305-329. download
Mak, Vincent and Rami Zwick
(2010), “Investment Decisions and Coordination Problems in a
Market with Network Externalities: An Experimental Study,”Journal
of Economic Behavior and Organization,
76(3), 759-773. download
Rapoport, Amnon, Stein,
William E., Vincent Mak, Rami Zwick and Darryl A. Seale
(2010), “Endogenous Arrivals in Batch Queues with Constant
or Variable Capacity,” Transportation
Part B, 44(10), 1166–1185. download
Mak, Vincent, and Rami Zwick (2009).
“Confidentially yours”: Restricting information flow between
trustees enhances trust-dependent transactions,” Journal of Economic Behavior
and Organization,70,
Stein, William E., Amnon Rapoport, Darryl A.
Seale, Hongtao Zhang and Rami Zwick (2007), "Batch Queues
with Choice of Arrivals: equilibrium analysis and
experimental study," Games
and Economic Behavior,
59, 345–363. download
Rapoport, Amnon, Vincent Mak and Rami Zwick
(2006), “Navigating
Congested Networks with Variable Demand: Experimental
Evidence,” Journal of Economic Psychology,27, 648–666. download
Zwick, Rami, Amnon Rapoport, Alison King Chung
Lo and A. V. Muthukrishnan (2003), "Consumer Search: Not
Enough Or Too Much?" Marketing Science, 22(4), 503-519. download
Cooper, David J., Nick Feltovich, Alvin
E. Roth and Rami Zwick (2003), "Relative versus Absolute
Speed of Adjustment in Strategic Environments: Responder
Behavior in Ultimatum Games," Experimental Economics,
6, 181–207. download
Zwick, Rami and Amnon Rapoport (2002),
"Tacit Coordination in a Decentralized Market Entry Game
with Fixed Capacity," Experimental Economics, 5,
253-272. download
Chakravarti et al., (2002), "Auctions:
Research Opportunities In Marketing," Marketing Letters,
13(3), August 2002. (This paper is based on session’s
proceedings at the UC-Berkeley 2001 Choice Symposium held at
the AsilomarConferenceCenter, June 1-5,
2001) download
Rapoport, Amnon, Alison King Chung Lo and
Rami Zwick (2002), "Choice of Prizes Allocated by Multiple
Lotteries with Endogenously Determined Probabilities," Organizational
Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 87(1),
180-206. download
Zwick, Rami, Eythan Weg and Amnon
Rapoport (2000), "Invariance failure under subgame
perfectness in sequential bargaining," Journal of
Economic Psychology, 21(5), 517-544. download
Herschlag, Miriam and Rami Zwick (2000),
"Internet Auctions: a popular and professional literature
review," Quarterly Journal of Electronic Commerce,
1(2), 161-186. download
Zwick, Rami and Xiao-Ping Chen (1999),
"What Price Fairness? A Bargaining Study," Management
Science, 45(6), 804-823. download
Zwick, Rami and Ching Chyi Lee (1999),
"Bargaining and search: An experimental study," Group
Decision and Negotiation, 8 (6), 463-487.
Bolton, Gary, Elena Katok and
Rami Zwick (1998), "Dictator game giving: Fairness versus
random acts of kindness," The International Journal of
Game Theory, 27(2), 269-299. download
Weg, Eythan, Rami Zwick and Amnon
Rapoport (1996), "Bargaining in uncertain environments: A
systematic distortion of perfect equilibrium demands," Games
Behavior, 14, 260-286. download
Zwick, Rami, Rik Pieters and Hans
Baumgartner (1995), "On the practical significance of
hindsight bias: the expectancy-disconfirmation model of
consumer satisfaction," Organizational Behavior and
Human Decision Processes, 64(1), 103-117. download
Rapoport, Amnon, Ido Erev and Rami Zwick
(1995), "An experimental study of buyer-seller negotiation
with one sided incomplete information and time discounting,"
Management Science, 41(3), 377-394. download
Bolton, Gary E. and Rami Zwick (1995), "Anonymity
versus punishment in ultimatum bargaining," Games and
Economic Behavior, 10, 95-121. download
Weg, Eythan and Rami Zwick (1994),
"Toward the settlement of the fairness issue in ultimatum
games: A bargaining approach," Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization,
24, 19-34. download
Fisher, Ann, William J. Wheeler and Rami
Zwick (1993), "Experimental methods in agricultural and
resource economics: How useful are they?" Agricultural
and Resource Economics Review, 22(1), 103-116. download
Wallsten, Thomas S., David V. Budescu and
Rami Zwick (1993), "Calibration and coherence of numerical
and verbal probability judgments," Management Science,
39, 176-190. download
Wallsten Tom, David Budescu, Rami Zwick
and Steven Kemp (1993), "Preferences and reasons for
communicating probabilistic information in verbal or
numerical terms," Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society,
31, 135-138. download
Zwick, Rami, Amnon Rapoport and John C.
Howard (1992), "Two-person sequential bargaining behavior
with exogenous breakdown," Theory and Decision, 32,
241-268. download
Weg, Eythan and Rami Zwick (1991), "On
the robustness of perfect equilibrium in fixed cost
sequential bargaining under isomorphic transformation," Economics
Letters, 36, 21-24. download
Budescu, David V., Rami Zwick, Thomas S.
Wallsten and Ido Erev (1990), "Integration of linguistic
probabilities," International Journal of Man-Machine
Studies, 33, 657-676. download
Zwick, Rami and Thomas S. Wallsten
(1989), "Combining stochastic uncertainty and linguistic
inexactness: Theory and experimental evaluation of four
fuzzy probability models," International
Journal of Man Machine Studies, 30, 69-111. download
Zwick, Rami. (1988), "The evaluation of
verbal models," International Journal of Man-Machine
Studies, 29, 149-157. download
Rapoport, Amnon, Rami Zwick and Sandra G.
Funk (1988), "Selection of portfolios with risky and
riskless assets: Experimental tests of two expected utility
models," Journal
Psychology, 9, 169-194. download
Zwick, Rami, Edward Carlstein and David
V. Budescu (1987), "Measures of similarity among fuzzy
concepts: A comparative analysis,"
International Journal of
Approximate Reasoning, 1, 221-242. download
Zwick, Rami (1987), "A note on random
sets and Thurstonian scaling methods," Fuzzy Sets and
Systems, 21, 351-356. download
Budescu, David V., Rami Zwick and Amnon
Rapoport (1986), "Comparison of the analytic hierarchy
process and the geometric mean procedure for ratio scaling,"
Applied Psychological Measurement, 10,
69-78. download
Wallsten, Thomas S., David V. Budescu,
Amnon Rapoport, Rami Zwick and Barbara Forsyth (1986),
"Measuring the vague meaning of probability terms," Journal
of Experimental Psychology: General, 115,
348-365. download
Zwick, Rami and Amnon Rapoport (1985),
"Relative gain maximization in sequential 3-person
characteristic function games," Journal of Mathematical
Psychology, 29, 333-359. download
Rami and Vincent Mak (2012), “Gaming with Fairness: Some
Conjectures on Behavior in Alternating Offer Bargaining
Experiments,” in Gary Bolton and Rachel Croson (Eds.) Conflict Resolution Handbook,Oxford University
Press. pp. 91-107. download
Lee, Ching Chyi, Eythan Weg and Rami
Zwick (2005), “Failure of Bayesian updating in repeated
bilateral bargaining,” in Amnon Rapoport and Rami Zwick
(Eds.), Experimental Business Research, Vol. 2:
Economic and Managerial Perspectives, Springer:
Dordrecht, The Netherlands, pp. 249-260. download
Parco James E., Amnon Rapoport, Darryl A.
Seale, William E. Stein and Rami Zwick (2004), “Sealed-Bid
Double-auctions: Revealing Information in Multistage
Bargaining,” in Steffen Huck (Ed.) Advances in
Understanding Strategic Behaviour: Game Theory,
Experiments, and Bounded Rationality.Essays in Honour of Werner Güth, Palgrave
Macmillan: UK, pp.
209-234. download
Zwick, Rami, Amnon Rapoport and Alison King
Chung Lo (2002), "Behavioral strategies in repeated pure
coordination games," In R. Zwick and A. Rapoport (Eds.) Experimental
Business Research. New York: Kluwer,
pp.135-166. download
Gary E Bolton, Jordi Brandts, Elena Katok, Axel
Ockenfels and Rami Zwick (2008), "Testing theories of
other-regarding behavior: A sequence of four laboratory
studies," in Charles R. Plott and Vernon L. Smith (Eds.) The
Handbook of Experimental Economics Results, North
Holland: Amsterdam. pp. 488-499. download
Rapoport, A. and Zwick, R. (2000). Game
theory. In A. E. Kazdin (Ed.), Encyclopedia of
Psychology. New York:
Press, 424-426.
Zwick, Rami, Ido Erev and David Budescu (1999)
"The Psychological and Economical Perspectives on Human
Decisions in Social and Interactive Contexts," In Budescu,
Erev and Zwick (Eds.), Games and Human Behavior: Essays
in honor of Amnon Rapoport. Lawrence
Erlbaum Associates: New Jersey, pp. 3-20.
Weg, Eythan and Rami Zwick (1999), "Infinite
horizon bargaining games: Theory and experiments," In
Budescu, Erev and Zwick (Eds.), Games and Human
Behavior: Essays in honor of Amnon Rapoport. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates: New Jersey,
pp. 259-296. download
Stein, William E. and Rami Zwick (1988), "Fuzzy
random variables," in Combining Fuzzy Imprecision with
Probabilistic Uncertainty in Decision Making, Lecture
Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems, Vol. 310,
Eds. Janusz Kacprzyk and Mario Fedrizzi, New York:
Springer-Verlag, pp. 66-74.
Zwick, Rami, David V. Budescu and Thomas S.
Wallsten (1988), "An empirical study of the integration of
linguistic probabilities," in Fuzzy Sets in Psychology,
ed. Tamas Zetenyi,
New York:
Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., pp. 91-125.
Refereed conference proceedings:
Zwick, Rami
and Eythan Weg (2000), "An experimental study of
buyer-seller negotiation: Self-interest versus
other-regarding behavior," In Stephen J. Hoch and Robert
Meyer (eds.), Advances in Consumer Research, Vol 27,
Provo, UT: Association for Consumer Research, 190-195. download
Lang, Bodo,
Christina Kwai-Choi Lee and Rami Zwick (1999), "Message
Sidedness at the Brand and Product Form Levels: Overcoming
the Shortcoming of Two-sided Messages?" In Eric J. Arnould
and Linda M. Scott (eds.), Advances in Consumer Research,
Vol 26, Provo,
Association for Consumer Research, 485-490. download
Pieters, Rik
and Rami Zwick (1993), "Hindsight bias in the context of a
consumption experience," European Advances in Consumer
Research, Volume 1, June 11-14, 1992, Amsterdam,
The Netherlands. pp. 307-311.