
—  March 13-14, 2025 - Total Lunar Eclipse —
total lunar eclipse March 2025
Moon over Riverside, CA
Canon 800mm RF lens with Canon R6mkII
—  January 13, 2025 - Another Lunar Occulation of Mars —
Moon and Mars over Riverside, CA
Canon 800mm RF lens with Canon R6mkII
—  November 19, 2024 - Melissa joins the lab!  —
Melissa Guthrie
We are excited to have Melissa join the Maduro Lab as a CMDB PhD student!
—  October 14, 2024 - Comet Tsuchinshan-ATLAS  —
Comet Tsuchinshan-ATLAS
Comet Tsuchinshan-ATLAS over Riverside, CA
Canon 28-70mm f/2.8 RF lens with Canon R6mkII
—  September 17, 2024 - Partial lunar eclipse —
partial lunar eclipse 9-17-2024
Moon in partial eclipse over Riverside, CA
Canon 800mm f/11 RF lens with Canon R6mkII
—  August 28, 2024 - RISE presentations —
summer students 2024
summer students 2
Summer RISE presentations!
Top: Dylan, Allison and Kortney at Dylan's poster. Bottom: Kortney and Allison give their talk.
—  June 17-20, 2024 - EvoWorm Meeting in Vienna —
EvoWorm 2024
2024 Worm Evolution Meeting at the Vienna BioCenter in Vienna, Austria.
Clockwise from upper left: Group image; MM with Ron Ellis; Gina at our poster; Gina with Oliver Hobert and André Pires da Silva;
meeting organizers Yen-Ping Hsueh, Amanda Gibson, Gavin Woodruff, Erik Andersen, and Alejandro Burga
—  May 15, 2024 - Video of Total Eclipse Experience —

A video of our eclipse experience of April 8, 2024, from multiple camera views.
—  April 30, 2024 - Visiting with Brock Grill —
Brock Grill
Enjoying a visit with Brock Grill from Seattle Children's Hospital.
—  April 8, 2024 - Total Solar Eclipse! —
Total Solar Eclipse 2024
We watched the Great American Eclipse of 2024 from Franklin, Indiana, where totality was just over four minutes.
Read another article about MM's eclipse hobby and the 2024 trip, here.
(Canon R6mkII, 800mm f/11)
—  March 25, 2024 - Penumbral Lunar Eclipse —
Moon in penumbral eclipse
The 'worm moon' in deep penumbral eclipse. Contrast enhanced to show darkening on bottom right.
(Canon R6mkII, 800mm f/11, 1/1600sec, ISO 1600)
—  March 18, 2024 - Falcon 9 Rocket launch from Vandenburg SFB —
Falcon 9 SpaceX launch
We happened to be outside to see the SpaceX launch from Riverside.
(iPhone XR)
—  February 14, 2024 - Valentine's Day conjunction of Moon and Jupiter —
Jupiter and Moon, 2-14-2024
A nice conjunction of the moon with Jupiter.
(Canon R6 mkII, 100-400mm zoom lens at 400mm, f/5.6 ISO 1600 1/320sec, handheld.)
—  January, 2024 - NSF Grant Awarded!  —

We have been awarded a $1.3M grant from the National Science Foundation to study developmental system drift in endoderm specification, using Pristionchus.
NSF site: IOS#2341162 UCR Press Release

—  November 21, 2023 - UCR Article about MM's eclipse chasing  —
MM in office
The UCR Newsroom did a short article about MM's eclipse chasing.
See here.
—  October 14, 2023 - Solar Eclipse  —
eclipse from Riverside
A montage of the eclipse of 14 Oct 2023 which MM watched from the center of the UCR campus near the Bell Tower.
From Riverside we saw a relatively deep partial eclipse.
Tweeted on UCR's site here.
—  September 21-22, 2023 - International Pristionchus Meeting in Germany  —
Pristionchus meeting
MM with Ray Hong (CSUN), Curtis Loer (USD), and Ralf Sommer (Max Planck)
at first in-person International Pristionchus meeting in Tuebingen, Germany
—  September 13, 2023 - panel on AI at UCR's Marketing and Communications conference  —
UCR conference
MM with UCR colleagues Daniel Novak, Richard Yueh, and Yue Dong
—  August 30, 2023 - Super Blue Moon  —
Full Moon 8-30-2023
Super Blue Moon, 8-30-2023.
Canon EOS RP with 800mm f/11 telephoto lens.
—  August 30, 2023 - student presentations  —
Shruti presented a talk on her work with ELT-3 this summer
Esmeralda presented a poster on her summer work at UCLA
—  July, 2023 - Paper published integrating ELT-3 with Developmental System Drift  —
We have published a paper on the evolution of the endoderm network in Caenorhabditis as an example of Developmental System Drift. For us this is a companion paper to the two previous papers that reported specification in C. angaria by ELT-3, as well as the ability of C. elegans ELT-3B to specify gut. We included some ideas about what the long and short isoforms of ELT-3 might be doing.
DSD in gut

Network Evolution

Broitman-Maduro G, Maduro M (2023). Evolutionary change in gut specification in Caenorhabditis centers on the GATA factor ELT-3 in an example of Developmental System Drift. J. Dev. Biol. 11, 32. Abstract PDF
—  May, 2023 - online presentation of C. angaria paper  —
YouTube link
Click here to see the video.
—  April 5, 2023 - Our paper on C. angaria was a finalist for Outstanding Paper  —
Seminar Announcement

Our 2022 paper on gut specification in C. angaria, a distant relative of C. elegans, was one of three finalists for from the journal Development.
Video on YouTube • Twitter/X link

—  February 23, 2023 - seminar at Northwestern University  —
MM at Northwestern
Visiting with Bob Holmgren and Greg Beitel at Northwestern University.
(Inset: With Sadie Wignall)
—  February 15, 2023 - visiting with Eric Haag at UMD  —
MM with Eric Haag
Visiting with Eric Haag at his lab at University of Maryland, College Park!
—  January 24, 2023 - MM quoted in UCR article on ChatGPT  —
ChatGPT article
Link to article
—  January 20, 2023 - Our second microPublication!  —
microPublication on ELT-3B
Our second microPublication is out, in which we show that the long isoform of C. elegans ELT-3, ELT-3B, is capable of specifying gut when it is overexpressed throughout embryos (in which case most of the embryo turns into gut) or just in the early E lineage in an end-1,3(-) double mutant (in which case gut specification is rescued).

Broitman-Maduro G, Maduro M (2023). The long isoform of the C. elegans ELT-3 GATA factor can specify endoderm when overexpressed. microPublication Biology. Abstract PDF

—  December 7, 2022 - Moon occults Mars  —
Mars Occultation 12-7-2022
Mars (bottom-left) just before occultation by the Moon, 12-7-2022.
Canon EOS RP with 800mm f/11 telephoto lens.
—  December 1, 2022 - at NWU  —
MM with Eric Andersen
MM visiting with Eric Andersen when he was at Northwestern University.
—  November 9, 2022 - Visit from Zhirong Bao  —
MM with Zhirong Bao
MM with fellow C. elegans reseracher Zhirong Bao from Memorial Sloan Kettering.
—  October 31, 2022 - A Pristionchus gene edit!  —
Ppa Roller
We got our first CRISPR/Cas9 gene edit in Pristionchus pacificus ! The worm above is a Roller control.
—  October 24, 2022 - Our paper on C. angaria gut specification is out!  —
We're excited that our revised article on this work is now available at Development. This was a highly satisfying study for us, finally solving a question that began more than a decade ago when genome sequences of distant nematodes became available, later formalized in our G3 paper in 2020, about how gut is specified outside of the Elegans supergroup of species.
Broitman-Maduro G, Sun S, Kikuchi T, Maduro M (2022). The ELT-3 GATA factor specifies endoderm in Caenorhabditis angaria in an ancestral gene network. Development (2022) 149 (21): dev200984. Abstract PDF
—  September 23, 2022 - visit by Erik Andersen  —
MM, Erik Andersen
MM with Erik Andersen
—  May 15, 2022 - Another total lunar eclipse  —
Eclipsed Moon 5-15-2022
Clear skies, but the moon rose already in eclipse, so this is the middle of the total phase among the stars.
(Canon EOS RP with 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L lens)
—  Apr 25, 2022 - Jordan Ward visits from UC Santa Cruz  —
MM with Jordan Ward
Enjoying a face-to-face visit with Jordan Ward (UC Santa Cruz)
—  Nov 19, 2021 - An almost-total lunar eclipse  —
Partial Lunar Eclipse 19 Nov 2021
The forecast was for clouds, but the view was good! (Canon EOS RP with 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L lens)
—  September 9, 2021 - Ivan defends his PhD  —
Ivan defended his PhD today. Congratulations to Dr. Dimov!
—  July 1, 2021 - MM is Chair again!  —
MM is starting a term as Chair of the MCSB Department!
—  June 23, 2021 - The 2021 (Virtual) Worm Show!  —

The 2021 Worm Show premiered on June 23, 2021 at 1:45pm PDT / 4:45pm EDT!
—  April 27, 2021 - Ivan gets TA award  —
Congratulations to Ivan for receiving an Outstanding Teaching Assistant (OTA) award from the Graduate Division!
—  March 23, 2021 - Jose gets awards for Grad School, and a virtual Worm Show  —
Congratulations to Jose Soto for being awarded both an NSF GRFP and a Eugene Cota-Robles Award for his soon-to-be PhD program!

Somehow MM and his longtime collaborator Curtis Loer (Univ of San Diego) were convinced to do a virtual Worm Show 2021 for the online International C. elegans Meeting this year. We keep trying to retire but it doesn't seem to stick.

—  Dec 20, 2020 - Jupiter and Saturn close together  —
Jupiter and Saturn Dec 2020
MM managed an image of Jupiter and Saturn at their almost-closest conjunction through a small 90-mm telescope.
This image combines shorter exposures of the planets with a longer exposure that captures Jupiter's large moons.
—  Nov 10, 2020 - Paper on GATA factor evolution in Nematodes  —
We looked at GATA factors across the nematode phylum and found some interesting patterns. In particular, the large number of GATAs in C. elegans is a derived condition. Most species in the Chromadoria have a basal number of four factors. A paper on this work is now published in J. Dev Biol. This work started as a summer RISE project with Ethan.
Worm GATAs
—  Oct 16, 2020 - Mapping RNA-Seq reads on a laptop!  —
10 years ago we had to pay for time on a 64-core server or build a Linux box. No more. Thanks to WSL here is my Windows 10 HP laptop almost done mapping 135 million, 2 x 300bp paired-end reads in Ubuntu Linux running Alex Dobin's STAR aligner:
Using STAR
—  July 30, 2020 - Our first 'microPublication'  —
We have published our first microPublication on use of an ATP sensor protein in the C. elegans gut.
—  July 19, 2020 - Comet C/2020 F3 (NEOWISE)  —
Comet C/2020 F3
Comet C/2020 F3 (NEOWISE) from Riverside. Canon EOS RP with 100-400mm lens, four exposures combined.
—  June 29, 2020 - A COVID-19 summer  —
Summer 2020
Keeping things going with distancing and masks...
We welcome Dr. Swati Srivastava who will be working with us for a while!
—  Jan 29, 2020 - visit with Marco Mangone!  —
Marco Mangone from Arizona State University gave a seminar on our campus!
—  Nov 11, 2019 - Mercury Transit  —
Mercury Transit
MM managed a picture of the last Mercury transit until 2032.
(Meade ETX-90EC, Canon 60D ISO 250, 1/200 sec, Baader Astrosolar Film)
—  Nov 6, 2019 - visit with Ellen Rothenberg!  —
MM with Ellen Rothenberg
Prof. Ellen Rothenberg from Caltech gave a seminar on our campus!
—  Nov 1, 2019 - Ivan's Birthday!  —
Ivan's Birthday
Happy Birthday to Ivan!
(Left to Right: Gina, Jose, Madeline, Ivan, Galu, MM)
—  Sept 14, 2019 - Paper on evolutionary dynamics of the med and end factors  —
MEDs and ENDs
After working on it on and off for a year, MM's paper on the many orthologues of the MED, END-1 and END-3 factors is available at BioRxiv! It has also been accepted with minor revisions to G3.
—  August 29, 2019 - Jose talks at MARCU symposium  —
Jose talk
Jose gave a great talk (+ received an honorable mention) at the MARCU-STAR Symposium today!
—  June 23, 2019 - The 2019 Worm Show!  —
2019 Worm Show
Curtis Loer and MM did a 7th Worm Show at the International C. elegans Meeting at UCLA.
Watch the video here. More info here.
—  June 22, 2019 - Poster at the International C. elegans Meeting at UCLA  —
Ivan at poster
Ivan (CMDB, PhD candidate) presents the poster at the meeting
—  April 17, 2019 - Dave Reiner visits UCR!  —
MM with Dave Reiner
We hosted Dave Reiner (Texas A&M) to give a talk this week.
—  April 2019 - Review on gut development/function accepted!  —
Our review on gut development and function in C. elegans has been accepted at Cell and Tissue Research.
—  March 2019 - Wildflowers!  —
flowers at the Motte reserve
Lots of flowers at the Motte Rimrock Reserve
—  March 2019 - Has it been that long since MM started at UCR?  —
15 years
15 years at UCR... it went by fast!
—  23 Jan 2019 - Venus and Jupiter conjunction  —
Venus (upper left) and Jupiter on 1/23/19
—  20 Jan 2019 - Total Lunar Eclipse  —
Lunar Eclipse 2019
Canon 60D, 400mm f/5.6, Star Adventurer Mini tracker
—  15 Dec 2018 - Comet 46P/Wirtanen  —
Comet 46P
Comet 46P/Wirtanen, Canon 60D, 200mm, f/4, combined 5- and 8-sec exposures, cropped
—  Dec 2018 - Hailey stops by!  —
Hailey drops by
Almost a year after defending her PhD, Hailey stops by!
—  Nov 2018 - The 2019 Worm Show is officially on...  —
Worm Show 2019
Live June 23rd, 2019th at Royce Hall, UCLA, at the 2019 Worm Meeting
—  12 Oct 2018 - Heather returns to UCR!  —
Heather is back!
Heather Roberson, who used to be an undergrad at UCR and worked with us,
is back at UCR working in the office of Research and Development!
—  29 Aug 2018 - Jose talks at RISE symposium  —
Jose talks
Jose gives his talk at the RISE symposium! Video here.
—  21 Aug 2018 - Reliving the eclipse from 2017  —
Eclipse 2017
The 3rd contact diamond ring from the 2017 August 21 Total Solar Eclipse.
Relive our eclipse trip here.
—  8 Aug 2018 - Fires near Riverside  —
Red Sun
Smoke from the nearby 'Holy Fire' today filtered the sun to give it a red appearance.
—  9 Jul 2018 - Ivan advances to candidacy!  —
Lunch out to celebrate Ivan's passing of his qualifying exam. (Madeline, Gina, MM, Ivan, Jose)
—  27 Jun 2018 - "Strawberry" Moon  —
Full Moon 6-27-2018
Full Moon, 6-27-2018. Handheld shot, 100-400mm zoom lens, cropped.
—  29 May 2018 - MM gets to play emcee  —
MM got to host the 2nd annual Celebration of Teaching on 5/22/18 at the Alumni Center
—  9 May 2018 - Melissa Owraghi Antonio gets promoted!  —
Melissa Congrats to Melissa (former PhD student in the lab) who has earned promotion to Associate at Cal Baptist University!
—  26 Mar 2018 - Visiting with Randy Stout  —
with Randy Stout
We got to have lunch with Randy Stout, who worked in Vlad Parpura's lab at UCR
almost 12 years ago when they both moved to University of Alabama-Birmingham.
Randy is now an Assistant Professor at NYIT!
—  22 Feb 2018 - meeting PlayPosit team members  —
with PlayPosit
MM got to meet Salima and Susan from PlayPosit.
(He used PlayPosit to embed questions in his Biology 5A online videos in 2017.)
—  15 Feb 2018 - MM changing departments  —
After almost 15 years in the Biology Department (which became the Evolution, Ecology, and Organismal Biology Department), I have changed departmental affiliation to the Molecular, Cell and Systems Biology Department.
—  31 Jan 2018 - Super Blue Eclipsed Moon  —
Eclipsed moon by UCR Carillon Tower
The eclipsed "super blue" moon by the UCR Carillon Tower, 31 Jan 2018.
Tweeted here.
—  17 Dec 2017 - Episode 8!  —
Star Wars 8
A lab excursion (and reunion) to see Star Wars: The Last Jedi!
L to R: Franco, Raudel, MM, Hailey, Ivan, Kollan, Chris, Gina, Dustin, Max
—  6 Dec 2017 - Hailey defends her thesis!!!  —
Hailey defends
Hailey did a terrific job!!! Here she is with MM, Patty Springer, Venu Reddy.
Congratulations Hailey!
—  3 Dec 2017 - Supermoon!  —
Supermoon 2017
The only 'supermoon' of 2017.
—  20 Nov 2017 - back home for a long while  —
UCR letters
After a lot of traveling, MM is glad to be back home until the new year.
—  Nov 2017 - Alexandria, VA  —
NSF in Alexandria
The new headquarters of the National Science Foundation in Alexandria, VA, on the right.
—  8 Nov 2017 - visit from Crystal Rogers, CSUN  —
MM with Crystal Rogers
MM hosted Crystal Rogers from CSUN for a seminar
—  4 Nov 2017 - Beaver Moon  —
Full Moon 11-4-2017
The "Beaver" Moon, 4 Nov 2017
—  2 Nov 2017 - Lunch to celebrate Ivan's birthday  —
Lunch Nov 2017
Gina, Hailey, Raudel, Ivan, Max, MM
—  27-29 Oct 2017 - visit to The College of New Jersey for CUR-IUSE kickoff  —
CUR NSF IUSE kickoff meeting
MM was at TCNJ for the kickoff meeting for the CUR IUSE project
to bring research into undergraduate curricula.
Top: Green Hall; Middle: Science Dean Jeff Osborn gives a tour; Education Building
Bottom: Main meeting area
—  25 Oct 2017 - visit from Mariano Loza-Coll, CSUN  —
MM with MLC
MM hosted Mariano Loza-Coll from CSUN for a seminar.
—  20 Oct 2017 - IIGB Retreat  —
IIGB Retreat
Elliott Meyerowitz (Caltech, HHMI) gives the keynote talk at the IIGB retreat.
—  14 Oct 2017 - A Reunion Worm Show (of sorts)!  —
Curtis and Morris reunited for a show at a retreat in UC Santa Barbara, 10/14/17.
—  12 Oct 2017 - MicroPublications workshop  —
MM at whiteboard
MM was at a workshop for MicroPublications at Caltech.
—  7 Oct 2017 - HHMI-STEM group meeting at UC Santa Cruz  —
MM was at the annual HHMI-STEM group meeting, this time at UC Santa Cruz.
—  22 Sep 2017 - Visit to University of Alberta!  —
U of A
A visit to MM's Undergrad and PhD institution, University of Alberta
Top: Pilgrim Lab second room
Middle: Selfies with Heather McDermid, Shelagh Campbell, Martin Srayko, David Pilgrim
Bottom: MM's old lab bench, 20 years later
—  21 Aug 2017 - Total Solar Eclipse over Wyoming!  —
TSE 21Aug2017
We saw the total solar eclipse of 21 Aug 2017 over Casper, WY.
—  20 Aug 2017 - MM interviewed on CBC News Network  —
Morris interviewed in Casper
The day before the eclipse, MM appeared live on the CBC News Network!
Click here for the video and make sure to turn on the closed captions (CC).
—  7 Aug 2017 - Celebrating two birthdays!  —
Two Birthdays
Celebrating the birthdays of Raudel and Francesca!!
—  1 July to 30 Sept 2017 - MM gets to be Interim Chair of the Department!  —
MM gets to be Chair for three months. And the Biology Department changed its name.
—  21-25 June 2017 - International C. elegans Meeting!  —
IWM 2017
Clockwise from top left: Royce Hall during one of the plenary talk breaks;
MM with Curtis Loer, enjoying not preparing a Worm Show for the first time since 2003;
the posters in Pauley Pavilion; and MM with his prior mentors Joel Rothman and Dave Pilgrim.
—  20 June 2017 - visit from Jay Burr  —
Jay Burr
Visiting with Jay Burr, Emeritus Professor from Simon Fraser University, Canada
—  17 June 2017 - Hailey at PhD ceremony!  —
Hailey PhD hooding
Hailey at the PhD ceremony, from the live stream of UCR's commencement (6-17-2017)
—  17 June 2017 - MM sings the National Anthem at commencement!  —
MM anthem 2017
MM got to sing the National Anthem at two commencement ceremonies!
—  9 June 2017 - Happy Birthday!  —

—  30 May 2017 - Hailey gets a teaching award!  —
Hailey with award
Congrats to Hailey on being recognized for her teaching!
—  24 May 2017 - Cheryl Van Buskirk from CSUN!  —
with Cheryl Van Buskirk
Cheryl Van Buskirk gave a talk today at UCR in the CMDB/GGB/MCBL seminar series!
—  May 12, 2017 - Paper accepted on E lineage changes in hypomorphic specification  —

We have a paper in press on stochastic changes to the E lineage that occur when specification is partially compromised.

Choi H, Broitman-Maduro G, Maduro M (2017). Partially compromised specification causes stochastic effects on gut development in C. elegans. Developmental Biology 427, 49-60. Abstract PDF

—  11 May 2017 - Neil Shubin visits UCR  —
MM with Neil Shubin
Neil Shubin gave a talk today at UCR at the "Science As a Way of Knowing" series
—  10 May 2017 - Paul Sternberg visits UCR  —
MM with PS
Paul Sternberg gave a talk today in the graduate seminar series
—  April, 2017 - Gina's Birthday  —
Cake with Kollan, Raudel, Hailey, Ivan and Gina
—  March 27, 2017 - Lesilee Rose on campus!  —
Lesilee Rose
Fellow wormer Lesilee Rose was at UCR today!
—  March 21, 2017 - Collaborative paper on antiviral RNAi is out  —

A collaborative paper with the Ding lab at UCR, years in the making, is out in mBio this week.

Coffman SR, Lu J, Guo X, Zhong J, Jiang H, Broitman-Maduro G, Li W-X, Lu R, Maduro M, Ding S-W (2017). RIG-I homolog mediates antiviral RNAi downstream of Dicer-dependent biogenesis of viral siRNAs. mBio, 21:8(2). pii: e00264-17. Abstract PDF

—  March 17, 2017 - Leonid Kruglyak visits UCR  —
with Leonid Kruglyak
Leonid Kruglyak gave a seminar at UCR today.
—  March 8, 2017 - Victor Ambros vists UCR!  —
MM with Victor Ambros
Victor Ambros gave a seminar at UCR today!
—  February, 2017 - 20 years since MM interviewed for a postdoc  —
MM visits with the then-members of the Rothman Lab, after dinner at Palazzio in Montecito, CA.
—  January, 2017 - MM named Interim Director of the CMDB Graduate Program  —
MM has been named Interim Director for the Cell, Molecular and Developmental Biology Graduate Program for winter quarter, 2017.
—  January, 2017 - Review on gut development  —
A review by MM on gut development in C. elegans is in press at Seminars in Cell and Developmental Biology. This was a good opportunity to include a lot of new information about morphogenesis of the embryonic gut primordium, a lot of it based on recent work from the Priess lab. There has also been a lot of recent work on polarization of the intestinal cells in forming and maintaining the terminal web and the lumen. My previous reviews have focused on the gene networks in specification; this was really the first to include a lot of great anatomy and cell biology too.

Maduro MF. (2017). Gut Development in C. elegans. Seminars in Cell & Developmental Biology 66, 3-11. Abstract PDF

—  December 25, 2016 - 12+ years ago: The real first Worm Show!  —
Worm Show 2004
The first Worm Show at the 2004 West Coast Worm Meeting!
—  December 17, 2016 - Rogue Onee
Franco, Chris, Hailey
12/17/2016 - Off to see Rogue One, a visit from Franco and Chris (both in grad school now)
—  November 14, 2016 - Supermoon!  —
Supermoon! November 14, 2016
—  October 29, 2016 - WWAMO!  —
Ray Hong (Cal State Northridge) talks at the first WWAMO meeting
(WWAMO = Wild Worms as Model Organisms)

Meeting at Kerckhoff Laboratories, Caltech

—  October 13, 2016 - SACNAS  —
The Long Beach Convention Center where SACNAS 2016 was held.
Inset: MM with Ahna Skop (UW-Madison), and Bill Sullivan (UC Santa Cruz).

Many booths and posters

Ida Chow (on the right) at the Choose Development! Table for SDB

—  October 10, 2016 - Prof. Alf Inge Wang, NTNU at UCR  —
Alf Inge Wang
Prof. Alf Inge Wang, whose 'game-oriented' quiz format is used in Kahoot!,
visited UCR today to talk about his work in game-driven learning.
—  September 30, 2016 - Visit from Melissa!  —
Melissa Antonio visits
Former PhD student of the lab, Melissa Antonio (Owraghi), now faculty at Cal Baptist,
visited campus today to give a talk!
—  September 24, 2016 - UC Faculty Learning Community Program  —
UC Faculty group
An HHMI-funded, day-long symposium on Implementing Vision and Change in Teaching was held at UC Riverside! It was great to meet other UC faculty, and for MM, to see many colleagues at UCSB. Above, Rolf Christofferson introduces a panel with John Matsui, Joel Rothman (both from UCSB), Manuel Ares and Robin Dunkin (both from UCSC).
—  September 12, 2016 - Visit from NemaMetrix  —
Yoanne and Cathryn from NemaMetrix visited the lab to show us their cool ScreenChip system (inset).
—  September, 2016 - 25 years in the worm field  —
MM with Rick Weger
MM has been in the C. elegans field for 25 years this month.
This image shows MM with fellow grad student Rick Weger in February of 1992 at University of Alberta.
—  August 27, 2016 - Jupiter-Venus conjunction  —
Jupiter and Venus
Venus above Jupiter, in close conjunction on the evening of 27 Aug 2016.
—  August 24, 2016 - RISE Scholars Presentations  —
Raudel at his poster
Raudel at his poster today (8-24-2016) in the Genomics Lobby.
—  June 23, 2016 - Lunch with Saige  —
Lunch 23Jun2016
Lunch outing (L to R: Gina, Saige, Santhosi, Hailey)
—  June, 2016 - Christian is off to USC for Graduate School  —
Christian Turner has graduated from UCR and will be starting graduate school this summer/fall at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles. Congrats Christian!
—  June, 2016 - Undergraduate Research Journal  —
URJ 2016FirstPage
Kollan has the first article in the tenth issue of UC Riverside's Undergraduate Research Journal !
(The cover is at left and the first page of Kollan's article is on the right.)
Click here to see Kollan's article.
—  May 24, 2016 - Space Shuttle Endeavour  —
The retired space shuttle Endeavour at the California Science Center, during the state science fair
—  May 9, 2016 - Mercury Transit  —
Mercury Transit 9 May 2016
Mercury, below center, transits the sun on the morning of May 9, 2016.
(Taken through a Meade ETX-90EC at prime focus, 1/1000 sec, ISO 1600, ~f/13.)
—  April 19-20, 2016 - Presentations at UCR's Undergraduate Research Symposium  —
Symposium 2016
Christian Turner

Kollan Doan
Kollan Doan

—  April 9, 2016 - Highlander Day  —
Highlander Day 2016
MM was working the CMDB and Biology tables for Highlander Day, 4-9-2016.
—  April, 2016 - M.M. gets promoted to Full Professor!  —
MM has been promoted to Full Professor, Step III effective July 1, 2016.
—  February 2-3, 2016 - Gene Regulatory Network meeting at Caltech  —

Behind the Braun Laboratories, Caltech where MM attended a small meeting on GRNs.
—  December 20, 2015 - Star Wars!  —
A lab outing to see Episode VII!
—  December 2015 - Cover of Molecular Reproduction & Development  —
Journal Cover
Our review paper on robustness of development is a cover article.

Maduro MF. (2015). Developmental Robustness in the C. elegans embryo. Molecular Reproduction and Development 82: 918-931. • Cover article. Abstract PDF

—  December 2, 2015 - Stephanie gets her PhD!  —
Stephanie Defense
Congratulations to Stephanie on the completion of her PhD!
—  September 27, 2015 - Supermoon Total Lunar Eclipse  —
TLE 27 Sep 2015
Totally eclipsed moon at about 8:10pm local time.
Canon 60D with 100-400mm at 400mm, f/5.6, 1/2sec, ISO 1600.
—  September 1, 2015 - the passing of Eric Davidson  —
Dr. Eric Davidson had a strong influence on my work for over 15 years.
MM with Eric Davidson
MM with Eric Davidson at Caltech on the occasion of his 70th birthday, 13 April 2007.
See other images here.
—  June 30, 2015 - Venus-Jupiter conjunction  —
Jupiter and four of its moons above Venus.
Canon 60D with 100-400mm at 400mm, f/8, 1/2sec, ISO 640.
—  June 24-28, 2015 - Another Worm Meeting at UCLA!  —
Curtis Loer, Paul Sternberg with MM at the poster sessions on 25 Jun 2015.
(Image from the Genetics Society of America, likely taken by Adam Fagen.)
Watch the 2015 Worm Show here!
—  June 17, 2015 - lunch out  —
lunch out
Visiting with Saige who is in graduate school at Yale.
—  June, 2015 - Another Worm Show is being planned!  —
Worm Show 2015
The Tenth Anniversary of the Worm Show will take place at UCLA's Royce Hall on June 27, 2015!
—  April 29, 2015 - Paper on robustness of gut development accepted  —
Model of Gut Stochasticity
Our manuscript on the robustness of gut specification has been accepted to Developmental Biology.

Maduro MF, Broitman-Maduro G, Choi H, Carranza F, Wu AC-Y, Rifkin S. (2015). MED GATA factors promote robust development of the C. elegans endoderm. Developmental Biology 404: 66-79. • Cited in Faculty of 1000/H1Connect. • Abstract PDF

—  April 4, 2015 - Total Lunar Eclipse  —
Lunar Eclipse April 2015
Combination of images by Mark Chappell (left image) and two images by MM.
—  March 28, 2015 - Bats in Austin, TX  —
Bats - Austin, TX
Mexican free-tailed bats leave from under the Congress Avenue Bridge in Austin, TX.
(MM was in Austin for a teaching conference.)
—  January 13, 2015 - Comet Lovejoy C/2014 Q2  —
Comet Lovejoy
Comet Lovejoy C/2014 Q2. Canon 60D with 50mm lens at f/2.8, 4sec at ISO 800 (cropped).
—  January, 2015 - MM on sabbatical!  —
MM on sabbatical
Pretend that I am in the South of France.

Older news (2003-2014) can be found here.

Older picture galleries (2003-2013) are here.