Timema Discovery Project


Copyright notice, etc.


Unless otherwise indicated, content on this website was created and/or authored by Doug Yanega (UCR), with editorial assistance and supplemental content from several of the listed collaborators. This content may be freely distributed or copied as in the public domain. However, it is requested that in any subsequent use of this work, this website be given appropriate acknowledgement (see below).

Much of the HTML code (and some of the generic text) used to design the pages was modified from templates used by the following website: Staines, C.L. (2012). Hispines of the World. USDA/APHIS/PPQ Center for Plant Health Science and Technology and National Natural History Museum. <http://idtools.org/id/beetles/hispines/> [accessed 07 March 2018]


Suggested citation:

Yanega, D., Nosil, P., Crespi, B. (2018). Timema Discovery Project. [date you accessed site]

Image credits:

Images are credited as follows:




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Content last updated March 2018