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25. Scape exceeding vertex in profile (a1) and propodeum (b1) less than 1.75x broader than long--medial length nearly always about equal to width at widest point (ie: length along median carina vs. width at anterior-most point of propodeum, shown by arrows). Flagellum (a1) with 4 or 5 funicular segments.
many Hemiptarsenus Westwood, 1833
25'. Scape seldom exceeding vertex (a few species of Sympiesis, Pnigalio, possibly others), but if so then propodeum more than 2x broader than long (bb1). Flagellum sometimes with 3 funicular segments (cc1).
a1 | b1 |
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bb1 | cc1 |
Image credits: bb1: Miller (1970). cc1: Erdös (1951).