Divination and
Prediction in Early China and Ancient Greece. Cambridge
University Press, 2013
Sharing the Light: Representations
of Women and Virtue in Early China. State
University of New York Press, 1998
Knowing Words: Wisdom and Cunning in
the Classical Traditions of China and Greece. Cornell
University Press,
Old Society, New Belief: Religious transformation of China and Rome, ca. 1st-6th Centuries,
eds. M.-C. Poo, H. A. Drake and L. Raphals, Oxford University Press, 2017
Selected Articles and Book Chapters
2019 “When Virtues, Roles and Duties Fail: Early Greek and Chinese Accounts of Akrasia.” Frontiers of Philosophy in China 14(1): 29-46.
2019 “Chinese Science Fiction: Imported and Indigenous,” Osiris 34. Presenting Past Futures: SF and the History of Science. Eds. A. Rees and I. Morus, 34: 81-98.
2019 “Wheelwright Bian: A Difficult Dao,” in Skill Mastery and Performance in the Zhuangzi, eds. K. Lai and W. W. Chiu. London: Rowman and Littlefield: 129-142.
2019 “Which Gods if Any: Gods, Cosmologies and their Implications for Chinese and Greek Divination,” in Ancient Divination and Experience, eds. E. Eidinow and L. Driediger-Murphy. Oxford University Press: 253-275 (Open Access).
2019 “Body and Mind in the Guodian Manuscripts,” in The Dao Companion to the Excavated Guodian Bamboo Manuscripts, ed. S. Chan. Dordrecht: Springer: 239-257.
2018 “Sino-Hellenic Studies, Comparative Studies of Early China and Greece,” Oxford Bibliographies Online. 29 Nov. 2018 DOI: 10.1093/OBO/9780199920082-0167
2018 “Awareness and Spontaneity in the Zhuangzi: Three Perspectives,” in Chinese and Greek Perspectives on Cultivation, eds. R. Benitez and K. Lai. London: Bloomsbury: 49-67.
2018 “Mis-reading the Signs: or Theorizing Divination: Chinese and Greek,” in Reading the Signs: Philology, History, Prognostication: Festschrift for Michael Lackner, eds. J. Kurz and I. Amelung. Leiden: Brill: 457-472.
2018 “Reason and Spontaneity Reconsidered,” in Having a Word with Angus Graham: On the First Quarter Century of his Immortality, eds. R. T. Ames and C. Defoort. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press: 215-230.
2018 “The Zhuangzi on Ming: Perspectives and Implications,” in Concepts of Philosophy in Asia and the Islamic World, eds. R. C. Steineck and R. Weber, vol. 1. Leiden: Brill: 175-204.
2018 “Human and Animal in China and Greece,” in Ancient Greece and China Compared, eds. G. Lloyd and J. J. Zhao. Cambridge University Press: 131-159.
2017 “Analogical Investigations.” Australasian Journal of Philosophy, 1.3: 269-276.
2017 “Body and Mind in Early China and Greece.” Journal of Cognitive Historiography 2.2 (2015): 132-182.
2017 “Conclusion: Comparative Perspectives on China and Rome,” in Old Society, New Belief: Religious transformation of China and Rome, ca. 1st-6th Centuries, eds. M.-C. Poo, H. A. Drake and L. Raphals. Oxford University Press: 257-271.
2016 “Sunzi versus Xunzi: Two Views of Deception and Indirection.” Early China 39: 1-45.
2016 “Daoism, Naturalism and Chinese Culture,” in The Bloomsbury Research Handbook on Methodology in Chinese Philosophy, ed. S.-H. Tan. London: Bloosmbury Press: 307-321.
2016 “Self, Cosmos and Agency in Early China,” in The Adventure of the Human Intellect: Self, Society and the Divine in Ancient World Cultures, ed. K. Raaflaub. Wiley Blackwell: 167-184.
2015 “Debates about Fate in Early China.” Études Chinoises 33.2 Chance, destin et jeux de hasard en Chine (2014): 13-42.
2015 “Autonomy, Fate, Divination and the Good Life,” in The Good Life and Conceptions of Life in Early China and Graeco-Roman Antiquity, ed. R. A. H. King. De Gruyter: 321-340.
2015 “China and Greece: Comparisons and Insights,” in Oxford Handbook of Ancient Greek Religion, eds. E Eidinow and J Kindt. Oxford University Press: 651-665.
2015 “Cosmology, Divination and Semiotics: Chinese and Greek,” in Cross-cultural Studies: China and the World, a Festschrift in Honor of Professor Zhang Longxi's 65th Birthday, ed. S. Q. Qian. Leiden: Brill: 152-175.
2015 “Chinese Medicine and Chinese Philosophy.” Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.(online)
2015 “Science and Chinese Philosophy.” Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. (online)
2015 “Daoism and Science,” in Dao: Companion to Daoist Philosophy, ed. X. Liu. Dordrecht: Springer: 539-550.
2015 “Daoism and Greek Philosophy,” in Dao: Companion to Daoist Philosophy, ed. X. Liu. Dordrecht: Springer: 527-538.
2014 “Comparative Reflections on Embodied Virtue, Performance and Competition in China and Greece,” in From Athens to Beijing: East Meets West in the Olympic Games, ed. S Brownell. Yale Council on East Asian Studies and Greenworks Press (Athens): 110-123.
2014 “Uprightness, Indirection, Transparency in the Analects,” in Dao: Companion to the Analects, ed. A Olberding. Springer: 159-170.
2013 "Alterity and Alien Contact in Lao She’s Martian Dystopia, Cat Country," in Science Fiction Studies 40.1(2013): 73-85 [special issue on Chinese science fiction edited by Yan Wu]
2012 (as Rui Li) “Skepticism and Divination in China, Greece and Rome,” English original of article published in Chinese (trans. Sun Zhuo), Sinologie française 14 [Rome-Han: comparer l’incomparable, eds. Marianne Bujard and Marc Kalinowski] (2009): 287-301.
2012 “How the History of Women in Early China Intersects with the History of Science in Early China,” in Overt and Covert Treasures: Essays on the Sources for Chinese Women’s History, ed. C W-C Ho. Chinese University of Hong Kong Press, 2012: 35-58.
2012 “Embodied Virtue: Performance, Competition and Longevity in China and Greece,” in Perfect Bodies: Sports, Medicine and Immortality , ed. V Lo, London: British Museum Research Publication 188, 2012:21-29.
2011 "On Mirrors of Virtue," Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 10.3 (2011): 349-357.
2011 "Divination in the Han shu Bibliographic Treatise," Early China 32 (2008-2009): 45-102.
2011 "Divination and Autonomy: New Perspectives from Excavated Texts," Journal of Chinese Philosophy Supplement to Volume 37 (2010): 124-141.
2011 "The Ethics of Prediction," in How should one live? Comparing ethics in ancient China and Greco-Roman antiquity, eds. R A H King and D Schilling. De Gruyter: 278-303.
2011 "Ethics, Self-Cultivation and Embodied Virtue," in Ethics in Early China: Essays in Honor of Chad Hansen, eds. C Fraser, D Robins, and T O’Leary, Hong Kong University Press, 2011: 119-132.
2009 "Thirteen Ways of Looking at the Self in Early China," History of Philosophy Quarterly 26.4 (October 2009): 315-336.
2009 "En la intersección entre Poder y Predicción: Aspectos sobre la divinación en China y Grecia antiguas," [On the Intersection of Power and Prediction: Aspects of Divination in Early China and Greece], English manuscript version, trans. A Eleta Relinque, in La construcción del poder en lya China antigua [The Construction of Power in Ancient China]. University of Granada Press, 2009: 109-140.
2006 "Daoism and Animals" (with E N Anderson), in A Communion of Subjects: Animals in Religion and Ethics, eds. P Waldau and K Patton. Oxford University Press, 2006: 275-292.
2005 "Divination and Medicine in China and Greece: A Comparative Perspective on the Baoshan Illness Divinations," in East Asian Science, Technology and Medicine 24 (2005): 78-103.
2005 "Notes on the Baoshan Medical Manuscripts," in Studies on Recently-Discovered Chinese ManuscriptsXinchu jianbo yanjiu 新出簡帛研究 ), ed. S Allan and Xing Wen, Beijing: Cultural Relics Publishing House (Wenwu chubanshe), 2005: 388-408.
2005 "Craft Analogies in Chinese and Greek Argumentation," in Literature, Religion, and East-West Comparison: Essays in Honor of Anthony C. Yu., ed. E Ziolkowski, University of Delaware Press, 2005: 181-201.
2005 "Languages of Fate: Semantic Fields in Chinese and Greek," in Heaven's Will and Life's Lot: Destiny and Determinism in Chinese Culture, ed. C Lupke, State University of New York Press, 2005: 70-106.
2005 " Cordwainer Smith and the Soushenji: Comparative Perspectives on the Boundaries of 'Humanity'," in World Weavers: Globalization, Science Fiction, and the Cybernetic Revolution, eds. K Y Wong, A S K Chan and G Westfahl, Hong Kong University Press, 2005: 142-156.
2004 " Extrême-Orient, Extrême-Occident: Reflections on Twenty Years of Comparative Scholarship," Newsletter of the International Institute for Asian Studies (IIAS, Leiden) 35 (November 2004): 29.
2004 " Reflections on Filiality, Nature, and Nurture," in Xiao: the Nature and Practice of Filial Piety in the Chinese Tradition, ed. A K-L Chan, RoutledgeCurzon, 2004: 215-225.
2003 "Fate, Fortune, Chance and Luck in Chinese and Greek: A Comparative Semantic History," Philosophy East & West 53.4 (2003): 537-74.
2002 "Gender and Virtue in Greece and China" Journal of Chinese Philosophy 29.3 (September 2002): 415-36.
2002 "A ' Chinese Eratosthenes' Reconsidered: Chinese and Greek Calculations and Categories." East Asian Science, Technology and Medicine 19 (2002): 10-61.
2002 "When is a Triangle Not a Triangle?" Ex/Change 5 (September 2002): 9-11.
2002 "A Woman Who Understood the Rites," in Essays on the Analects of Confucius, ed. B W van Norden, Oxford University Press, 2002: 275-302.
2002 " Fatalism, Fate and Stratagem in China and Greece," in Early China, Ancient Greece: Thinking Through Comparisons, ed. S Shankman and S W Durrant, Albany: State University of New York Press, 2002: 207-234.
2001 "Arguments by Women in Early Chinese Texts," Nan Nü 3.2 (2001): 157-195.
2001 "Metic Intelligence or Responsible Non-action?: Further Reflections on the Zhuangzi, Daode jing and Nei ye, " in Daoism and Ecology: Ways Within a Cosmic Landscape, eds. N Girardot, J Miller and Liu Xiaogan, Cambridge: Harvard University Press, Center for World Religions, 2001: 305-314.
2000 "Gendered Virtue Reconsidered: Notes from the Warring States and Han," in The Sage and the Second Sex, ed. Chenyang Li, LaSalle IL: Open Court, 2000.
1998 "On Hui Shi," in Free and Easy Wandering through the Zhuangzi, ed. R T Ames, Albany: SUNY Press, 1998.
"The Treatment of Women in a Second-Century Medical Casebook," Chinese Science 5 (1998): 7-28.
1996 "Skeptical Strategies in the Zhuangzi and Theaetetus," in Zhuangzi and Skepticism, eds. P J Ivanhoe and P Kjellberg, Albany: SUNY Press, 1996.
1994 "Skeptical Strategies in the Zhuangzi and Theaetetus," Philosophy East & West 44:3 (July 1994): 501-26.
Chinese Medicine: Innovation, Convention, and Controversy, ed. E Hsu (Cambridge University Press, 2002) Journal of Chinese Philosophy 41.4 (2004): 552-555.
The Original Analects Sayings of Confucius and His Successors, translation and commentary by E B Brooks and A T Brooks (New York: Columbia University Press, 1998), International Studies in Philosophy 35.4 (2004): 179.
The Siren and the Sage: Knowledge and Wisdom in Ancient Greece and China, by S Shankman and S W Durrant (London and New York: Cassell, 2000) International Journal of the Classical Tradition 9.1 (Summer 2002): 127-29.
A Flourishing Yin: Gender in China's Medical History, 960-1665, C Furth (1999), review in Isis 93.3 (September 2002): 479-480.
Imagining Boundaries: Changing Confucian Doctrines, Texts and Hermeneutics, K-W Chow, O-C Ng, and J B Henderson eds. (SUNY Press, 1999) Journal of Chinese Religions 81.2 (April 2001): 350-51.
Ten Thousand Things: Module and Mass Production in Chinese Art, L Ledderose Princeton, N.J: Princeton University Press, 2000) Technology & Culture: The Journal of the Society for the History of Technology 42 (October 2001): 793-95.
The Ways of Confucianism: Investigations in Chinese Philosophy. By D S Nivison, edited with an introduction by B W Van Norden (LaSalle, IL: Open Court Press, 1996). Journal of Chinese Religions 80.2 (April 2000): 367-68.
Early Chinese Medical Literature. By D Harper (Columbia University Press and Wellcome Institute, 1999). China Review International 7.2 (Fall 2000): 451-54.
Feature review of Science and Civilization in China. Volume 7 Part 1. Logic and Language. By C Harbsmeier (Cambridge, 1998). China Review International 7.1 (Spring 2000): 46-55.
Special issue of the Journal of Women's History (Winter 1997). China Review International 6.1 (1999): 137-39.
The Propensity of Things: Toward a History of Efficacy in China. By F Jullien, trans. J Lloyd (Zone Books, 1995). Philosophy East & West 14.1 (January 1998): 170-73.
Adversaries and Authorities: Investigations into Ancient Greek and Chinese Science. By G E R Lloyd (Cambridge, 1996). Journal of Asian Studies 57.4 (November 1998): 1132-33.
"Heaven, Not Nature, in the Xunzi." Review of Nature and Heaven in the Xunzi: A Study of the Tian Lun by E J Machle (SUNY, 1993). Journal of Chinese Religions (1996): 212-16.
Law and Morality in Ancient China: the Silk Manuscripts of Huang-Lao. By R P Peerenboom (SUNY, 1993). Review in Chinese Literature: Essays, Articles, Reviews (CLEAR) 17 (December 1995): 142-46.
"A Language Theory of Chinese Thought." Review of A Daoist Theory of Chinese Thought, by C Hansen (Oxford 1992). The Journal of Religion 75.1 (January 1995): 80-89.
Unreason Within Reason: Essays on the Outskirts of Rationality. By A C Graham (LaSalle IL: Open Court, 1992). Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies (BSOAS), 57.2 (1994): 413-14.
The Shape of the Turtle: Myth, Art, and Cosmos in Early China. By S Allan (Albany: State University of New York Press, 1991). Chinese Literature: Essays Articles Reviews 15 (1993): 190-93.
"Reason, Spontaneity, and Awareness: A.C. Graham's Account of the Roots of Logic and Moral Action." Feature review of A C Graham's Disputers of the Tao: Philosophical Argument in Ancient China and Unreason Within Reason: Essays on the Outskirts of Rationality (LaSalle Illinois: Open Court 1989, 1992). Taoist Resources 4.2 (December 1993): 53-60.
© 2013 Lisa Raphals