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TICK PARALYSIS (Contact) Please
CLICK on Image & underlined links for details: The symptoms resemble poliomyelitis and show up after 4
to 7 days following the bite of a tick, with young children being especially
vulnerable. This is followed by an gradual paralysis in the legs disabling
walking or standing. Afterwards the
arms are paralyzed and other functions such as talking, swallowing and
breathing are curtailed. These
symptoms are painless but there may be a fever. Mortality is rare in humans but more apt to occur in animals
from respiratory failure. The
severity of symptoms varies with different species and/or populations of
ticks (Service 2008). Primarily responsible in North America are Dermacentor
andersoni and D. variabilis. Removing the ticks usually gives complete recovery after
two days, but severe cases require longer. = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
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517-58. |