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3. Median carina of propodeum forming a cup-shaped structure (a1) anteriorly and propodeum with triangular lateral invaginations (a1, a2) that the metanotum projects into conspicuously.

Mestocharis Förster, 1878

3'. Median carina of propodeum rarely forming a cup-shaped structure (similar form in some species of Chrysocharis (aa1) with anteriorly split median carina). Propodeum never with similar invaginations.

couplet 4




mestocharis propodeum.JPG (21759 bytes) mestocharis propodeum lateral.JPG (18267 bytes) chrysocharis entedonoides propodeum.JPG (30876 bytes)

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Image credits: a1, a2: Schauff (1991). aa1: Hansson (1985a).