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4. [Females only, males with 3 funicular segments.] Clypeal margin (a1) sharply incised (head large and well-sclerotized, so that this is usually easy to determine). Notauli incomplete (or ending in anterior half of axillae if faintly complete--seen in extralimital forms); scutellum without submedian grooves. Metanotum strongly sculpted, and dorsellum crenulate/multidentate (c1). Propodeum with strong median carina and plicae. Relatively stout bodied.

Colpoclypeus Lucchese, 1941

4'. [Both sexes.] Clypeal margin truncate to smoothly convex or concave. Notauli complete or incomplete; scutellum (bb1) with submedian grooves. Metanotum smooth or weakly sculpted, dorsellum not crenulate. Propodeum without plicae, with at most only a weak median carina.

couplet 5




colpoclypeus face.JPG (16286 bytes) colpoclypeus_dorsprop.JPG (18616 bytes) diglyphus chabrias mesosoma.JPG (9830 bytes)

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Image credits: a1, bb1: Askew (1968)