<invw.htm>                               Invertebrate Zoology Bibliography—W Words



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Wagendonk, W. J. 1955. Encystment and Excystment of Protozoa. Biochemistry and Physiology of Protozoa, 2, 85.

Ward & Whipple. 1918.  The wheel animacules (Rotatoria). Fresh Water Biology.  John Wiley Publ.


Warden, C. J., T. N. Jenkins & L. H. Warner.  1936-40.  Comparative Psychology, Vol. 1, Principles and Methods, Vol 2, Invertebrates, Vol. 3, Vertebrates.  The Ronald Press Co., New York.


Watson, J. M. 1946. The bionomics of coprophilic Protozoa. Biol. Rev. 21, 121.


Webb, D. A. 1939. Observations on the blood of certain ascidians with special reference to the biochemistry of Vanadium. Jour. Exp. Biol. 16,499.


Weber, H. 1930. Biologie der Hemipteren Springer, Berlin Publ.

Weber, H. 1933. Lehrbuch der Entomologie Gustav Fischer, Jena Publ.

Weill, R. 1934. Contributions a l'etude des cnidaires et de leurs nematocystes.I  Trav. stat. zool. Wimeraux, 10-11, 1-701.


Weiss, P. B. 1954. Morphogenesis in the Protozoa. Quart. Rev. Biol. 29, 207.


Wells, G. P. 1950. Spontaneous activity cycles in polychaete worms. Symp. Soc. Exp. Bio/. 4, 127.


Wells, G. P. 1950. The anatomy of the body wall and appendage of Arenicoiq, Jour. Mar. Bio/. Ass. 29, 1.


Wells, G. P. 1957. The life of the lugworm. New Bio/. 22, 39.


Werbrock A. H., Meiklejohn D. A., Sainz A., Iwasa J. H., Savage R. M.  2001.  A polychaete hunchback ortholog. Dev. Biol.  235:476–488.


Wheeler, W. M. 1928. The Social Insects Kegan-Paul, London Publ.


Wichterman, R. 1953. The Biology of' Paramecium. Blakiston Publ.

Wiersma, C. A. G. 1952. Comparative physiology of invertebrate muscle. Ann. Rev. Physiology, 14, 159.


Wiersma, C. A. G. 1952. Neurons of arthropods. Cold Spring Harbor Symposium, 17, 155.


Wigglesworth, V.B. 1953. The Principles of Insect Physiology Methuen, London Publ.


Wigglesworth, V. B. 1954. The Physiology of Insect Metamorphosis Cambridge University Press.


Willier, B. H., P. Weiss & V. Hamburger.  1955.  Analysis of Development.  W. B. Saunders Publ.


Wilson, D. P. 1.947. The Portuguese man-of-war, Physaliaphysalis, in British and adjacent seas. Jour. Mar. Biol. Ass. 27, 139.

Wilson, H. V. and J. T. Penny 1930. The regeneration of sponges Microsciona from regenerating cells. Jour. Exp. Zool. 56, 73.

Witlmer, E. N. 1945. Growth and form in tissue culture. Essays on Growth & Form presented to D' Arcy Thompson Oxford Univ. Press, pp. 264-95.


Wright, S.  1952.  Applied Physiology, 9th ed.  Oxford Univ. Press.