<invf.htm>                                 Invertebrate Zoology Bibliography—F Words



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Eernisse D. J., Albert J. S., Anderson F. E.  1992.  Annelida and Arthropoda are not sister taxa:  A phylogenetic analysis of spiralian metazoan phylogeny. Syst. Biol.  41:305–330.


Fell, H. B. 1948. Echinoderm embryology and the origin of the chordates. Biol. Rev. 23, 81.


Ferguson, M. S. 1943. Migration and localisation of an aninlal parasite in the host.  Jour. Exp. Zool. 93, 375.


Fischer, P-H. 1950. Vie et meurs des mollUsques payo Pans Pub.


Ford, E. B. 1946. Butterflies. New Naturalist Series Collins, London.


Fowler, G. H. 1891. Hermit crabs and anemones. Jour. Mar. Biol. Ass. 2, 75.


Fox, H. M. 1948. The haemoglobin of Daphnia. Proc. Roy. Soc. B, 135, 195.


Fraenkel, G. S. & D. L. Gunn.  1940.  The Orientation of Animals.  Oxford Univ. Press.


Freeman, J. A. G. 1946. The distribution of spiders and mites up to 300 feet in the air. Jour. Anim. Ecol. 15, 69.


Fritsch, F. E. 1929. Evolutionary sequence and affinities amongst the Protophyta. Biol. Rev. 4, 103.


Fulton, J. F. (ed.) 1955.  A Textbook of Physiology, 17th ed.  Saunders Publ.