Tylocephalus auriculatus (Bütschli, 1866) Anderson, 1965
CGC strain code:
Click here for 230 Kb SEM pictures of the lip
Click here for a 73 Kb LM picture of live
Click here for a 456 Kb line drawing.
Old codes:
Dry sand with shell fragments collected by Konjev Desender on 18 April
1991 in the littoral zone of Isla Española, Galápagos Archipelago,
Chromadoria - Chromadorida - Leptolaimina - Plectoidea - Plectidae
Culture conditions:
- Xenic: E. coli on 1% pure agar + 5 µg/ml cholesterol. Other
bacteria have not been removed.
- Xenic recipe courtesy of Björn Sohlenius): on agar with boiled
soil extract, added salts (0.04% MgSO4.7H2O, 0.14% NaCl, 0.04% K2HPO4;
0.15% KNO3), peptone and mannit (each one knife-tip/300 ml). Other bacteria
have not been removed.
Long-term storage:
Capable of surviving desiccation. Freezing was not attempted. Slowly desiccated
plates can probably be stored permanently
in liquid nitrogen.
Dead and Gone!!
ANDERSON, R. V. (1966). An emendation of the diagnosis of both the subfamily
and two genera of Wilsonematinae and a new genus, Ereptonema n.
g. Canadian Journal of Zoology, 44: 923-935.
DE LEY, P. & COOMANS, A. (1997). Terrestrial nematodes from the
Galápagos Archipelago. 7. Description of Tylocephalus nimius
sp. n. and new data on the morphology, development and behaviour of Tylocephalus
auriculatus (Bütschli, 1873) Anderson, 1966 (Leptolaimida: Plectidae).
Fundamental and Applied Nematology, 20: 213-228.
Paul De Ley.
No males. Only three juvenile stages, each of which is characterized by
a distinctly different head morphology. During feeding, juveniles and adults
swing their head dorsally and ventrally like metronomes.
Last revised 27 March 1998