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              Table 2.  Classification of the Invertebrates

                                  2020 Alternative Organization



Kingdom: Animalia

Subkingdom Parazoa

  Porifera = sponges

  Placozoa = primitive (Trichoplax adhaerens)

Subkingdom Eumetazoa

    Radiata (unranked)

      Ctenophora= comb jellies

      Cnidaria= cnidarians

    Bilateria (unranked)

      Orthonectida = orthonectids

      Rhombozoa = primitive roundworms

      Acoelomorpha = like flatworms (primitive)

      Chaetognatha = arrow worms

        Superphylum Deuterostomia

          Chordata= primitive vertebrates

          Hemichordata= deuterostomes

          Echinodermata= starfish, brittle stars

          Xenoturbellida = primitive deuterostome

          Vetulicolia = extinct group

             Protostomia (unranked)

        Superphylum Ecdysozoa

                  Kinorhyncha = mud dragons

                  Loricifera = microscopic marine sediment

                  Priapulida = priapulid worms

                  Nematoda= roundworms, nematodes

                  Nematomorpha= horsehair worms

                  Lobopodia = stem group of arthropods

                  Onychophora = claw bearers Protracheata

                  Tardigrada = water bears, moss piglets

                  Arthropoda= insects, mites, spiders, etc.




        Superphylum Platyzoa

                   Platyhelminthes = flat worms

                   Gastrotricha= hairy backs

                   Rotifera= wheel animals

                   Acanthocephala= thorny & spiny-headed worms

                   Gnathostomulida = jaw worms

                   Micrognathozoa = very tiny in mineral springs

                   Cycliophora = Symbion spp.lobster parasites


        Superphylum Lophotrochozoa

                   Sipuncula = peanut worms

                   Hyolitha = conical shells

                   Nemertea (Nemertinea) = ribbon or probosis



                   Phoronidea= horseshoe worms

                   Bryozoa= Ectoprocta

                   Entoprocta = sessile, goblet-shaped animals

                   Brachiopoda= valved marine animals

                   Mollusca= snails, slugs, clams, etc.

                   Annelida= ringed worms

                   Echiura = echiurans






Sample Examinations          Invertebrate Classification