<inve.htm>                                Invertebrate Zoology Bibliography—E Words



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Eales, N. B. 1950. Torsion in gastropods. Proc. Malacol. Soc. 28, 53.


Eastham, L. E. S. and Eassa, Y. E. E. 1955. The feeding mechanism of the butterfly Pieris brassicae L. Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. B, 239, 1.


Edney, E. B. 1954. Woodlice and the land habitat. Biol. Rev. 29, 185.


Edney, E. B. 1957. The Water Relations of Terrestrial Arthropods Cambridge University Press.


Elton, C.  1927.  Animal Ecology.  Sidgwick & Jackson, London.


Evans, C. Lovatt.  1956.  Principles of Human Physiology, 12th ed.  Churchill Publ.