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101a (100a).    Three ocelli present; palpi normally prominent; proboscis adapted for piercing (Figs.A-E);  top of head hollowed out between eyes; abdomen tapering or oval; lobe .... A ..... (alula) usually at base of wing (both larvae & adults are predators) …... (Diptera) .. Asilidae   <Habits>; <Adults> & <Juveniles>



101b.    One ocellus or none present; antennae with 4 segments; palpi vestigial; proboscis with fleshy labellae (= exposed tip of labium); large flies (Figs.A-C) (both larvae & adults are predators) ............ (Diptera)  Mydaidae   <Habits>; <Adults> & <Juveniles>



102a (100b).    Costa continues around wing



102b.    Costa reaches only to wing apex; 4th vein (M-1) ends before wing tip; 3 posterior cells (Figs.A-B) (larvae are predators of larvae of Coleoptera) ..... A .... (Diptera)  Scenopinidae  <Habits>; Adults> & <Juveniles>



103a  (102a).    Wing has 5 posterior cells



103b.    Wing has at most 4 posterior cells



104a (103a).    Fourth vein (M-1) ends beyond apex of wing (Figs.A-C) (larvae & adults are    predators of other arthropods)  ......... A   ..... (Diptera)  Therevidae   <Habits>; <Adults> & <Juveniles>



104b.    Fourth vein (M-1) ends before apex of wing (Fig.A) (both adults & larvae are  predators of other arthropods; rare in arid regions of western North America) ..... (Diptera)  Apioceridae  <Habits>; <Adults> & <Juveniles>



105a (103b).    Anal cell open or closed near wing margin; antennal style short, never longer than 3rd antennal segment; body usually hairy, stocky and somewhat humpbacked; brown or grayish flies (Figs.A-C) (parasitize a variety of immature arthropods; most common in southwestern United States) ....... A ........ (Diptera)  Bombyliidae



105b.    Anal cell short and closed far from wing margin; anal vein does not reach wing margin; antennal style (= bristle) usually longer than 3rd antennal segment; body usually bare, slender and black (Fig.A) (predators of small arthropods) ............ (Diptera)  Empididae  <Habits>; <Adults> & <Juveniles>



106a  (99b).    Wing normal, not obviously rounded apically; venation normal



106b.    Wing rounded apically; veins very well developed anteriorly; antennae appear one- segmented with long arista (= bristle on apical segment); long hind legs and flattened femora; body humpbacked (Fig.A) (parasitoids of ant pupae, larvae & pupae of Lepidoptera & Hymenoptera; some species are predators ... A ........ (Diptera)  Phoridae   <Habits>; <Adults> & <Juveniles>



107a (106a).    Spurious vein (= vein-like thickening of wing membrane between 2 true veins) in wing absent; anal cell usually short



107b.    Spurious vein in wing present; anal cell long, closed near wing margin; body brightly colored; they resemble bees or wasps) (Figs.A-E) (predators of Homoptera)    A .......... (Diptera)  Syrphidae   <Habits>; <Adults> & <Juveniles>



108a (107a).    Frontal lanule (= crescent-shaped sclerite above base of antennae) completely absent



108b.    Frontal lunule present as a crescent-shaped sclerite above antennae



109a (108a).    Head normal, not exceptionally large; front and face usually wide



109b.    Head large, hemispherical; front and face narrow; probosis small and soft; body stocky and humpbacked, brown or grayish (Figs.A-B) (parasitoids of treehoppers & leafhoppers) …. A .…. (Diptera)  Pipunculidae   <Habits>; <Adults> & <Juveniles>



110a (109a).    Crossvein r-m located beyond basal 1/4th of wing; anal cell pointed apically; proboscis usually rigid; body not metallic; %% genitalia terminal, not folded under abdomen (Fig.A); relatively slender and usually black flies (adults and larvae are   A ..predaceous on smaller insects) (please also refer to couplet 105)..….......... (Diptera)  Empididae   <Habits>; <Adults> & <Juveniles>



110b.    Crossvein r-m located in basal 1/4th of wing; 2nd basal and discal cells united; anal cell when present rounded apically; body usually metallic; %% genitalia frequently folded forward under abdomen (Fig.A) (predators of small arthropods) ............. (Diptera)  Dolichopodidae   <Habits>; <Adults> & <Juveniles>



111a (108b).    Second antennal segment with a lateral subdorsal longitudinal seam; thorax with a complete transverse suture; calypter  (= lobe at wing base) large



111b.    Second antennal segment without a longitudinal seam; thorax without a complete transverse suture; calypter small or rudimentary



112a (111a).    Hypopleural bristles (rather vertical row usually above hind coxae) present



112b.    Hypopleural bristles absent; 3rd (R-5) and 4th (M-1) veins almost parallel at wing tip or 4th vein bends forward; undersurface of scutellum with fine erect hairs (Figs.A-B)    A ...... (predators of dipterous larvae)....(Diptera)  Anthomyiidae   <Habits>; <Adults> & <Juveniles>



113a (112a).    Postscutellum developed; hypopleura with strong bristles; eyes usually bare; body of && large, variously colored, but usually blackish (Figs.A-G) (parasitoids of many  types of insects) ........ A ...... (Diptera)  Tachinidae   <Habits>; <Adults> & <Juveniles>



113b.    Postscutellum not developed; hypopleura with a row of bristles



114a (113b).    Body usually gray with 3 black stripes on mesonotum, bare but not metallic; usually 4 notopleural bristles; arista usually plumose (= featherlike) in basal half    A .... (Figs.A-B) (parasitoids of grasshoppers & other arthropods) .... (Diptera)  Sarcophagidae   <Habits>; <Adults> & <Juveniles>



114b.    Body usually metallic, usually 2 (rarely 3) notopleural bristles; arista usually plumose beyond basal half (Figs.A-D) (generally predaceous ....... (Diptera)  Calliphoridae   <Habits>; <Adults> & <Juveniles>



115a (111b).    Proboscis shorter than head; head never broader than thorax; first posterior cell not quite narrowed apically



115b.    Proboscis longer than head, slender and rigit, often folding; head wider than thorax; first posterior cell narrowed or closed apically; abdomen clavate (= club-like), bent downward at apex (Figs.A-B) (parasitoids of wild bees) ....... A ....... (Diptera)  Conopidae   <Habits>; <Adults> & <Juveniles>



116a (115a).    Costa broken at humeral crossvein; wings without pattern; postcellar bristle divergent, if absent, arista is also absent (Fig.A) ...... A ......... (Diptera)  Agromyzidae   <Habits>; <Adults> & <Juveniles>



116b.    Eyes oval horizontally, 2X as long as high; costa not broken; postocellar bristles converge or are  absent, if absent, arista present; body grayish with yellowish markings on lateral thorax and  abdomen and on front (Fig.A) (predators of mites & Homoptera) ............ (Diptera)  Chamaemyidae   (Ochthiphilidae)   <Habits>; <Adults> & <Juveniles>


[Skip couplet 117a/117b]


Parasitic and Predatory Hymenoptera



118a  (15a, 41a, 67b & 84a).    Last sternite (= ventral plate) of female abdomen divided longitudinally; ovipositor issues from anterior to tip of abdomen and has a pair of exserted   sheathes capable of covering ovipositor tip; hind wing usually without lobes



118b.    Last sternite of && abdomen not divided longitudinally; ovipositor (or sting) issues from the tip of abdomen and without a pair of exserted sheathes; hind wing often with an anal lobe



119a (118a).    Wing venation well developed; stigma (= thickening of wing membrane along costal border) well developed; hind trochanter with 2 segments........ Hymenoptera) ........ (Ichneumonoidea  [Figs. 26, 27, 28 y 29] &  Evanioidea)  [Figs. 1, 15, 21, 22 y 24)]



119b.    Wing venation reduced; stigma absent or poorly developed; trochanter with 1 segment



120a (119a).    Costal cell absent; antennae with 16 or more segments (Figs.A-B)... Wing Types ..... A ....... (Hymenoptera) (Ichneumonoidea)   <Overview>



120b.    Costal cell present; antennae with fewer than 16 segments; abdomen short with long petiole arising on propodeum (= posterior part of thorax that is actually 1st abdominal  segment), far above bases of hind coxae (Figs.A-B) (parasitoids of cockroach egg  capsules) ........... (Hymenoptera)  (Evanioidea)  Evaniidae   <Habits>; <Adults> & <Juveniles>   (also Fig. 22)



121a (120a).    Wing with one or no recurrent veins; propodeum not prolonged beyond hindcoxae



121b.    Wing with 2 recurrent veins (= transverse veins posterior to cubital vein) or the abdomen is 3X the body length (Figs.A-C) (parasitoids of numerous insect orders )   A ........ (Hymenoptera)  (Ichneumonoidea )  Ichneumonidae   <Habits>; <Adults-1> & <Adults-2> & <Adults-3>; & <Juveniles>   (also Fig. 26).*



122a (121a).    Abdominal terga 2 & 3 not fused (Fig.A) (parasitoids of aphids) .(Hymenoptera) …... A ....... (Ichneumonoidea )  Braconidae  (Aphidiinae) (Figs. 27, 28, 29) <Habits>; <Adults> & <Juveniles>



122b.    Abdominal terga 2 & 3 fused or the cubitus (= longitudinal vein just posterior to medial) in fore wing arises from the radial cell (Figs.A-F) (parasitoids of many kinds of hosts, excluding aphids) ..........( Hymenoptera)  (Ichneumonoidea )  Braconidae  <Habits>; <Adults-1> & <Adults-2> & <Adults-3>



123a (119b).    Pronotum extends to tegula; antennae not geniculate (= elbow-shaped) ; body often compressed .......... (Hymenoptera)  (Cynipoidea)   <Overview>  [See Subfamilies]



123b.    Pronotum does not reach tegula; prepectus (= area along anterior ventral margin of mesepisternum outlined by a suture) present; antennae geniculate, with one or more proximal segments of flagellum often reduced to ring-like segments; abdominal segment  behind propodeum always in form of a petiole, although not always clear......(Hymenoptera)  (Chalcidoidea)   <Overview>; <General References>



124a (123a).    Largest segment of abdomen (side view) tergites 2 or 3 and never more than one short tergite in front of the largest tergite



124b.    Largest segment of abdomen (side view) tergites 4, 5 or 6, with at least 2, 3 or 4 short tergites behind petiole and preceding the largest tergite; abdomen very compressed laterally;  ovipositor curved under "membranous flap" (Fig.A) (parasitoids of sawflies   A in family Siricidae)........... (Hymenoptera)  (Cynipoidea)  Ibaliidae   <Habits>; <Adults> & <Juveniles>  (also Fig. 44)



125a (124a).    Tergite 2 longest and usually forming at least 1/2 the abdomen; radial cell open (except in Charips) and petiole without enlarged ring bearing longitudinal striations (gall-formers and hyperparasitoids in aphids).  If radial cell is closed and petiole has striated  ring, then tergites 2 & 3 are fused into a single saddle-shaped tergite that covers entire abdomen (Figs.A-C) (Synergus inquilines in oak galls) ........ A .... (Hymenoptera)  (Cynipoidea)  Cynipidae   <Habits>; <Adults> & <Juveniles>   >   [also Figs. 42,  50 & fly-par.htm



125b.    Tergite 2 clearly forming less than 1/2 of abdomen; radial cell closed; petiole with slightly enlarged ring structure bearing longitudinal striations; mesopleura without spines or scratches (Figs.A-B) (parasitoids of Diptera) ....... (Hymenoptera)  (Cynipoidea)  Figitidae   <Habits>; <Adults> & <Juveniles    ] [also (Figs. 43, 48 & fly-par.htm ]



126a (118b).    Pronotum almost reaches or does reach tegula, but lacks a rounded lobe on lateral margin



126b.    Pronotum short, does not reach tegula, with lateral rounded lobe; body hairs not branched  (Figs.A-L) ...... A ....... (Hymenoptera)  (Sphecoidea)  Sphecidae   (= previously under Sphecoidea) <Habits>; <Adults> & <Juveniles>  (also Fig. 97)



127a (126a).    Venation of fore wing well developed; hind wing with veins or a basal lobe



127b.  Venation of fore wing reduced; hind wing not lobed...( Hymenoptera) (Proctotrupoidea)   <Overview>



128a (127a).    Venation of hind wing reduced, lacking closed cells ..(Hymenoptera)  (Bethyloidea = Chrysidoidea)  <Overview>



128b.    Venation of hind wing not reduced, with at least one closed cell



129a (128a).    Antennae with 12-13 segments; tarsi normal



129b.    Antennae with 10 segments; fore tarsi of females often pincer-like (Figs.A-C)... (parasitoids of leafhoppers) ...... A .....(Hymenoptera)  (Bethyloidea = Chrysidoidea)  Dryinidae   <Habits>; <Adults> & <Juveniles>   (also Fig. 58, 71 y 103)



130a (129a).    Abdomen with 3 or less visible tergites (4 in male Parnopes); abdominal sternites concave; body metallic green or blue (Figs.A-F) (parasitoids of wasps) ....... A  ........... (Hymenoptera)  (Bethyloidea = Chrysidoidea)  Chrysididae   <Habits>; <Adults> & <Juveniles>(+ Cleptidae <Habits>);   (also Fig. 73)



130b.    Abdomen with 6 (females) or 7 (males) tergites; sternites convex; body not metallic (Figs.A-C) (parasitoids of Coleoptera & Lepidoptera) ............ (Hymenoptera)  (Bethyloidea = Chrysidoidea)  Bethylidae   (also Figs. 75 & 79)



131a (128b).    Petiole without nodes or node-like swellings



131b.    Petiole medially with nodes or node-like swellings; antennae geniculate (Figs.A-E) (general predators)....... A ....... (Hymenoptera)  (Formicoidea = now in Vespoidea)  Formicidae   <Habits>; <Adults> & <Juveniles> [formerly in Formicoidea <Overview>]   (also Figs. 78 & 82)



132a (131a).    First discoidal cell shorter than submedian cell; fore wings rarely folded



132b.    First discoidal cell much longer than submedian cell; fore wings when at rest folded longitudinally (Figs.A-D) (general predators) ...... A ..... (Hymenoptera)  (Vespoidea)  Vespidae   <Habits>; <Adults> & <Juveniles>   (also Fig. 80)



133a (132a).    Mesopleuron not divided by an oblique suture; hind femur does not extend to tip of abdomen



133b.    Mesopleuron divided by an oblique suture; hind femur extends to tip of abdomen; mid tibia with 2 apical spurs (Figs.A-D) (parasitoids of spiders) ...... A...... (Hymenoptera)  (Pompiloidea)  Pompilidae (= Psammocharidae) <Habits>; <Adults> &  <Juveniles>  [formerly in  Tiphioidea  = <Overview>  = Vespoidea]   (also Figs. 83 &  98)



134a (133a).    Mesosternum and metasternum separate, not forming a single large plate; wings without wrinkles



134b.    Mesosternum and metasternum form a flat plate divided by a sinuous transverse suture; fore wing with fine longitudinal wrinkles beyond the closed cells (Figs.A-B)  (parasitoids of Scarabaeidae) ...... A ...... (Hymenoptera)  (Scolioidea)  Scoliidae   <Habits>; <Adults> & <Juveniles> [formerly in Scolioidea <Overview>] [ formerly in Pompiloidea <Overview>]   (also Figs. 89 & 116). 



135a (134a).    Mesosternum simple, without appendages



135b.    Mesosternum with 2 laminae which overlay or project between the bases of the middle coxae, extending to midline; spur on tip of abdomen (Figs.A-B) (parasitoids of Scarabaeidae) ..... A ..... (Hymenoptera)  (Vespoidea) .... Tiphiidae   <Habits>; <Adults> & <Juveniles>   (also Figs. 96 & 101)



136a (135a).    Body bare or nearly so; hind wing with a prominent separated lobe at the anal angle (Figs.A-B) (parasitoids of bees). ...... A ..... (Hymenoptera)  (Vespoidea)  Sapygidae   <Habits>; <Adults> & <Juveniles>   (also Fig. 95)



136b.    Body almost always obviously hairy; hind wing of %% without a lobe at the anal angle; 2 spurs on tip of abdomen (Figs.A-C) (parasitoids of Hymenoptera .......... (Hymenoptera)  (Vespoidea)  Mutillidae   <Habits>; <Adults> & <Juveniles>]   (also Figs. 84 & 108)



137a (127b).    Antennae inserted near clypeus



137b.    Antennae inserted near middle of face on a shelf-like protuberance; fore wing with stigma (Figs.A-C) (parasitoids of Diptera) ...... A ..... (Hymenoptera)  (Proctotrupoidea)  Diapriidae    <Habits>; <Adults> & <Juveniles>   (Fig. 20)   [also see fly-par.htm ]



138a (137a).    Abdomen sharply margined at sides



138b.    Abdomen rounded laterally; marginal vein usually stigmated (Fig.A) (parasitoids of  insects in several orders ..... A .... (Hymenoptera) (Ceraphronoidea)  Ceraphronidae   <Habits>; <Adults> & <Juveniles>   (also Fig. 16)



139a (138a).    Fore wing with a marginal and stigmal vein (Figs.A-C) (parasitoids of insect eggs) ........ A ..... (Hymenoptera)  (Proctotrupoidea)  Scelionidae   <Habits>; <Adults> & <Juveniles>   (also Fig. 32e) 



139b.    Fore wing without marginal and stigmal veins (Figs.A-C) (most parasitoids of Diptera & Homoptera) ...... (Hymenoptera)  (Proctotrupoidea)  Platygastridae   (= Platygasteridae) <Habits>; <Adults> & <Juveniles>   (also Fig. 23)


Major Families of Adult Entomophagous Hemiptera / Heteroptera:



140a. (19a & 40a).    Antennae short, usually concealed ..... (Hemiptera/Heteroptera)  suborder Cryptocerata (= aquatic bugs)    <Habits>  [Latest Classification]  



140b.   Antennae longer than previously described, at least as long as head, not concealed .( Hemiptera/Heteroptera)  suborder Gymnocerata (= terrestrial bugs)  <Habits>  [Latest Classification]



141a (140a).    Hind tarsi with claws



141b.    Hind tarsi without claws, hind tarsi only flattened (Fig.A) (general predators) .. A ...... Hemiptera/Heteroptera)   Notonectidae   <Habits>; <Adults>



142a (141a).    Membrane of hemelytra without veins



142b.    Membrane of hemelytra (= front wings) with veins (Fig.A) (predators of other aquatic arthropods) ..... A  ...... (Hemiptera/Heteroptera)  Belostomatidae    <Habits>; <Adults>



143a (142a).    Eyes strongly protruding; toad-like (Fig.A) (general predators) .... A  ......... (Hemiptera/Heteroptera)  .......  Gelastocoridae   <Habits>; <Adults>



143b.    Eyes flattened to form one smooth surface with head (Fig.A) (general predators) … ( Hemiptera/Heteroptera)  .,,,... Naucoridae  <Habits>; <Adults>



144a (140b).    Fore legs relatively short and slender compared to other legs; tarsal claws anteapical (especially obvious on fore legs)



144b.    Fore legs not noticeably shorter than other legs; if so, then fore legs thick and modified for grasping; tarsal claws apical



145a (144a).    Hind femora extend well beyond apex of abdomen; middle legs arise closer to hind than to fore legs (Fig.A) (general predators) ........ A ..... (Hemiptera/Heteroptera)  Gerridae   <Habits>; <Adults>



145b.     Hind femora extend little if any beyond apex of abdomen; if middle legs arise close to hind legs than to fore legs, then fore tarsi have only 1 segment (Fig.A) (general predators) .... (Hemiptera/Heteroptera)  Vellidae   <Habits>; <Adults>



146a (144b).    Antennae with 4 segments



146b.    Antennae with 5 segments (Figs.A-D) (mostly phytophagous, but some species are general predators)........ A ......(Hemiptera/Heteroptera)  Pentatomidae   <Habits>; <Adults> & <Juveniles>



147a (146a).    Absence of pad-like arolium at base of each tarsal claw, of if present, fore legs are modified for grasping prey (raptorial)



147b.    Pad-like arolium present; membrane of hemelytron with only 4-5 veins (Figs.A-B) (predatory & phytophagous) ..... A .......(Hemiptera/Heteroptera)  Lygaeidae  <Habits>; <Adults> & <Juveniles>



148a (147a).    Fore legs not raptorial; without a presternal groove



148b.    Fore legs not raptorial



149a (148a).    Proboscis with 3 segments; cuneus absent; ocelli present



149b.    Proboscis with 4 segments; cuneus present; ocelli absent (Figs.A-C) (a few general predatory species) ....... A ....... (Hemiptera/Heteroptera)  Miridae   <Habits>; <Adults>



150a (149a).    Hemelytra with a cuneus (= triangular apical part of thickened portion of wing); 0.5-5.0 mm. long (Figs.A-C) (general predators) .... A .... (Hemiptera/Heteroptera)   Anthocoridae   <Habits>; <Adults> & <Juveniles>



150b.    Hemelytra without a cuneus; length variable; membrane of hemelytra with 4-5 closed cells (Fig.A) (general predators) ......... (Hemiptera/Heteroptera)  Saldidae   <Habits>; <Adults>



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