Functional Landscape Ecology
research focuses on the coupling between biodiversity, energy
fluxes, and biogeochemical cycling embedded within ecological
landscapes. We
conduct research across
agricultural, and
urban land uses. Linking processes across scales is central to
our work
-- landscape dynamics occur at scales of microbes, to
hundreds of kilometers, to the entire world. Everyone in the lab
endeavors to both generate new understanding of how the world works
forecast the effects global change drivers on
sustainability trade-offs. Current activities are answering
questions such as: What regulates biodiversity and ecosystem
functioning within cities? What limits rates of nitrogen cycling
and nitrogen trace gas emissions in high temperature regions? What are
landscape feedbacks
to coupled carbon, nitrogen, and water cycles following grass invasions
in arid ecosystems?The lab is part of the Center for Conservation Biology and the Department of Botany and Plant Sciences at the University of California Riverside. Contact Email:
News and Recent Publications
I am recruiting for a new postdoctoral scientist for research on the urban-wildland interface. The job description is HERE.Tweets by @GDJecology
Recent Publications (Bold for Jenerette Lab)
Park IW, J Hooper, JM Flegal and GD Jenerette. 2018. Drivers of herbaceous cover throughout chaparral shrublands: Insights from a remote sensing method. Diversity and Distributions 24:497-508
Tayyebi A and GD Jenerette. 2018. Assessing diel urban climate dynamics using land surface temperature harmonization model. International Journal of Remote Sensing 39:3010-3028
Liang LL, RG Anderson, SA Shiflett, and GD Jenerette. 2017. Urban outdoor water use and response to drought assessed through mobile energy balance and vegetation greenness measurements. Environmental Research Letters 084007
Fertitta-Roberts C, S Spatari, DA Grantz, and GD Jenerette. 2017. Tradeoffs across productivity, carbon intensity, and pollutant loads from second generation sorghum bioenergy. Global Change Biology Bioenergy 9:1764-1779
Crum SM and GD Jenerette. 2017. Microclimate variation among urban land covers: The importance of vertical and horizontal structure in air and land surface temperature relationships. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology 56:2531-2543
Eberwein JR, W Shen, GD Jenerette. 2017. Michaelis-Menten kinetics and soil respiration feedbacks to nitrogen deposition and climate change in subtropical forests. Scientific Reports 7:1752
Shiflett S, LL Liang, S Crum, GL Feyisa, J Wang, and GD Jenerette. 2017. Variation in the urban vegetation, air temperature, surface temperature nexus. Science of the Total Environment 579:495-505