Ferruginous hawks are the largest North American buteos and are characteristic birds of open prairies and plains. They are uncommon and unfortunately, declining in much of their range. Many winter in southern California, and the San Jacinto Wildlife Area (close to my home in Riverside) is a stronghold for these spectacular raptors. I've counted as many as six perched on power poles on a two-mile stretch of road. Ferruginous hawks occur in two color morphs; all these birds show the more common light phase -- a large, pale hawk with touches of rusty red on the back and legs. A couple of these birds (the ones with large pupils) were photographed early on a overcast days. One hawk with a gaping mouth looks like it is screaming, but it is in the process of 'casting a pellet' (regurgitating a small bundle of fur and bones from a recent meal).
All of these birds are pale-phase adults; other adults are shown here, juveniles can be found here, dark-morph ferruginous hawks are here, and flying birds are here.