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Sandhill cranes in flight        Images © Mark A. Chappell

Sandhill cranes are the iconic birds of the Bosque del Apache refuge, and they are probably easier to photograph here -- especially in flight -- than anywhere else.   I've done more than my share of sandhill flight photography but can't seem to resist when these striking birds cruise by with the wind whistling through their primaries.   In some of these images the birds have their legs tucked into the belly feathers, which they do in cold weather (one bird has one leg extended and the other tucked).
          One confession:   the cranes + moon image is a composite.   It's impossible to get both (relatively) nearby cranes and the distant moon simultaneously in focus with a long lens.   There was a nearly full moon that day and cranes were flying in front of it (including this little family group, in fact), so it's not total 'nature faking'.

  • Canon 1D4, 800 mm f5.6 IS lens (2012, 2013)