Contact Information
Email: jflegal (AT sign) ucr (DOT or PERIOD) edu
Mail: 1428 Olmsted Hall, 900 University Ave, Riverside, CA 92521
Voice: (951) 827-2247
Refereed Publications
- Flegal, J.M., Haran, M., and Jones, G.L. (2008). Markov chain Monte Carlo: Can we trust the third significant figure? Statistical Science, Vol. 23, No. 2, 250-260. arXiv
- Flegal, J.M. and Jones, G.L. (2010). Batch means and spectral variance estimators in Markov chain Monte Carlo; Annals of Statistics, Vol. 38, No. 2, 1034-1070. arXiv
- Flegal, J.M. and Jones, G.L. (2011). Implementing Markov chain Monte Carlo: Estimating with confidence, Handbook of Markov Chain Monte Carlo, 175-197. pdf, supp.Rnw, arXiv
- Flegal, J.M. (2012). Applicability of subsampling bootstrap methods in Markov chain Monte Carlo, Monte Carlo and Quasi-Monte Carlo Methods 2010, Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, Vol. 23, 363-372. SpringerLink
- Flegal, J.M. and Herbei, R. (2012). Exact sampling for intractable probability distributions via a Bernoulli factory, Electronic Journal of Statistics, Vol. 6, 10-37. arXiv
- Spindler, S.R., Mote, P.L., Flegal, J.M. and Teter, B. (2013). Influence on longevity of blueberry, cinnamon, green and black tea, pomegranate, sesame, curcumin, morin, Pycnogenol, quercetin and taxifolin fed isocalorically to long-lived, outcrossed mice, Rejuvenation Research, Vol. 16(2), 143-151.
- Spindler, S.R., Mote, P.L., Li, R., Dhahbi, J.M., Yamakawa, A., Flegal, J.M. and Jeske, D.R. (2013). Beta1-adrenergic receptor blockade with metoprolol or nebivolol extends the lifespan of Drosophila and long-lived mice, Journal of the American Aging Association, Vol. 35, 2099-2109.
- Doss, C.R., Flegal, J.M., Jones, G.L., and Neath, R.C. (2014). Markov chain Monte Carlo estimation of quantiles. Electronic Journal of Statistics, Vol. 8, 2448-2478. arXiv
- Jeske D.R., Flegal, J.M. and Spindler, S.R. (2014). Minimum size survival analysis sampling plans for comparing multiple treatment groups to a single control group, Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, Vol. 43, 2689-2701.
- Johnson, A.A. and Flegal, J.M. (2014). A modified conditional Metropolis-Hastings sampler, Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, Vol. 78, 141-152. arXiv
- Spindler, S.R., Mote, P.L. and Flegal, J.M. (2014). Lifespan effects of simple and complex nutraceutical combinations fed isocalorically to mice, Journal of the American Aging Association, , Vol. 36, 705-718.
- Spindler, S.R., Mote, P.L. and Flegal, J.M. (2014). Dietary supplementation with krill oil and Lovaza shortens the lifespan of long-lived F1 mice, Journal of the American Aging Association, Vol. 36, 1345-1352.
- Flegal, J.M. and Gong, L. (2015). Relative fixed-width stopping rules for Markov chain Monte Carlo simulations. Statistica Sinica , Vol. 25, 655-676. arXiv
- Spindler, S.R., Mote, P.L., Lublin, A.A., Flegal, J.M., Dhahbi, J.M. and Li, R. (2015). Nordihydroguaiaretic acid (NDGA) can extend lifespan in Drosophila and mice but has a very narrow therapeutic window and increases mortality-related tumors and hemorrhagic diathesis. Journal of Gerontology: Biological Sciences, Vol. 70, 1479–1489.
- Gong, L. and Flegal, J.M. (2016). A practical sequential stopping rule for high-dimensional Markov chain Monte Carlo. Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, Vol. 25, 684-700. arXiv
- Spindler, S.R., Mote, P.L. and Flegal, J.M. (2016). Combined statin and angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor treatment increases the lifespan of long-lived F1 male mice. Journal of the American Aging Association, Vol. 38, 379-391.
- Crackel, R. and Flegal, J.M. (2017). Bayesian inference for a flexible class of bivariate beta distributions. Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, Vol. 87, 295-312. arXiv
- Hui, J., Aragon, M., Cui, X. and Flegal, J.M. (2018). A machine learning approach to galaxy-LSS classification I: Imprints on halo merger trees. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society (MNRAS) , Vol. 475, 4494-4503.
- Liu, Y. and Flegal, J.M. (2018). Weighted batch means estimators in Markov chain Monte Carlo. Electronic Journal of Statistics, Vol. 12, TBD. arXiv
- Park, I. W., Hooper, Flegal, J.M., and Jenerette, G. D. (2018). Moisture availability drives distribution of herbaceous cover throughout chaparral: Insights from a novel remote sensing method mapping chaparral invasion. Diversity & Distributions, Vol. 24, 497-508.
- Roy, V., Tan, A. and Flegal, J.M. (2018). Estimating standard errors for importance sampling estimators with multiple Markov chains. Statistica Sinica, Vol. 28, 1079-1101. arXiv
- Vats, D., Flegal, J.M. and Jones, G.L. (2018). Strong consistency of multivariate spectral variance estimators in Markov chain Monte Carlo. Bernoulli, Vol. 24, 1860-1909. arXiv
- Vats, D., Flegal, J.M. and Jones, G.L. (2018+). Multivariate output analysis for Markov chain Monte Carlo. Biometrika, to appear. arXiv
Submitted Papers
- Le, N.X.T., Rivas, R., Flegal, J.M. and Hristidis, V. (2017). Targeted solicitation of product reviews.
- Liu, Y. and Flegal, J.M. (2018). Optimal mean squared error bandwidth for spectral variance estimators in MCMC simulations. arXiv
- Vats, D. and Flegal, J.M. (2018). Lugsail lag windows and their application to MCMC. arXiv
- Flegal, J.M. (PI), Collaborative research: Developing a theoretical and methodological framework for high-dimensional Markov chain Monte Carlo, National Science Foundation - Division of Mathematical Sciences, 2013-2016.
- Flegal, J.M. (PI), A sequential stopping rule for high-dimensional Markov chain Monte Carlo, University of California, Riverside - Regents Faculty Fellowship, 2014-2015.
- Flegal, J.M. (Other Professional), Fellowships and Internships in Extremely Large Data Sets (FIELDS): A Training and Research Program in Big Data and Visualization, National Aeronautics and Space Administration - MIRO FIELDS, PI B. Mobasher, Physics and Astronomy, 2015-2020.
- Flegal, J.M. (PI), Online Instruction for Introduction to Statistics - STAT 100AB, University of California, Office of the President (Innovative Learning Technology Initiative), 2018-2023.
- mcmcse: Monte Carlo standard errors for MCMC (with John Hughes, Dootika Vats, and Ning Dai)
- NASC 93: Statistics in Popular Culture
- STAT 155: Probability and Statistics for Science and Engineering
- STAT 160A: Elements of Probability and Statistical Theory
- STAT 160B: Elements of Probability and Statistical Theory
- STAT 160C: Elements of Probability and Statistical Theory
- STAT 203A: Bayesian Statistics I
- STAT 206: Statistical Computing
- STAT 207: Advanced Statistical Computing
- STAT 210C: Theoretical Statistics and Probability
- STAT 215: Stochastic Processes
- STAT 288: Literature Seminar
- STAT 3011 (University of Minnesota): Introduction to Statistical Analysis