Current Teaching
Spring 2016
- Microbial Ecology MCBL 211
- Environmental Microbiology MCBL/ENSC 133
- Introductory Microbiology MCBL/BIOL 121
Application of ecological principles to microbial communities. Emphasizes methods for analysis of diversity and community structure and statistical methods relating genetic and biochemical fingerprints to functional properties. Case studies explore applications for agriculture, disease biocontrol, and bioremediation of environmental contaminants.
Introduction to nonpathogenic microorganisms in the environment. Topics include an introduction to microbial biology and microbial and metabolic genetic diversity; methods; symbiotic interactions; biofilms; and geomicrobiology and biogeochemistry. Explores life in extreme environments and the effects of the physical and chemical environment on microbes.
An intensive introduction to the fundamental physiology and molecular biology of bacteria and viruses. Covers evolutionary origins of metabolic diversity, bacterial and viral molecular genetics, and an introduction to microbial pathogenesis.