Paul De Ley & Wim Bert - November 28th, 2001

Video Capture and Editing: References

Material and Methods

Czymmek, K.J., Whallon, J.H., and Klomparens, K.L. 1994. Confocal microscopy in mycological research. Experimental Mycology 18: 275-293.

Donaldson, L.A., and Lausberg, M.J.F. 1998. Comparison of conventional transmitted light and confocal microscopy for measuring wood cell dimensions by image analysis. IAWA Journal 19: 321-336.

Eisenback, J.D. 1988. Multiple focus and exposure photomicroscopy of nematodes for increased depth of field. Journal of Nematology 20: 333-334.

Khrustalev, V. A. & E. P. Hoberg. 1996. Carmine-propionic acid stain for elucidating of fine cellular structure in nematodes. Journal of Parasitology 82: 176-178.

Omasa, K., and Kouda, M. 1998. 3-D color video microscopy of intact plants: a new method for measuring shape and growth. Environment Control in Biology 36: 217-226.

Schnabel, R., H. Hutter, D. Moerman, and H. Schnabel. 1997. Assessing normal embryogenesis in Caenorhabditis elegans using a 4D microscope: Variability of development and regional specification. Developmental Biology 184: 234-265.

Thomas, C., P. De Vries, J. Hardin, and J. White. 1996. Four-dimensional imaging: Computer visualization of 3D movements in living specimens. Science 273: 603-607.

Thomas, W.K., J.T. Vida, L.M. Frisse, M. Mundo, and J.G. Baldwin. 1997. DNA sequences from formalin-fixed nematodes: integrating molecular and morphological approaches to taxonomy. Journal ofNematology 29: 250-254.

Tucker, S.C., W.T. Cathey, and E.R. Dowski, Jr. 1999. Extended depth of field and aberration control for inexpensive digital microscope systems. Optics Express 4: 467-474.

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