The Reproductive System
The female and male reproductive systems are diverse in configurations. Upon closer examination, the female/hermaphrodite
and male reproductive tracts, enclosed by an epithelial sheath, include
highly specialized regions (7). In most nematodes the developing germ cells
progressively mature from the distal end marked by a cap cell, thus points
of maturation are distinguished as germinal zone and growth zone in both
the ovary and testis (7). In females/hermaphrodites the ovary leads to
an oviduct that may include a structure specialized for sperm storage,
the spermatheca (A). The spermatheca leads to a muscular uterus, that is
functionally involved in expelling eggs through the vagina to the vulva
opening (A). The testis may terminate at a seminal vesicle specialized
for storing sperm, and sometimes set off from the growth zone by a constricted
region, the vas efferens (B). Proximally a vas deferens leads to a common
duct with the digestive tract, the cloaca, thorugh which sperm are released.
Fig. 7 General representation of detailed structures commonly associated with female/hermatphrodite (A) and male (B) reproductive tracts