This workshop provides a detailed introduction to secernentean taxonomy.
It is aimed at researchers and students active in a range of disciplines
such as soil ecology, biocontrol, nematode taxonomy and phylogeny,
evolutionary parasitology or development and genetics of C. elegans
and other nematode research models. A primary goal is the identification
to genus level of species from the suborders Cephalobina, Rhabditina
and Diplogastrina, and differentiation from easily confused outgroups.
A five-head microscope and video capture equipment will be central
to developing hands-on experience in recognizing diagnostic characteristics.
Other topics covered include simple techniques for extraction and
preparation of freeliving nematodes; relevant morphological characteristics
and terminology; outline classification of higher categories, with
an update on recent taxonomic and phylogenetic developments; and brief
ecological characterization of the main families.
For pictures from the workshop click