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Tregenza, T., Simmons, L.W., Wedell, N., and Zuk, M. (2006).
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T., Birkhead, T.R., Blows, M.W., Brooks, R., Buchanan, K.L.,
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Zuk, M. (2006). The case of the female orgasm. Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 49: 294-98.
Zuk, M. (2006). Family
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Zuk, M. (2005). Evaluation bias hits women who aren't twice as good. (correspondence). Nature 438: 559.
Fedorka, K.M., Zuk, M., and Mousseau, T.A. (2005). Natural selection drives the link between male immune function and reproductive potential. Canadian Journal of Zoology 83: 1012-1014.
Fedorka, K.M., and Zuk, M. (2005). Sexual conflict and female immune suppression in the cricket, Allonemobius socius. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 18:1515-1522.
Simmons, L.W., Zuk, M., and
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M. (2005). Animal Models and Gender. Pp. 7-16 in Gender in
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Patten, M.A., Rotenberry, J.T., and
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Kolluru, G.R., Chappell, M.A., and Zuk, M. (2004). Sex differences in insect metabolic rates: field crickets (Teleogryllus oceanicus) and their dipteran parasitoids (Ormia ochracea). Journal of Comparative Physiology Part B 174: 641-648.
K.M, Zuk, M., and Mousseau, T.A. (2004). Immune suppression and the cost
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M., Simmons, L.W., Rotenberry, J.T., and Stoehr, A.M. (2004) Sex
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D.A. and Zuk, M. (2004). Latency to resume calling after
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Kolluru, G.R., Zuk, M., and Chappell,
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L.W., Zuk, M., and Rotenberry, J.T. (2001). Geographic variation in
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Zuk, M. (2000). Noted biologist Bill
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L.T., Platzer, E.G., Zuk, M. and Giblin-Davis, R.M. (2000) Venereal
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Zuk, M. and McKean, K.A. (2000).
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Zuk, M., Kim, T., Robinson, S., and
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A., Gowaty, P.A., and M. Zuk. (1997). Evolutionary psychology and
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M.A., Zuk, M., Johnsen, T.S., and T.H. Kwan. (1997). Mate choice and
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K.A., Nunney, L., and M. Zuk. (1996). Immunology taught by Darwin.
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J.T., Zuk, M., Simmons, L.W. and C. Hayes. (1996). Phonotactic
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T.S. and M. Zuk. (1996). Repeatability of mate choice in female red
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M., Popma, S.L., and T.S. Johnsen. (1995). Male courtship displays,
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T.S. and M. Zuk. (1995). Testosterone and aggression in male red jungle
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M., Simmons, L.W., and J.T. Rotenberry. (1995). Acoustically-orienting
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K. and M. Zuk. (1995). The evolution of signaling in immunology and
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M.A., Zuk, M., Kwan, T.H. and T.S. Johnsen. (1995). Energy cost of an
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M. (1984). A charming resistance to parasites. Natural History 93: 28-34.
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