Recent field photos



UCR Earth Sciences

Marenco Research Page

Sonora, Mexico, Winter 2007 - geochemical investigation of the Precambrian-Cambrian succession

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Different views of the campsite.  Note the size and density of ominous thorn bearing plants in comparison to Suburban.

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Chollas guarding the Clemente Oolite, and a funky saguaro.  Note Ignacio "Nacho" de la Mora for scale.

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Left: view of a small part of the Cerro Rajon Section.  Center: view of the Upper Gamuza and Papalote Formations capped by the Tecolote Quartzite. Right: view of basement from base of section.

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Left: Pedro and Sean Loyd at base of La Cienega Formation. Center: funky field hair group shot (from left in rear: Sean Loyd, Prof. Francisco Sour Tovar, Pedro Marenco, Ariel Morales; from left in front: Leonara Martin, Ignacio "Nacho" de la Mora, Whitey Hagadorn, Itzia Nieto). Right: Sonoran Desert sunset over ocotillos.


Jehol Biota field trip, Northern China, Summer 2006

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Mistaken Point, Newfoundland, Summer 2005

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Left: fossils are easy to find at Mistaken Point. Center: Pedro all bundled up.  Right: bedding plane central (Matthew Clapham, Margaret Fraiser, Pedro Marenco).

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Left: carnivorous plant (sundew) eating a small black fly. Center: unnamed Ediacaran "spindle". Right: unnamed Ediacaran "frond".




Last Updated 11/26/2007