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                                                     ITALY  LANDSCAPES 1/


                                  (Large Files)


------ Please CLICK on photos or underlined file name to view images:                            Map of Italy

                        {Depress Ctrl/F to find subject matter]:                                                       Map of the Vatican

                                                                                                                                                Regional List



                Large Files











<fam411> -- In Milano, Italy, Jun. 1974.


<fam925> -- In Pompeii, Italy, Oct. 1966.

<fam926> -- In Pompeii, Italy, Oct. 1966.

<fam2307> --Mountaintop village south of Naples, Italy, Sept 1966



<fam2308> --On Mt. Etna, Sicily, Sept 1966



<fam2309> --Mt. Etna, Sicily, Sept 1966

<fam2545> --A monastery in the Dolomite Region, Italy, Jul 1955



<fam2546> --A mural at Pompeii, Italy, Jan 1956

<fam2548> --St. Peter’s, Vatican, Italy, Jan 1956

<fam2549> --Columbus Monument, Genoa, Italy, Jan 1956



<fam2550> --Genoa, Italy, Jan 1956

<fam2551> --Canal in Venice, Italy, Apr 1955

<fam2552> --Bridge of Sighs, Venice, Italy, Jul 1955

<fam2553> --A small canal in Venice, Italy, Jul 1955

<fam2554> --San Marco Cathedral, Venice, Italy, Jul 1955




<fam2555> --San Marco Piazza, Venice, Italy, Jul 1955

<fam2556> --Capri Island with Mt. Vesuvius in background, Jan 1956



<fam2557> --Capri Island near Naples, Italy, Jan 1956










1/ Images are also available in a separate TIF format.