File:  <newfound.htm>                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Canada INDEX                                  <Home>



                   Newfoundland, Canada   


Credits                  [Please CLICK on pictures to enlarge:]


<fam2558> -- High seas & U.S.S. Geiger in the North Atlantic, Nov 1954




<fam2578> --The western Atlantic from the USNS Geiger, Dec 1954




<fam2579> --The western Atlantic from the USNS Geiger, Dec 1954




<fam2580> --In the Gulf Stream, western Atlantic from the USNS Geiger, Dec 1954



<fam2561> -- St. John Harbor, Newfoundland, Canada from the U.S.S. Geiger, Nov 1954



<can1> -- Tug boat in St. John's, Newfoundland Harbor, Dec 1954


<fam2559> -- Aboard U.S.S. Geiger in Newfoundland, Canada, Nov 1954



<fam2560> -- Aboard U.S.S. Geiger in Newfoundland, Canada, Nov 1954



<can7> -- Children on the docks in St. John's harbor, Newfoundland, Dec 1954





<can2> -- St. John's, Newfoundland Harbor, Dec 1954