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HYMENOPTERA, Sphecidae (Cercerinae) (Sphecoidea) --  <Images> & <Juveniles>




          Williams (1919b) observed that Cerceris angularis Ckll. in the Philippines stores its nests principally with long-horned beetles, while C. spiniger Roh. shows a preference for Chrysomelidae.  In both species, the contents of the cells sometimes comprise representatives of both families.  The egg is attached longitudinally to one beetle's venter.  The prey of Cerceris is usually stung in the cervix and while being carried to the nest is grasped by the neck or thorax with only the mandibles.  P. Marchal (Clausen 1940/1962) noted the extensive malaxation of the throat of bees of the genus Halictus by C. rybiensis L. (= ornata Marchal) and the extensive feeding that took place on fluids exuding from the puncture


          Thie group may be the largest subfamily of Philanthidae in the Apoidea (Finnamore & Michener 1993) There were more than 903 species known by 2000.  The genus Cerceris has over 802 species and is cosmopolitan.  The prey is usually adult Coleoptera, although some Hymenoptera are also known.  About 100 species occur in North America.


          Peckham & Peckham (1989) reported on C. clypeata Dahlb., which feeds on Balaninus.  The sting kills the weevils before being stored.  C. deserta Say utilizes Conotrachelus posticatus Boh., inserting a large number in each cell.  The beetles are either dead at the time of storing or die soon after parasitism. 



References:   Please refer to  <biology.ref.htm>, [Additional references may be found at:  MELVYL Library]


Williams, F. X.  1919b.  Philippine wasp studies.  Hawaii. Sugar Planters' Assoc. Expt. Sta., Ent. Ser. Bul. 14.  186 p.