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Introduction to Entomology



[For answers please also refer to:  Borror, DJ. C.A. Triplehom, and N.F. Johnson. 1989.  An Introduction to the Study of Insects (6th ed.). Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc., Orlando, Florida, U.S.A


Metcalf, R. L.  1986.  The ecology of pesticides and the chemical control of insects, p. 251-97.  In:  M. Kogan (ed.), Ecological Theory and Integrated Pest Management Practice.  John Wiley & Sons, New York.  362 p.p..]


_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

1. Discuss the corn earworm, answering the following questions:


     a.  Scientific name.



     b.  Family and order.



     c.  Life history in both high and low latitudes.







     d.  Three crops injured and type of injury to each.





     e.  Control.






2.  Fill in the blanks:


          The order with the most species is ________________________, which contains about ____________

No. of different species.  Five families containing injurious species are _____________________, _________
_________, __________________, ___________________,  ______________________.  Ways in which members of each family are injurious are ______________________, ___________________, ___________
__________, ________________________, ___________________________.  One of our most beneficial groups of insects in the order stated above are in the family _______________________________________.


          The butterflies and moths belong to the order ______________________.  The immature stages are referred to as ____________________, and they have _____________________ mouthparts and they feed on ________
_________________________.   Two benefits derived from this order are _____________________________

and ___________________________.  The largest family is the family _______________________________, which contains the _____________________, and _________________________.  These are best controlled by the chemicals _____________________________________.  Three common fruit tree pests in this order are the

____________________________, ____________________________, _____________________________.



3.  List the statements on the right that apply to each of the insects on the left.



1.  Cabbage worm

a.  Coleoptera


b.  Overwinters as nymphs or larvae

2.  Wire worms

c.  Damage by young forms primarily


d.  Overwinters as adults

3.  Chinch bugs

e.  Controlled by chemicals usually


f.  Feeds on a wide range of hosts

4.  European Corn Borer

g.  Controlled mostly by cultural means


h.  Life cycle requires more than one year

5.  Codling Moth

i.  Many generations per year


j.  Controlled by seed treatment

6.  White Fringe Beetle

k.  Either absent or of no importance


l.  Usually one generation per year

7.  Lygus Bugs

m.  Carpocapsa pomonella


n.  Invaded species in North America

8.  Boll Weevil

o.  Native pest in North America


p.   Attacks mostly pome fruits



4.  True or False:  Correct the false answers.


     a.  ____ Pollination is a major objective of most pollinating insects.



     b.  ____ The mouthparts of adult Lepidoptera are formed by the fusion of the labial palpi.



     c.  ____ All adult beetles have chewing mouthparts.



     d.  ____ Most Neuroptera are predatory as larvae, but many feed very little as adults.



     e.  ____ The color of Lepidoptera wings is due to colored scales.



     f.  ____ Most Lepidoptera larvae suck plant juices.



     g.  ____ Lepidoptera and Coleoptera frequently have elaborate means of fastening the fore and hind wings

                      together for flight.



     h.  ____ Lepidoptera larvae have chewing mouthparts.



     i.  ____ The order Lepidoptera is responsible for the two most serious pests of maize in North America.



     j.  ____ All the important borers are in the order Coleoptera.



     k.  ____ Wireworms and round-headed borers usually require more than one year to mature.



     l.  ____ The boll weevil is a major pest of cotton and tobacco.



     m.  ____ Most tree viruses are carried by aphids.



     n.  ____ DDT used to control beetles, caterpillars and aphids.



     o.  ____ Many beetles are important vectors of plant virus diseases.



5.  Discuss the following questions briefly:


     a.  Timing of control, chemicals used and reason for exact timing of spray to control the alfalfa weevil.







     b.  The pink bollworm; including importance, distribution, hosts and control.







     c.  Importance and control of the peach tree borer.








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