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                         CLASSIFICATION OF INSECT ORDERS




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Subphylum:  Hexapoda

 Class:  Insecta – Insects


     Thysanura -- Bristletails

     Ephemeroptera -- Mayflies

     Odonata -- Dragonflies, Damselflies

     Orthoptera -- Locusts, Grasshoppers, Crickets,

          Cockroaches, Walking sticks, Mantids

     Dermaptera -- Earwigs

     Isoptera -- Termites, White ants

     Embioptera -- Webspinners

     Plecoptera -- Stone flies

     Zoraptera -- Zorapterans

     Psocoptera -- Psocids

     Mallophaga -- Chewing lice

     Phthiraptera (= Anoplura) -- Sucking lice

     Thysanoptera -- Thrips




     Hemiptera -- Plant bugs, Stink bugs, Chinch bugs,

                          Ambush bugs, Water striders, Toad bugs

     Homoptera -- Cicadas, Psyllids, Aphids, Scale insects

     Neuroptera -- Alderflies, Snakeflies, Lacewings, Antlions

     Coleoptera -- Beetles

     Strepsiptera -- Twisted-winged parasites

     Mecoptera -- Scorpion flies

     Trichoptera -- Caddis flies

     Lepidoptera -- Butterflies, Moths

     Diptera -- Flies

     Siphonaptera -- Fleas

     Hymenoptera -- Bees, Wasps, Ants


    Superfamilies, Families & Subfamilies

    Sample Examinations


Details of Insect Taxonomic Groups


          Examples of beneficial species occur in almost every insect order, and considerable information on morphology and habits has been assembled.  Therefore, the principal groups of insect parasitoids and predators provide details that refer to the entire class Insecta.  These details are available at <taxnames.htm>.