10 Nov 2014 Version    NOTE:  Recipes will print out to fit on cards 4-in high by 6-in wide




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Amana Potato Dumplings

Amana Soda Bread

Baking Powder Biscuits

Banana Bread (Brown & Woock)

Basic Yeast Dough

Bohemian Potato Dumplings

Bohemian Flour Dumplings

Croutons (Whole Wheat)

Johnny Bread (Cornbread)

Margie's Yeast Rolls

Tender Crust For Pies

Tortillas (Braised)

Whole Wheat Bread



             NOTE:  tsp. = teaspoon; tbsp. = tablespoon


Pam Brown and Sally Woock Banana Bread


½ cup Crisco or margarine

1 cup sugar

2 eggs

1 teaspoon vanilla

3 ripe bananas, mashed

2 cups flour

1 tsp baking soda

½ tsp salt

1 cup chopped

Variation: Cut down on Crisco &

  add  ¼ to ½ cup molasses


Cream butter or margarine and sugar; add eggs, vanilla and bananas. Mix well. Sift  flour, soda and salt together, add to mixture.  Add nuts. 


Bake in 9x5 inch well–greased and floured loaf pan at 350-deg, F, for one hour.  Remove the loaf from pan and cool on rack.




Margie's Yeast Rolls


1 cup lard

1/2 cup sugar

2 cups water

1 cake yeast cake

2 large eggs

6 cups flour

2 tsp. salt


 Pour 1 cup boiling water over 1 cup lard and 1/2 cup sugar.  Dissolve 1 oz. yeast cake in 1-cup cold water.  Combine the above and add 2 well-beaten eggs.  Gradually add 6 cups flour and 2 tsp. salt.


 Place mixture into greased bowl, cover with cloth and leave in refrigerator over night.


 Shape into small rolls with floured hands and place on greased cookie sheet.  Store in refrigerator or other cold place until about an hour before baking time.


 Remove from cold place and let rise in a warm place about an hour.  Bake at 450-deg. F. until browned.



Bohemian Potato Dumplings


7-8 medium raw potatoes, grated

1 teaspoon salt

2 large eggs

1 tsp. vanilla

½ cup farina (Cream-of-Wheat)

2 cups flour

Croutons from 2 slices whole-wheat



Add grated potatoes to beaten eggs & vanilla.  Add farina, salt & flour until dough will not stick to hands.  Let stand in refrigerator for about 1 hr.  Remove from frige and form dough into 2-3 inch balls with wet hands.  Punch hole in the ball and fill with prepared croutons.


Drop a few at a time into boiling heavily salted water.  Cook in simmering water, stirring frequently for 20-30 min. When all dumplings are floating remove with a strainer.


NOTE:  Prepare dough from dehydrated mixes for quicker and almost equally

  effective results.


CROUTONS:  Cut whole-wheat toast into small cubes and fry to crispness in olive oil, melted butter or margarine.  Add granulated garlic to oil.



Bohemian Flour Dumplings


4 cups white flour

1 tsp. salt & 1/2 tsp. Baking Powder

1/2 tsp. vanilla extract

1-2 cups milk

Croutons from 4 bread slices


Place 4 heaping cups of white flour in a large bowl.  Add 1 tsp. salt, 1/2 tsp. Baking powder, vanilla and enough milk to make thick dough.


Mix in by hand Croutons made from 4 slices of cubed and toasted white bread.  Do not knead much but assemble into two rolls.


Place gently into rapidly boiling and salted water for about 1/2 hour.  Test with cake thermometer if necessary to determine if cooked through.


Remove from hot water carefully using a plate.  Slice into 1/2-inch thick pieces immediately. [Slices may be reheated by steaming or toasting]


CROUTONS:  Cut whole-wheat toast into small cubes and fry to crispness in olive oil, melted butter or margarine.  Add granulated garlic to oil.  [Note:  white bread may be substituted for whole-wheat]



Whole Wheat Bread


1 pkg. active dry yeast

1/4 cup warm water

1/4 cup sugar

2 tsp. sugar

2 tsp. salt

2 tsp. shortening

1 cup milk

1 cup boiling water

2 & 1/2 cups unsifted plain flour

3 cups whole wheat flour


Dissolve yeast in lukewarm water.  In a separate bowl mix sugar, salt, shortening, milk and boiling water.  When this is lukewarm add yeast and 2 & 1/2 cups all-purpose flour.  Slowly add some whole wheat flour.  When dough is stiff enough to handle turn onto a floured board.  Knead until dough is smooth and elastic.


Place dough in an oiled bowl (e.g., olive oil).  Cover and let rise until double in size.  Knead and let rise again.


Shape into two loaves.  Place into 9 x 5-inch loaf pans and let rise again until doubled.


Bake at 400-deg. F. for 45 min. or until golden brown and the loaf sounds hollow when tapped.



Amana Potato Dumplings 1


4 cups partially boiled riced potatoes

1/2 cup flour

Salt & Pepper

2 eggs, lightly beaten

2 slices cubed bread

1 medium onion, minced

2 tbsp. butter


Blend potatoes, flour and seasoning.  Add eggs, Brown bread cubes and onion in butter.  Add to previous and mix well.


Form dough into dumplings (e.g., 1 to 1 & 1/2-inch diam.).  Cook in simmering salted water for 5 to 7 minutes, after which dumplings should be floating.



Amana Soda Bread 1


1 cup butter or lard

2 cups sugar

6 eggs

1 tsp. Baking soda

1 & 1/4 cup buttermilk

Flour (variable for stiff dough)


Cream butter and sugar; add eggs and beat.  Dissolve soda in buttermilk and add to mix.


Introduce sufficient flour to the mix to make a dough stiff enough to roll out.  Cut with doughnut cutter.  Fry in deep melted shortening or oil until golden brown.



Tender Crust For Pies 1


2 cups flour

1 tsp. salt

1/2 cup sugar

1/4 cup lard, butter or margarine

3/4 cup milk

2 tsp. Baking powder


Combine flour, salt and sugar.  Cut in shortening.  Then add milk and form into a ball.


Divide into two equal parts, and roll out to fit two large pie pans.


Bake at 425-deg. F. for 10 minutes.  Reduce to 350-deg. F. and bake until crust begins to brown.



Basic Yeast Dough 1


1 cup milk

1/2 cup sugar

1 tbsp. salt

1 cake yeast

1 cup lukewarm water

6 cups flour

6 tbsp. melted shortening


Scald milk.  Add sugar and salt.  Cool to lukewarm.  Dissolve yeast in lukewarm water and add cooled milk.  Add 3 cups flour and beat until smooth.  Add shortening and remaining flour.


Knead well and place in a greased bowl.  Cover with a cloth and set in warm place away from drafts.  Let rise to double size (about 3 hours).


Make into braids, buns, etc.  Bake at 350-deg. F. for about 20 minutes or until browned.



Johnny Cake (Cornbread)


1/2 cup sugar

1 tsp. soda

1 cup flour

1 cup cornmeal

1/4 tsp. salt

1 cup buttermilk

2 eggs

1/4 cup melted butter


Mix dry ingredients together.  Add milk, eggs and melted butter.  Beat thoroughly.


Transfer to a greased baking pan.  Bake at 350-375-deg. F. for about 25 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean.




Baking Powder Biscuits


2 cups flour

1 tsp. salt

4 tsp. Baking powder

4 tbsp. shortening (butter, margarine

  or frozen safflower oil)

3/4 cup milk


Cut shortening into dry flour leaving 1/4-inch chunks.  Add milk and let stand 5 minutes.


Knead dough on a board a little.  Roll to 3/4-inch thickness.


Bake at 450-deg. F. for 12-15 minutes.


NOTE:  For flaky biscuits the use of a very hard shortening is advised. Solidify safflower or other kinds of oil in a freezer at low temperature.  



Tortillas -- Braised


Corn Tortillas

12 corn tortillas

1/4 cup olive oil

Flour Tortillas

12 flour tortillas

1/4 cup olive oil


Place 2 tsp. oil into metal skillet.  Fry over medium heat until oil begins to bubble.


Place a tortilla into the oil and fry until lightly browned.  Turn tortilla and repeat heating until also lightly brown.


Corn tortillas retain most of their original shape, but flour tortillas will puff up when turning is necessary.  Flour tortillas also require less frying time.


When a tortilla has browned slightly on one side, some grated cheese and mild Jalapeño, Anaheim or Pasilla chiles may be added and the tortilla turned over to produce a half-moon shape.  Additional frying for 1/2 minute on each side will melt the cheese with the pepper. 



























































































































1.  Modified from an Amana recipe.