Dr. Erich Fred Legner


Professor of Biological Control

University of California, Riverside & Berkeley

Associate, Riverside Municipal Museum     URL


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<About the Author>      <Dedication>      <Citations>


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       Appreciation is extended to the United States Department of the Interior, Lic. Bernardo Biados, Barry & René Fell and various government agencies in the Americas for their assistance in accessing photographed sites.  The sources of unidentified photos are being sought; please contact <>


       Further details about sites may be found  in:


       Heizer, R. F. & M. A. Baumhoff.  1962.  Prehistoric Rock Art of Nevada and Eastern California.  Univ. of Calif. Press, Berkeley, Los Angeles, London.  412 p. and  <Bibliography>


       The ancient originators of the structures and art displayed are posthumously respectfully acknowledged.  Educational Material:  Quote cited references.