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LEBBECK MEALYBUG Nipaecoccus virdis (Maskell) -- Homoptera,
Pseudococcidae [Also named Nipaecoccus vastator (Maskell)] (Contacts) ----- CLICK on Photo to enlarge &
search for Subject Matter with Ctrl/F. GO TO ALL: Bio-Control Cases
REFERENCES: [Additional references may be found at: MELVYL
Library ] Clausen, C. P. 1978
(ed.). Introduced parasites and predators
of arthropod pests and weeds: A world
review. USDA ARS Agriculture Handbook
No. 480. 455 p. Dahlsten, D. L. & R. W. Hall. 1999. Biological control
of insects in outdoor urban environments.
In: Bellows, T. S. & T. W. Fisher (eds.), Handbook of Biological Control: Principles and Applications. Academic Press, San Diego, New York. 1046 p. Ferris, G. F. 1950. Atlas of the Scale Insects of North
America. V. The Psuedococcidae (Part I).
Stanford Univ. Press, Stanford, Calif & Geoffrey Cumberlege,
Oxford Univ. Press, London. 278 p. Fullaway, D. T.
1923. Notes on the mealybugs
of economic importance in Hawaii.
Hawii. Ent. Soc. Proc. 5:
305-21. Hall, W. J. 1927. The introduction of Cryptolaemus montrouzieri
Muls. into Egypt. Bull. Ent. Res.
17: 385-92. Kamal, M. 1951. Biological control projects in Egypt, with
a list of introduced parasites and predators. Bull. Soc. Fouad Ier Ent. 35:
205-20. Kränzlin, D. R. 1913. Die Wollansplage in
Daressallam (The mealybug plague in Dar-Es-Sallam). Pflanzer (Dar-es-Salaam) 10:
493-507. Moursi, A. A. 1948a. Anagyrus
aegyptiacus Moursi, a
parasite of the Lebbek mealybug, Pseudococcus
filamentosus. Bull. Soc. Fouad Ier Ent. 32: 17-32. Moursi, A. A. 1948b. Leptomastix
phenacocci Compere, a
parasite of the Lebbek mealybug Pseudococcus
filamentosus. Bull. Soc. Fouad Ier Ent. 32: 33-40. Swezey, O. H. 1933. Biological control of insect pests in
Hawaii. 5th Pacific Science Cong.
Proc. 5: 3531-36. Willcocks, F. C.
1910. A mealybug injurious to
the Lebbeck trees of Cairo. Bull.
Ent. Res. 1: 121-37. Zimmerman, E. C. 1948. Insect of Hawaii. V. 5. University of Hawaii Press. 464 p. |