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AVOCADO FRUIT GALLING MIDGE Asphondylia websteri Felt -- Diptera, Cecidomyiidae ----- CLICK on Photo to enlarge & search for Subject Matter with Ctrl/F. GO TO ALL: Bio-Control Cases
Prior to 1917, economic entomologists
in the USA considered this midge to be A. miki Wachtl,
a pest of legumes in central Europe, France, Italy, Hungary, Russia, and
possibly England (Barnes 1946). Felt (1917) considered this highly isolated
population of an invasive "European" pest in the southwestern USA
"remarkable" but the identity of the midge could not be reassessed
until a sufficient series of material was available for examination and
comparison to European material. Reared material was made available in 1917
and sufficient morphological differences between the A.
miki from Europe and the southwestern USA Asphondylia were
determined to exist (e.g., smaller size, darker color, and less setae for the
US species) that the US Asphondylia was named A.
websteri after Professor Webster who supplied the type
series of reared material for examination (Felt 1917). There are over 250 described species
of Asphondylia, with many additional known species that
remain undescribed (Gagné & Waring 1990). Asphondylia spp.
are cosmopolitan in distribution and the majority appear to be mono- or
stenophagous (Barnes 1939). Some Asphondylia spp.
exhibit sufficiently high host fidelity they have been considered as
classical biological control agents for invasive weed species
(Cruttwell-McFadyen & Bennett 1995). Other species of Asphondylia,
like A. websteri and A. gennadii,
are polyphagous, and in some instances, can be important pests on non-native
crops (Gagné & Orphanides 1992, Gagné & Wuensche 1986, Rogers 1972). Surveys for fruit feeding pests of Hass
and non-Hass avocados over November-December 2007 in Guatemala detected large
numbers of deformed avocado fruit < 2cm in length in a commerical Hass
avocado orchard in Sumpango, Sacatepéquez. Visual examination of fruit
indicated that up to 85% of "off bloom" fruit set from flowering
that occurred over the period August-September was attacked despite
prophylactic applications of broad spectrum insecticides. Deformed fruit did
not set on trees and was observed to drop to the ground. Dissection of
deformed fruit in the field revealed the existance of internally feeding
larvae. Subsequent rearing of field collected material revealed that A.
websteri was the agent responsible for fruit damage that
was promoting premature abscission. The rearing and identification of A.
websteri from Hass avocados in Guatemala is the first
official record for this midge from Central America and the first time this
insect has been recorded attacking immature fruit of avocados. Larvae and pupae. In Hass
avocados, immature A. websteri feed in
the ovaries of developing fruit. Female flies appear to lay one egg per
fruit. Larvae complete development within fruit and create an escape tunnel
in the side of the fruit from which the adult fly can emerge. The emergence
tunnel is created by a "spatula", a structure on the head region of
third instar larvae that is used to scrape away plant material until a thin
exocarp wall is formed at the distal end of the tunnel. Pupation occurs
within the central cavity of the deformed fruit. When the fully developed
adult midge is within the pupal case the pupa advances to the end of the
escape tunnel using abdominal spicules to gain traction within the tunnel.
The pupa opens the necrotic entrance in the exocarp wall to the outside world
by applying it pupal horns to the closed end of the tunnel and rotating its
body about the longitudinal axis thereby cutting open the exit hole (Gagné et
al. 2004). Once the circular tunnel entrance is open, the pupa advances
partway out of the tunnel exit and the adult midge then emerges from the
protruding pupal case. Typically, the deformed fruit dehisces shortly after
the emergence of the adult fly, and drops from the tree. Subseqeuntly,
abscissed fruit with protruding midge pupal cases can be collected from the
ground. Biological Control Natural enemies of Asphondylia websteri. Larvae of A.
websteri were heavily parasitized by eight species of
hymenopterous parasitoids: (1) Torymus solidaginis,
(2) Torymus bedeguaris (group) (both Hymenoptera:
Torymidae); (3) Rileya sp. (Hymenoptera:
Eurytomidae); (4) Paragaleopsomyia sp. (Hymenoptera:
Eulophidae), (5-7) three species of Galeopsomyia (Hymenoptera:
Eulophidae), and (8) Lyrcus sp. (Hymenoptera:
Pteromelidae). Descriptions and photographs of parasitoids reared from
deformed Hass avocados in Guatemala that were infested with A.
websteri is available. In addition to
parasitoids, larvae of A. websteri were
attacked by Epipona guerini (Hymenoptera:
Vespidae: Polistinae). Adult wasps were observed foraging in the study
orchard, cutting open infested fruit with their mandibles, and
extracting A. websteri larvae
and eating them. The sides of fruit from which A.websteri were
removed by E. guerini were
characterized by large circular holes. REFERENCES: [Additional references may be found at: MELVYL Library ] Barnes, H. F. 1946. Gall
midges of economic importance. Vol. II. Gall midges of fodder crops. Crosby
Lockwood and Son LtD. U.K. Cruttwell-McFadyen,
R. E., and F. D. Bennett. 1995. Potential biocontrol agents of Portulaca
oleraceae L. from the Neotropics. Biol. Cont. 5: 189-195. Felt, E. P.
1917. Asphondylia websteri n. sp. J.
Econ. Entomol. 10: 562. Gagné, R. J., and G.
M. Orphanides. 1992. The pupa and larva of Asphondylia gennadii (Diptera:
Cecidomyiidae) and taxonomic implications. Bull. Entomol. Res. 82: 313-316. Gagné, R. J., F.
Posadam, and Z. N. Gil. 2004. A new species of Bruggmanniella (Diptera:
Cecidomyiidae) aborting young fruit of avocado Persea americana in
Colombia and Costa Rica. Proc. Entomol. Soc. Wash. 106: 547-553. Gagné, R. J., and W.
M. Woods. 1988. Native American plant hosts of Asphondylia websteri (Diptera:
Cecidomyiidae). Ann. Entomol. Soc. Am. 81: 447-448. Gagné, R. J., and A. L. Wuensche. 1986. Identity
of Asphondylia (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) on
Guar, Cyamopsis tetragonoloba (Fabaceae) in the Southwestern
United States. Ann. Entomol. Soc. Am. 79: 246-250. Hoddle, M. S. 2008. First record
of Asphondylia websteri (Diptera: Cecidomyidae)
infesting Hass avocados. Florida Entomologist 91: 501-503. |