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ACACIA PSYLLID Acizzia uncatoides (Ferris &
Klyver)-- Homoptera, Psyllidae (Contacts) CLICK on Photo to enlarge & search for Subject Matter with Ctrl/F. GO TO ALL: Bio-Control Cases
One coccinellid, Diomus pumilio
Weise, and egg predators, became well established resulting in
significant reductions of the acacia psyllid (Pinnock et al. 1978). Dahlsten and Hall (1999) reported that the
acacia psyllid remains under good control in California, but that there are no
publications referring to the project.
They also point out that one interesting aspect of the project was
that an exotic coccinellid species, Harmonia conformis (Boisduval), that was brought into
California did not become established.
However, when introduced to Hawaii from California, H. conformis controlled the psyllid in the koa tree forests
(Pinnock et al. 1978). Diomus pumilio which did well in California did not control the
psyllid in Hawaii, showing the apparent importance of environment on
establishment. REFERENCES: [Additional references may be found at: MELVYL
Library ] Dahlsten, D.
L. & R. W. Hall. 1999.
Biological control of insects in outdoor urban environments. In: Bellows, T. S. & T. W. Fisher (eds.), Handbook of Biological Control:
Principles and Applications.
Academic Press, San Diego, New York.
1046 p Pinnock, D. E., K. S. Hagen, D. V. Cassidy, R.
J. Brand, J. E. Milstead & R. L. Tassan.
1978. Integrated pest
management in highway landscapes.
Calif. Agric. 32(2): 33-34. |