53a (52a).    Antennae long, with many segments; abdomen with at least 9 segments and with

stylelike appendages on ventral side of some segments; without a forked appendage near

end of abdomen, but with well developed cerci (Figs.A-C) ..........................…........…........Diplura


             Please CLICK on pictures to enlarge



                                                    A                               B                                C




53b.    Antennae short, with 6 or less segments; abdomen with 6 or less segments and usually with

           a forked appendage near posterior end (Figs.A-G) [springtails] ………………........….…Collembola



             Please CLICK on pictures to enlarge



                           A                                                             B                                                     C



                                        D                            E                              F                             G