303a (302b).    Propodeum medially short, with deep petiolar notches in form of an inverted V

             (Fig.A); petiole long and almost conical to pear-shaped, round in cross section, with some

             thin long hairs but without ridges or coarse sculpture; body with unusually long but not

             thickly hairy; femora slender; ovipositor protruding (Fig.B).............................................

            .....................................................................................……............................. Pteromalidae (Nefoeninae)


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                                       A                                                              B


303b.    Propodeum without deep petiolar notches; petiole, if rarely evident, of quite different

             form and bare; body without long sparse hairs; femora often thickened; ovipositor protruding

             or not..................................................................................................……............................................ 304