287a (253b).    Usually 1 mm. or longer; body often metallic or dark in color; abdomennarrowly

             joined at propodeum (petiole may or may not be apparent); tarsi always with 4 segments;

             postmarginal vein present or absent (Fig.A).......................……....................................................... .288


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287b.    Usually 1 mm or less in length; body mostly pale yellow to white, sometimes with dark

             markings or wholly dark, but not metallic; abdomen broadly joined to propodeum;

             postmarginal vein absent; tarsi usually with 3-5 segments (if 4 segments, then club large and

             undivided or wing fringed with long setae, or middle tarsi with only 4 segments)

             (Fig A)  ..........................................................................................……..................................................... 292


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