270a (268b). Abdomen covered by first two dorsal plates (or seemingly
covered by single
plate); prepectus often fused with side panel of
pronotum (Fig.A), if prepectus clearly
separated than face with discernible supraclypeal area
and strong mandibles only 2-
toothed (Fig.A); prescutal
sutures always complete; body short and squat; head with well defined
clypeus and at least 1 mandible
with 2 teeth; body metallic to black, thorax mostly with coarse hairy
pits (Figs.B-C)......................……………………........ Hymenoptera.........Perilampidae (Subfamilies:….. 271)
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270b. Abdomen with 3 or more readily visible dorsal plates; body
usually elongated; head
variable but usually with inconspicuous
clypeus and small mandibles with 3-4 teeth;
either prescutal sutures incomplete or
antenna with 13 segments (Figs.A-B)
.......................................................................... Hymenoptera...........Pteromalidae...(Subfamilies 272 & 294)
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