15a (14b).    Body quite hard, wasplike insects; clypeus not elongated; the abdomen often

             constricted at base, 1st abdominal segment fused to thorax; fore wings distinctly larger

             than  hind wings and with fewer veins; front wings with 20 or less cells (Figs.A-G)

               [sawflies, bees and wasps]..............................................................................Hymenoptera……...118



           Please CLICK on pictures to enlarge



                                       A                                          B                              C                           D



                                                                 E                              F



15b.      Body soft, not wasplike, the abdomen not constricted at base; hind wings about the same

size as front wings and usually with about as many veins; front wings frequently with more

than 20 cells.............................................................................................................….......... 16