1a. Have fully developed functional
wings ...............................................................................................
1b. Apterous or brachypterous ...............................................................................................................
2a. Pronotum posterodorsally usually
separated from mesonotal anterior margin by a somewhat well developed
sulcus; pronotum posterolaterally remote from the tegulae, and lower down
the side with a pronounced posterior lobe which covers the mesothoracic
spiracle; posteroventrally the pronotum closely coadapted to the anterior
mesopleural margin and reflexed mesally below, behind the fore coxae.
2b. Pronotum posterodorsally contiguous with
the mesonotal anterior margin, lacking a sulcus; pronotum posterolaterally almost
reaching the tegulae with or without a distinct posterior lobe which covers
the mesothoracic spiracle; if pronotum posteroventrally closed coadapted to
the anterior mesopleural margin then it is not reflexed below.
3a. Forewing with a fold traversing 1m-cu between 1st and 2nd discal (= discoidal) cells, usually via a fenestra, this
fold discrete from the radial fold in the submarginal (= cubital)
cells. Basitarsi enlarged, those of
hind legs expanded and flattened in anterior view, usually only slightly
narrower than hind tibiae. Pilosity
plumose, or partly so. Apidae <Habits>; <Adults>
& <Juveniles>
3b. Forewing with a fold traversing the 2nd abiscissa of M, between the second discal (discoidal) and 2nd or 3rd submarginal (cubital) cells, usually
via a fenestra, this fold linking with the radial fold in the submarginal
(cubital) cells. Basitarsi not
enlarged, those of hind legs slender, not flattened in anterior view,
usually much narrower than the hind tibiae. Pilosity simple all over.
Sphecidae <Habits>; <Adults>
& <Juveniles>
4a. Antennae distinctly geniculate, elbowed between scape and
funiculus. Body with 1-2 reduced
eparated node like or scale like segments between alitrunk and gaster. Formicidae (part)
<Habits>; <Adults> & <Juveniles>
4b. Antennae not geniculate, not elbowed
between scape and funiculus. Body
without separated node like or scale like segments between alitrunk and
5a. Forewing usually with a complete closed marginal (= radial) cell
which is bounded by tubular veins, and with at least one complete
submarginal (cubital) cell; hind wing with 2-3 complete cells.
5b. Forewing with marginal (radial) cells open, often with only a
stub of tubular vein arising from the stigma; without any complete
submarginal (cubital) cells; hind wing with much reduced venation, at most
with an open costal cell but without complete cells posterior to this
although up to 3 tubular veins may be present.
6b. Distal quarter or more of wing membranes
plain, without a densely corrugated appearance.
7b. Mesopleuron lacking a straight diagonal
sulcus which transverses the mesopleural scobe.
8a. Forewing with an elongate and very obvious discal (discoidal)
cell, the wing plicate from base to apex and folded longitudinally in
repose. Glossa and paraglossa
terminating in small sclerotized pads
8b. Forewing lacking an elongate discal
(discoidal) cell, the wing not plicate from base to apex, not folded
longitudinally in repose. Glossa
and paraglossa without apical sclerotized pads.
9a. Tibiae of middle legs with a single spur. Pretarsal claws bifid. mandibles elongate and crossing over at
full closure, not merely overlapping .............. Eumenidae <Habits>;
<Adults> & <Juveniles>
9b. Tibiae of middle legs with two
spurs. Pretarsal claws simple. Mandibles short, transverse at full
closure, but not crossing over....….....Vespidae <Habits>; <Adults>
& <Juveniles>
10a. Hind wing with a well developed claval indentation marking
the limits of the claval lobe, and with a very large jugal lobe which is at
least 1/2 the
length of the claval. Male
subgenital plate terminating in an upcurved spine. Females with widely separated middle
coxae and bifid pretarsal claws .......Tiphiidae (part) <Habits>; <Adults> & <Juveniles>
10b. Hind wing without lobes or without a
claval indentation marking the limits of the claval lobe; in the latter the
jugal lobe small and less than 1/2 the length of the claval area. Subgenital plate of males lacking an upcurved spine. Females with contiguous middle coxae and
simple or dentate pretarsal claws.
11a. Distal antennal segments thicker than proximal so that the
antenna appears clubbed. Gaster
with yellow maculate and body weakly hairy. Pretarsal claws dentate.......Sapygidae <Habits>;
& <Juveniles>
11b. Distal antennal segments narrower than proximal so that the
antenna tapers apically. Gaster
without yellow maculae and body densely hairy. Pretarsal claws edentate or bifid........Mutillidae (males) [Now often grouped with Sapygidae] <Habits>; <Adults> & <Juveniles>]
12a. Antenna with 10 segments.
12b. Antenna with 12-13 segments.
13a. Antennae arising from a high anteriorly projecting prominence
on the head, the antennal insertions widely separated from the clypeus
which is situated ventral to them........ Embolemidae
(males) <Habits>;
<Adults> & <Juveniles>
13b. Antennae not arising from a high
anteriorly projecting prominence on the head, the antennal insertions
located close to the posterior clypeal margin..…Dryinidae (part) <Habits>; <Adults>
& <Juveniles>
15a. Antennae distinctly geniculate, elbowed between scape and
funiculus. Body with 1-2 conspicuously separated node
like or scale like reduced segments between alitrunk and gaster; alitrunk
posterolaterally usually with metapleural gland bulla present..........Formicidae (part)
15b. Antennae not geniculate, not elbowed between scape and
funiculus. Body without separated
node like or scale like segments between alitrunk and gaster; alitrunk
posterolaterally without metapleural gland bulla.…….
16a. Antennae with 10
16b. Antennae with 12-13 segments.
17a. Antennal insertions widely separated from clypeus and the antennae
arising from a high anteriorly projecting prominence on the head. Fore tarsus terminating in a pair of
small pretarsal claws, not chelate (females only).……Embolemidae (females)
17b. Antennal insertions close to posterior margin
of clypeus and the antennae not arising from a high anteriorly projecting
prominence on the head. Fore tarsus
in brachypterous males with a pair of small pretarsal claws; fore tarsus of
females terminating in strong chelae composed of a large projecting 5th tarsal segment which is opposed by a much enlarged single
apical claw. Dryinidae
(part) <Habits>; <Adults> & <Juveniles>
18b. Head hypognathous and not dorsoventrally
flattened; clypeus lacking a median carina extending between antennae.
19a. Dorsal alitrunk shaped like a box and lacking sutures or at
most the promesonotal forming the only transverse suture on the
dorsum. Body heavily sculptured and
densely hairy. Pretarsal claws
simple ..……... Mutillidae (females) <Habits>; <Adults> & <Juveniles>]
19b. Dorsal alitrunk elongate and not shaped
like a box, with 3 deeply
impressed transverse sutures in broad depressions. Body smooth and unsculptured, not
densely hairy. Pretarsal claws
strongly bifid ……Tiphiidae (part) <Habits>; <Adults> & <Juveniles>