GM Aurigae's SED

GM Aurigae's spectral energy distribution (SED) computed using various density profiles as input to the Monte Carlo radiation transfer. The density profiles all have gaps in the inner regions due to the presence of an embedded planet. Planets with large masses (dashes and dash-dot lines) tend to produce very deep gaps with very little material in the inner regions of the disc. The reduction in the near infra-red excess is therefore quite substantial and there is a corresponding enhancement at slightly longer wavelengths. Planets with slightly lower masses (dotted and solid line) produce less significant gap, and consequently less significant reductions in the near infra-red flux and smaller enhancements at the longer wavelengths. The fit to the data points (open squares) suggest that the SEDs due to the slightly lower planet masses fit the data slightly better than that due to the heavier planets. More observations between 3 and 20 microns will be required to determine if the planet mass can actually be determined from SED measurements.