Jeremy Landon Conkle Post-doctoral Researcher Science Labs 1 Bldg. Room 211 p: 951.827.2692 f: 951.827.3993 Curriculum Vitae Personal Website |
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Educational Background | ||||
Ph.D. Oceanography and Coastal Sciences | Louisiana State University | 2010 | ||
M.S. Environmental Studies | The College of Charleston | 2006 | ||
B.S. Biology & Chemistry | Longwood University | 2003 | ||
Research Interests | ||||
Wetland biogeochemistry | ||||
Fate and transport of emerging contaminants in the environment | ||||
Pollutants in soil and water | ||||
Water chemistry/quality | ||||
Environmental Policy | ||||
Selected Publications | ||||
Conkle, J. L., C. V. Lattao, J. R.
White, R. L. Cook (2010). "Competitive sorption and desorption
behavior for three fluoroquinolone antibiotics in a wastewater
treatment wetland soil." Chemosphere 80, 1353-1359. |
Conkle, J. L., C. V. Lattao, J. R.
White, R. L. Cook. (2009). "Pharmaceutical Analysis for
Environmental Samples: Individual and Simultaneous
Determination of Ciprofloxacin, Ofloxacin and Norfloxacin
Using an HPLC with Fluorescence and UV Detection with a
Wetland Soil Matrix." Analytical Letters 42(18):
2937 - 2950. |
Conkle, J. L., J. R. White, C. D.
Metcalfe. (2008). "Reduction of pharmaceutically active
compounds by a lagoon wetland wastewater treatment system in
Southeast Louisiana." Chemosphere 73(11):
1741-1748. |
Akers, S. M., J. L. Conkle, S. N.
Thomas, K. B. Rider. (2006). "Determination of the heat of
combustion of biodiesel using bomb calorimetry - A
multidisciplinary undergraduate chemistry experiment."
Journal of Chemical Education 83(2): 260-262. |
Book Chapters | ||||
White, J. R., J. Hendrickson,
J. L. Conkle. (2008). Effect of changing land use on water quality in
the coastal zone. Coastal Watershed Management.
A. Fares and A. I. El-Kadi. Southampton, UK, WIT Press. |
Selected Presentations | ||||
Pharmaceuticals and personal care products in wetlands, wastewater irrigation and groundwater. *Conkle, J.L., Gan, J. Oral presentation at the 2012 USDA Working Group W-2082 (Evaluating the Physical and Biological Availability of Pesticides and Contaminants in Agricultural Ecosystems) Annual Meeting, Texas A&M Kingsville Citrus Center, Weslaco, TX. (01/12) |
Degradation and sorption of PPCPs in oxic and anoxic wetland soils. *Conkle, J.L., Gan, J. Oral presentation at the ASA-CSSA-SSSA 2011 International Annual Meeting, San Antonio, TX. (10/11) |
Distribution of Organochlorine and
Current-Use Pesticides in Sediments of the Salton Sea. Wang,
Wei, Conkle, J.L., Delgado-Moreno, L.,
Anderson, M., Amrhein, C., Gan, J. Oral Presentation at the
2011 Southern California Regional Chapter of the Society of
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry Annual Meeting,
Huntington Beach, CA. (04/11) |
Antibiotic Effects on Microbial
Respiration in Two Wetland Soils. *Conkle, J.L., White, J.R.
Oral presentation at ASA-CSSA-SSSA 2010 International Annual
Meeting, Long Beach, CA. (11/10) |
Pharmaceutical compounds in
Wastewater: Potential for removal in treatment wetlands.
Conkle, J.L., *White, J.R., Metcalfe, C. Poster presentation
at the Urban Environmental Pollution (ENPO2010) Conference.
Boston, MA. (06/10) |
Effects of antibiotics on soil
microbe mediated CO2, CH4 and N2
evolution in wetland peat soil. *Conkle, J.L., White, J.R.
Oral presentation at the 10th International
Congress on Ecology (INTECOL 10). Brisbane, QLD, AU. (08/09) |
Sorption and desorption of three
fluoroquinolone antibiotics to a wetland soil. *Conkle, J.L.,
Lattao, C., White, J.R., Cook, R.L. Oral presentation at the
2008 Joint Meeting of the GSA-SSSA-ASA-CSSA-GCAGS-HGS.
Houston, Texas. 2nd Place Graduate Student Oral
Presentation, Division S-10. (10/08) |