Environmental Organic Chemistry Lab

University of California Riverside

  Jeremy Landon Conkle
Post-doctoral Researcher
Science Labs 1 Bldg. Room 211
p: 951.827.2692
f: 951.827.3993
Curriculum Vitae
Personal Website
Jeremy Conkle  
  Educational Background    
  Ph.D. Oceanography and Coastal Sciences Louisiana State University 2010  
  M.S. Environmental Studies The College of Charleston 2006  
  B.S. Biology & Chemistry Longwood University 2003  
  Research Interests    
  Wetland biogeochemistry  
  Fate and transport of emerging contaminants in the environment  
  Pollutants in soil and water  
  Water chemistry/quality  
  Environmental Policy  
  Selected Publications    

Conkle, J. L., J. R. White. An initial screening of antibiotic effects on microbial respiration in wetland soils. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A (Accepted - January 2012).

  Conkle, J. L., C. V. Lattao, J. R. White, R. L. Cook (2010). "Competitive sorption and desorption behavior for three fluoroquinolone antibiotics in a wastewater treatment wetland soil." Chemosphere 80, 1353-1359.  

Conkle, J. L., C. V. Lattao, J. R. White, R. L. Cook. (2009). "Pharmaceutical Analysis for Environmental Samples: Individual and Simultaneous Determination of Ciprofloxacin, Ofloxacin and Norfloxacin Using an HPLC with Fluorescence and UV Detection with a Wetland Soil Matrix." Analytical Letters 42(18): 2937 - 2950.


Conkle, J. L., J. R. White, C. D. Metcalfe. (2008). "Reduction of pharmaceutically active compounds by a lagoon wetland wastewater treatment system in Southeast Louisiana." Chemosphere 73(11): 1741-1748.


Akers, S. M., J. L. Conkle, S. N. Thomas, K. B. Rider. (2006). "Determination of the heat of combustion of biodiesel using bomb calorimetry - A multidisciplinary undergraduate chemistry experiment." Journal of Chemical Education 83(2): 260-262.

  Book Chapters    

Conkle, J. L., J. R. White, C. D. Metcalfe. Analytical Methods for Emerging Contaminants. Methods in Biogeochemistry of Wetlands. K. R. Reddy, R. DeLaune and P Megonigal. Soil Science Society of America. (In Review - November 2011)


White, J. R., J. Hendrickson, J. L. Conkle. (2008). Effect of changing land use on water quality in the coastal zone. Coastal Watershed Management. A. Fares and A. I. El-Kadi. Southampton, UK, WIT Press.

  Selected Presentations    

Pharmaceuticals and personal care products in wetlands, wastewater irrigation and groundwater. *Conkle, J.L., Gan, J. Oral presentation at the 2012 USDA Working Group W-2082 (Evaluating the Physical and Biological Availability of Pesticides and Contaminants in Agricultural Ecosystems) Annual Meeting, Texas A&M Kingsville Citrus Center, Weslaco, TX. (01/12)


Degradation and sorption of PPCPs in oxic and anoxic wetland soils. *Conkle, J.L., Gan, J. Oral presentation at the ASA-CSSA-SSSA 2011 International Annual Meeting, San Antonio, TX. (10/11) 


Distribution of Organochlorine and Current-Use Pesticides in Sediments of the Salton Sea. Wang, Wei, Conkle, J.L., Delgado-Moreno, L., Anderson, M., Amrhein, C., Gan, J. Oral Presentation at the 2011 Southern California Regional Chapter of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry Annual Meeting, Huntington Beach, CA. (04/11)


Antibiotic Effects on Microbial Respiration in Two Wetland Soils. *Conkle, J.L., White, J.R. Oral presentation at ASA-CSSA-SSSA 2010 International Annual Meeting, Long Beach, CA. (11/10)


Pharmaceutical compounds in Wastewater: Potential for removal in treatment wetlands. Conkle, J.L., *White, J.R., Metcalfe, C. Poster presentation at the Urban Environmental Pollution (ENPO2010) Conference. Boston, MA. (06/10)


Effects of antibiotics on soil microbe mediated CO2, CH4 and N2 evolution in wetland peat soil. *Conkle, J.L., White, J.R. Oral presentation at the 10th International Congress on Ecology (INTECOL 10). Brisbane, QLD, AU. (08/09)


Sorption and desorption of three fluoroquinolone antibiotics to a wetland soil. *Conkle, J.L., Lattao, C., White, J.R., Cook, R.L. Oral presentation at the 2008 Joint Meeting of the GSA-SSSA-ASA-CSSA-GCAGS-HGS. Houston, Texas. 2nd Place Graduate Student Oral Presentation, Division S-10. (10/08)