Molecular mechanism of sex pheromone production in the silkworm,
Bombyx mori
S. Matsumoto
1 , N. Yokoyama 1, 2 , T. Yoshiga 1, 3 , K. Okano 4 & A. Fonagy 5
1 Molecular
Entomology and Baculovirology, RIKEN, Wako-shi, 351-0198, JAPAN; 2
Dept. of Agricultural & Life Sciences, Univ. of Tokyo, Tokyo
113-8657, JAPAN; 3 Lab of Nematology, Saga Univ., Saga 840-8502,
JAPAN; 4 Lab of Cell Biology, Akita Pref. Univ., Akita 010-0195,
JAPAN; 5 Plant Protection Inst. Hungarian Acad. of Sciences,
Budapest, II. 1525, P. O. Box 102, HUNGARY
Female moths attract
conspecific males by producing and releasing species-specific
pheromone blends. Biosynthesis of pheromone components takes place
specifically in the pheromone gland generally associated with the
intersegmental membrane between the 8th and 9th abdominal
segments. Production of sex pheromones in many Lepidoptera is
regulated by a neurohormone termed
pheromone-biosynthesis-activating-neuropeptide (PBAN), which has
been identified as a 33-34 amino acid peptide with a C-terminal
FSPRLamide sequence responsible for pheromonotropic activity. In
order to understand the molecular as well as cellular mechanisms
of pheromone production regulated by PBAN, we have isolated
functional clusters of viable pheromone producing cells of B.
mori. One of the prominent morphological features of the
pheromone producing cells is the abundance of large refractile
granules in the cytoplasm at adult eclosion. Precise analysis on
these granules revealed that the large granules at adult eclosion
dramatically reduced their size and increased the number of small
granules by 28 hrs after eclosion, and then reduced both number
and size. These changes were prevented by decapitation and
proceeded by PBAN injection. Nile Red staining and chemical
characterization using FAB-MS indicated that these granules were
triacylglycerols mainly composed of pheromone precursor fatty
acids. Therefore, it is likely that the granules work as storage
or carriers of sex pheromone precursors. Present results also
suggest that the isolated cell preparation can be used for
quantitative visualization of the cellular dynamics during
pheromone production in B. mori. We will also discuss the
expression of functional proteins and their genes involved in the
process of pheromone production in B. mori.
Index terms:
PBAN, cellular dynamics, pheromone biosynthesis, hormonal control,
Copyright: The copyrights of
this original work belong to the authors (see right-most box in
title table). This abstract appeared in Session 4 – CHEMISTRY
BOOK II – XXI-International Congress of Entomology, Brazil,
August 20-26, 2000.