Regulation of JH levels in mosquitoes
Noriega 1,2 , G.C.Unnithan 3,2 , K.Edgar
1,2 , R. Feyereisen 3,2 , J. A.Veenstra 4 & M.A. Wells 1,2
1 Dept. of Biochemistry, Univ. of Arizona, BSW 440, Tucson, AZ
857, USA; 2 Center for Insect Science, Univ. of AZ, 3 Dept of
Entomology, Univ. of AZ. 4 Lab. Neuroendocrinologie des Insectes,
Univ. Bordeaux 1, Talence, France
In adult female
mosquito JH signals that ecdysis of the adult is complete and
reproductive processes should begin, inducing simultaneously
changes in the expression of many genes in different tissues. We
have shown that JH plays an essential role in the transcriptional
activation of the early trypsin gene in the Aedes aegypti
midgut. The early trypsin gene is a remarkable “molecular marker”,
its expression is dramatically modified after blood feeding, and
it is affected by both hormones and nutrients. We plan to use the
expression of the early trypsin gene as a paradigm to investigate
the nutritional regulation of JH levels. The ultimate goal of this
project is to understand how changes in the nutritional status are
assessed, and this information is transduced to coordinate
post-feeding physiology. In this presentation we are focussing on
the nutritional regulation of juvenile hormone levels. Our
hypothesis is that the midgut can detect the nutritional status,
and regulates the JH levels by affecting the activity of the
corpora allata. This regulation could be mediated directly or
indirectly by midgut peptides synthesized by the endocrine cells
and released into the hemolymph. In summary, in order to define
how JH levels are regulated after a blood meal; we are studying
the nutritional control of JH levels, and the regulatory role of
the midgut peptides.
Index terms:
Aedes aegypti , Juvenile Hormone, allatoregulatory peptides
Copyright: The copyrights of
this abstract belong to the author (see right-most box of title
table). This document also appears in Session 13 – INSECT
and Poster Session, ABSTRACT BOOK II – XXI-International
Congress of Entomology, Brazil, August 20-26, 2000.