between weight and volume of Cornops aquaticum (Orthoptera:
Acrididae) in the surroundings of Rio Claro, Brazil
M. G. Lhano 1 ,
C. H. S. Penteado 2 &
J. Adis 3
1 Dept.of Biology and Zoology, Univ. Federal of Mato Grosso,
Ave. Fernando Correa da Costa s/n, 78060-900, Cuiabá, MT, Brazil;
2 Center of Environmental Studies – University of São Paulo State,
Ave. 24 A, 1515, 13500-000, Rio Claro, SP, Brazil; 3
Max-Planck-Institute for Limnology, Tropical Ecology Working
Group, Postfach 165, D-24302 Plön, Germany
aquaticum (Bruner, 1906) is a semi-aquatic acridid (Orthoptera,
Tetraeniini) with a wide geographical distribuition,
ranging from the South of Mexico (23°N) to Uruguay and
the Northeast of Argentine (35°S). These grasshoppers
can be found on leaves of the aquatic macrophyte
Eichhornia spp. where they pass their life cycle. The
study site “Sítio das Acácias” was located between the
subdistricts of Ferraz and Ajapi (22°16’S, 47°34’W) near
Rio Claro-SP, Brazil. Adult specimens were collected
during daylight with the help of an entomological net in
a flooded area affected by cattle, about 20m from the
Corumbataí River. The body mass (g) and volume (ml) were
measured in 3 males and 15 females. Relations between
body mass (M) and volume (V) were obtained and are
expressed by the equations V(male) = 0,1132 + 0,5543 .
M; V(female) = 0,0893 + 1,0667 . M and V(male and
female) = -0,0355 + 1,4860 . M. The correlation
coefficients (r) (males = 0,41; females = 0,68; both
sexes = 0,89) were significant (P<0,05 for males and
females, P<0,01 for both sexes). The positive relation
“body mass versus volume” in C. aquaticum also
showed that the proportion of volume in relation to size
does not depend on sex. Data are statistically reliable
and calculations allow that body volumes are
mathematically inferred from weight data in studies that
need these parameters for routine calculations, such as
respirometric constants of the Warburg respirometer.
terms: grasshopper, size, sex
Blissus occiduus