Introduction to social network methods
This page is part of an on-line text by Robert
A. Hanneman (Department
of Sociology, University
of California, Riverside)
and Mark Riddle (Department of Sociology, University of Northern Colorado).
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This page lists a number of early works in social network
analysis. It is not a complete bibliography by any means, and is not
up-to-date. Frankly, a search of the social science citation index and
Google may be more useful. Nonetheless, it may give some indication of the
diversity of topics and individuals that strongly shaped the development of most
of the methods described in this book.
- Alba, Richard D. 1973. "A graph-theoretic definition of a sociometric clique" Journal of Mathematical
Sociology, 3: 113-126
- Alba, Richard D. and Gwen Moore. 1983. "Elite social circles" Chapter 12 in Burt and Minor (eds).
Applied network analysis: A methodological introduction. Beverly Hills: Sage.
- Anheier, Helmut K. 1987. "Structural analysis and strategic research design: Studying politicized interorganizational
networks" Sociological Forum 2: 563-582
- Arabie, P., S.A. Boorman, and P.R. Levitt. 1978. "Constructing blockmodels: How and why" Journal
of Mathematical Psychology, Vol. 17: 21-63
- Baker, Wayne E. 1986. "Three-dimensional blockmodels" Journal of Mathematical Sociology, 12:
- Baker, Wayne E. 1990. "Market Networks and Corporate Behavior" American Journal of Sociology.
96: 589-625.
- Barnes, J.A. 1983. "Graph theory in network analysis" Social Networks 5: 235-244.
- Berkowitz, S.D. 1988. "Markets and market-areas: Some preliminary formulations" pp. 261-303 in Wellman
and Berkowitz (eds.) Social structures: A network approach. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
- Berkowitz, S.D. 1988. Afterword: Toward a formal structural sociology, pp. 477-497 in Wellman and Berkowitz
(eds.) Social structures: A network approach. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Berkowitz, S.D. 1982. An introduction to structural analysis: The network approach to social research
Toronto: Butterworths
- Berkowitz, S.D., Peter J. Carrington, Yehuda Kotowitz, and Leonard Waverman. 1978-79. The determination of
enterprise groupings through combined ownership and directoship ties, Social Networks 1: 391-413.
- Blau, Peter and Robert K. Merton. 1981. Continuities in structural inquiry London and Beverly Hills:
- Blau, Peter. 1981. Introduction: Diverse views of social structure and their common denominator. in Blau and
merton (eds.) Continuities in structural inquiry. London and Beverly Hills: Sage.
- Bodemann, Y. Michal. 1988. Relations of production and class rule: The hidden basis of patron-clientage. pp.
198-220 in Wellman and Berkowitz (eds.) Social structrues: A network approach. Cambridge: Cambridge University
- Bonacich, Phillip. 1972. Technique for analyzing overlapping memberships. in Herbert Costner (ed.) Sociological
Methodology 1972. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass
- Bonacich, Phillip. 1972. Factoring and weighting approaches to status scores and clique detection, Journal
of Mathematical Sociology, 2: 113-120
- Boorman, S.A. 1975. A combinatorial optimization model for transmission of job information through contact
networks, Bell Journal of Economics, 6: 216-249
- Borgatti, Steven, Martin Everett, and Linton Freeman. 1992. UCINET IV Version 1.0 User's Guide. Columbia,
SC: Analytic Technologies.
- Bott, Elizabeth. 1957. Family and social network London: Tavistock Publications
- Bougon, Michel, Karl Weick, and Din Binkhorst. 1977. Cognition in organizations: An anlaysis of the Utrecht
jazz orchestra, Administrative Science Quarterly, Vol. 22: 606-639
- Boyd, John Paul, John H. Haehl and Lee D. Sailer. 1972. Kinship systems and inverse semigroups, Journal
of Mathematical Sociology, 2: 37-61
- Breiger, Ronald. 1979. Toward an operational theory of community elite structure, Quality and Quantity,
13: 21-47.
- Breiger, Ronald L. and Philippa E. Pattison. 1978. The joint role structure of two communities' elites, Sociological
Methods and Research, 7: 213-26.
- Breiger, Ronald L. and Philippa E. Pattison. 1986. Cumulated social roles: The duality of persons and their
algebras, Social Networks, 8: 215-256.
- Breiger, R.L. 1976. Career attributes and network structure: A blockmodel study of a bio-medical research specialty,
American Sociological Review, 41: 117-135
- Breiger, Ronald L. 1988. The duality of persons and groups. pp. 83-98 in Wellman and Berkowitz (eds.) Social
structures: A network approach. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Brym, Robert J. 1988. Structural location and ideological divergence: Jewish Marxist intellectuals in turn-of-the-century
Russia. pp. 332-358 in Wellman and Berkowitz (eds.) Social structures: A network approach. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press.
- Burkhardt, Marlene E. and Daniel J. Brass. 1989. Changing patterns or patterns of change: A longitudinal investigation
of the interplay of technology, structure, and power, Pennsylvania State University, mimeo.
- Burt, Ronald S. 1982. Toward a Structural Theory of Action. New York: Academic Press.
- Burt, Ronald S. 1983. Distinguishing relational contents. pp. 35-74 in Burt and Minor (eds.) Applied network
analysis: A methodological introduction. Beverly Hills: Sage
- Burt, Ronald S. 1983. Network data from informant interviews. Chapter 7 in Burt and Minor (eds.) Applied
network analysis: A methodological introduction
- Burt, Ronald S. 1983. Cohesion versus structural equivalence as a basis for network subgroups. Chapter 13 in
Burt and Minor (eds.) Applied network analysis: A methodological introduction. Beverly Hills: Sage.
- Burt, Ronald and M.J. Minor (eds.) 1983. Applied network analysis: A methodological introduction Beverly
Hills: Sage
- Burt, Ronald S. 1982. Toward a structural theory of action: Network models of social structure, perception,
and action. New York: Academic Press.
- Burt, Ronald S. 1983. Corporate profits and cooptation: networks of market constraints and directorate ties
in the American economy. New York: Academic Press.
- Burt, Ronald S. 1980. Models of network structure, Annual Review of Sociology 6: 79-141
- Burt, Ronald S. 1983. Network data from archival records. Chapter 8 in Burt and Minor (eds.) Applied network
analysis: A methodological introduction. Beverly HIlls: Sage
- Burt, Ronald S. 1983. Range, Chapter 9 in Burt and Minor (eds.) Applied network analysis: A methodological
- Burt, Ronald S. 1976. Position in networks, Social Forces, 55: 93-122.
- Burt, Ronald S. 1987. Social Contagion and Innovation. American Journal of Sociology. 92: 1287-1335.
- Burt, Ronald S. 1992. Structural Holes: The Social Structure of Competition. Cambridge, MA: Harvard
University Press.
- Carrington, Peter J. and Greg H. Heil. 1981. COBLOC: A heierarchical method for blocking network data, Journal
of Mathematical Sociology, 8: 103-131
- Carrington, Peter J., Greg H. Heil, and Stephen D. Berkowitz. 1979-80. A goodness-of-fit index for blockmodels,
Social Networks, 2: 219-234
- Cartwright, Dorwin. 1979. Balance and clusterability: An overview, pp. 25-50 in P. Holland and S. Leinhardt
(eds.) Perspectives on social network research. New York: Academic Press.
- Cartwright, Dorwin and Frank Harary. 1977. A graph theoretic approach to the investigation of system-environment
relationships, Journal of Mathematical Sociology, Vol. 5: 87-111.
- Cartwright, D. and F. Harary. 1956. Structural balance: A generalization of Heider's theory, Psychological
Review, 63: 277-92.
- Clawson, Dan and Alan Neustadtl. 1989. Interlocks, PACs, and Corporate Conservatism. American Journal of
Sociology. 94: 749-73.
- Clawson, Dan, Alan Neustadtl, and James Bearden. 1986. The Logic of Business Unity: Corporate Contributions
to the 1980 Congressional Elections. American Sociological Review. 51: 797-811.
- Coleman, James, Elihu Katz, and Herbert Menzel. 1957. The diffusion of an innovation among physicians, Sociometry,
20: 253-270
- Cook, Karen. 1982. Network structures from an exchange perspective, in Peter Marsden and Nan Lin (eds.). Socal
structre and network analysis. Beverly Hills: Sage
- Crane, Diana. 1969. Social structure in a group of scientists: A test of the 'Invisible college' hypothesis,
American Sociological Review, 34: 335-352
- Davis, J. 1963. Structural balance, mechanical solidarity, and interpersonal relations, American Journal
of Sociology, 68: 444-62
- Davis, James A. 1967. Clustering and structural balance in graphs, Human Relations, 30: 181-187
- Delany, John. 1988. Social networks and efficient resource allocation: Computer models of job vacancy allocation
through contacts, pp. 430-451 in Wellman and Berkowitz (eds.). Social structures: A network approach. Cambridge:
Cambridge University
- Doreian, Patrick. 1974. On the connectivity of social networks, Journal of Mathematical Sociology, 3:
- Doreian, Patrick. 1988. Equivalence in a social network, Journal of Mathematical Sociology, 13: 243-282.
- Emirbayer, Musafa and Jeff Goodwin. 1994. Network analysis, culture, and the problems of agency. American
Journal of Sociology. 99: 1411-54.
- Erikson, Bonnie. 1988. The relational basis of attitudes, pp. 99-122 in Wellman and Berkowitz (eds.), Social
structures: A network approach. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Everett, M.G. 1982. Graph theoretic blockings K-Plexes and K-cutpoints, Journal of Mathematical Sociology,
9: 75-84
- Everett, Martin G. 1982. A graph theoretic blocking procedure for social networks, Social Networks,
4: 147-167
- Everett, Martin and Juhani Nieminen. 1980. Partitions and homomorphisms in directed and undirected graphs,
Journal of Mathematical Sociology, 7: 91-111
- Feinberg, S.E. and Wasserman, S. 1981. Categorical data analysis of single sociolmetric relations, in S. Leinhardt
(ed.) Sociolgical Methodology 1981. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
- Fernandez, Roberto M. and Roger V. Gould. 1994. A Dilemma of State Power: Brokerage and Influence in the National
Health Policy Domain. American Journal of Sociology. 99: 1455-91.
- Fischer, Claude. 1982. To Dwell among Friends: Personal Networks in Town and City. Chicago: University
of Chicago Press.
- Fiskel, Joseph. 1980. Dynamic evolution in societal networks, Journal of Mathematical Sociology, 7:
- Flament, C. 1963. Applications of graph theory to group structure Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall
- Frank, Ove, Maureen Hallinan, and Krzysztof Nowicki. 1985. Clustering of dyad distributions as a tool in network
modeling, Journal of Mathematical Sociology, 11: 47-64
- Frank, Ove. 1980. Transitivity in stochastic graphs and digraphs, Journal of Mathematical Sociology,
7: 199-213
- Freeman, Linton C. 1984. Turning a profit from mathematics: The case of social networks, Journal of Mathematical
Sociology, 10: 343-360
- Freeman, Linton. 1979. Centrality in social networks: Conceptual clarification, Social Networks, 1:
- French Jr., John R.P. 1956. A formal theory of social power, Psychological Review, 63: 181-194
- Friedkin, Noah E. 1986. A formal theory of social power, Journal of Mathematical Sociology, 12: 103-126
- Friedmann, Harriet. 1988. Form and substance in the analysis of the world economy, pp. 304-326 in Wellman and
Berkowitz (eds.) Social structures: A network approach. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Galaskiewicz, Joseph and Stanley Wasserman. 1981. Change in a Regional Corporate Network. American Sociological
Review. 46: 475-84.
- Gould, Roger V. 1991. Multiple Networks and Mobilization in the Paris Commune, 1871. American Sociological
Review. 56: 716-29.
- Gould, Roger V. 1993. Collective Action and Network Structure. American Journal of Sociology. 58: 182-96.
- Gould, Roger V. 1993. Trade Cohesion, Class Unity, and Urban Insurrection: Artisinal Activism in the Paris
Commune. American Journal of Sociology. 98: 721-54.
- Granovetter, Mark. 1973. The strength of weak ties. American Journal of Sociology, 78: 1360-80.
- Granovetter, Mark. 1985. Economic action and social structure: the problem of embeddedness. American Journal
of Sociology. 91: 481-510.
- Granovetter, Mark. 1994. Getting a Job. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
- Hage, Per and Frank Harary. 1983. Structural models in anthropology Cambridge: Cambridge University
- Harary, Frank and Helene J. Kommel. 1979. Matrix measures for transitivity and balance, Journal of Mathematical
Sociology, Vol 6.: 199-210
- Harary, Frank. 1971. Demiarcs: An atomistic approach to relational systems and group dynamics, Journal of
Mathematical Sociology, Vol. 1: 195-205
- Harary, F., R. Norman, and D. Cartwright. 1965. Structural models New York: Wiley
- Heider, Fritz. 1979. On balance and attribution, pp: 11-24 in Holland, P. and S. Leinhardt Perspectives
on Social Network research. New York: Academic Press.
- Hoivik, Tord and Nils Petter Gleditsch. 1975. Structural parameters of graphs: A theoretical investigation,
in Blalock et al. (eds.). Quantitative Sociology. New York: Academic Press.
- Holland, Paul W. and Samuel Leinhardt. 1977. A dynamic model for social networks, Journal of Mathematical
Sociology, 5: 5-20
- Holland, Paul W. and Samuel Leinhardt (eds.) 1979. Perspectives on social network research New York:
Academic Press
- Holland, Paul W. and Samuel Leinhardt. 1976. Local structure in social networks, pp. 1-45 in David Heise (ed.)
Sociological Methodology, 1976. San Francisco: Josey-Bass
- Howard, Leslie. 1988. Work and community in industrializing India, pp. 185-197 in Wellman and Berkowitz (Eds.)
Social structures: A network approach. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Howell, Nancy. 1988. Understanding simple social structure: Kinship units and ties, pp. 62-82 in Wellman and
Berkowitz (eds.) Social structures: A network approach. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Hubbell, Charles H. 1965. An input-output approach to clique identification, Sociolmetry, 28: 377-399
- Knoke, David and Ronald S. Burt. 1983. Prominence, Chapter 10 in Burt and Minor (eds.) Applied network analysis:
A methodological introduction. Beverly Hills: Sage
- Knoke, D. and J. H. Kuklinski. 1981. Network analysis Beverly Hills: Sage
- Krackhardt, David. 198.9 Graph theoretical dimensions of informal organizations, Washington, D.C. presented
at the Academy of Management meetings.
- Laumann, Edward O. 1973. Bonds of Pluralism: The Form and Substance of Urban Social Networks. New York:
- Laumann, Edward O., Peter V. Marsden, and Joseph Galaskiewicz. 1977. Community Influence Structures: Extension
and Replication of a Network Approach. American Journal of Sociology. 83: 594-631.
- Laumann, Edward O., Peter V. Marsden and David Prensky. 1983. The boundary specification problem in network
analysis, pp. 18-34 in Burt and Minor (eds.) Applied network analysis: A methodological introduction. Beverly
Hills: Sage.
- Laumann, Edward O. and Peter V. Marsden. 1982. Microstructural analysis in interorganizational systems, Social
Networks, 4: 329-48.
- Laumann, Edward O., et al. 1994. The Social Organization of Sexuality: Sexual Practices in the United States.
Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
- Leik, Robert K. and B.F. Meeker. 197?. Graphs, matrices, and structural balance, pp. 53-73 in Leik and Meeker.
Mathematical Sociology. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall
- Leinhardt, Samuel (ed.) 1977. Social networks: A developing paradigm New York: Academic Press
- Levine, Joel H. 1972. The sphere of influence, American Sociological Review, 37: 14-27
- Levine, Joel H. and John Spadaro. 1988. Occupational mobility: A structural model, pp. 452-476 in Wellman and
Berkowitz (eds.) Social structures: A network approach. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Lorrain, Francoise and Harrison C. White. 1971. The structural equivalence of individuals in social networks,
Journal of Mathematical Sociology, 1: 49-80.
- Mandel, Michael J. 1983. Local roles and social networks, American Sociological Review, 48: 376-386
- Marsden, Peter and Nan Lin (eds.) 1982. Social structure and network analysis. Beverly Hills: Sage.
- Marwell, Gerald, Pamela Oliver, and Ralph Prahl. 1988. Social Networks and Collective Action: A Theory of the
Critical Mass. III. American Journal of Sociology. 94: 502-34.
- Mayer, Thomas F. 1984. Parties and networks: Stochastic models for relationship networks, Journal of Mathematical
Sociology, 10: 51-103.
- McCallister, Lynne and Claude S. Fischer. 1983. A procedure for surveying personal networks, pp. 75-88 in Burt
and Minor (eds.) Applied network analysis: A methodological introduction. Beverly Hills: Sage
- Minor, Michael J. 1983. Panel data on ego networks: A longitudinal study of former heroin addicts, chapter
4 in Burt and Minor (eds.) Applied network analysis: A methodological introduction. Beverly Hills: Sage.
- Minor, Michael J. 1983. New directions in multiplexity analysis, Chapter 11 in Burt and Minor (Eds.) Applied
network analysis: A methodological introduction. Beverly Hills: Sage
- Mintz, Beth and Michael Schwartz. 1981. Interlocking directorates and interest group formation, American
Sociological Review, 46: 851-69.
- Mintz, Beth and Michael Schwartz. 1985. The power structure of American business Chicago: University
of Chicago Press.
- Mitchell, Clyde. 1969. Social networks in urban situations: Analyses of personal relationships in central
African towns Manchester: Manchester University Press.
- Mizruchi, Mark S. 1989. Similarity of Political Behavior among American Corporations. American Journal of
Sociology. 95: 401-24.
- Mizruchi, Mark S., Peter Mariolis, Michael Schwartz, and Beth Mintz. 1986. Techniques for disaggregating centrality
scores in social networks, pp. 26-48 in Nancy Tuma (ed.) Sociological Methodology 1986. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
- Neustadtl, Alan and Dan Clawson. 1988. Corporate Political Groupings: Does Ideology Unify Business Political
Behavior? American Sociological Review. 53: 172-90.
- Oliver, Melvin. 1988. The Urban Black Community as Network: Toward a Social Network Perspective. Sociological
Quarterly. 29: 623-645.
- Padgett, John F. and Christopher K. Ansell. 1993. Robust Action and the Rise of the Medici, 1400-1434. American
Journal of Sociology. 98: 1259-1319.
- Peay, Edmund R. 1976. A note concerning the connectivity of social networks, Journal of Mathematical Sociology,
4: 319-321
- Peay, Edmund R. 1982. Structural models with qualitative values, Journal of Mathematical Sociology,
8: 161-192
- Rapoport, A. 1963. Mathematical models of social interaction, pp. 493-579 in R. Luce, R. Bush and E. Galanter
(eds.), Handbook of mathematical psychology, Vol. II. New York: Wiley
- Rogers, Everett M. 1979. Network analysis of the diffusion of innovations, pp. 137-164 in P. Holland and S.
Leinhardt (eds.) Perspectives on social network research.
- Roy, William. 1983. The Interlocking Directorate Structure of the United States. American Sociological Review.
42: 248-57.
- Sailer, Lee Douglas. 1978. Structural equivalence: Meaning and definition, computation and application, Social
Networks, I: 73-90
- Scott, John. 1991. Social Network Analysis: A Handbook. Newbury Park, CA: Sage Publications.
- Seidman, Stephen B. 1985. Structural consequences of individual position in nondyadic social networks, Journal
of Mathematical Psychology, 29: 367-386
- Smith, David A. and Douglas R. White n.d. Structure and dynamics of the global economy: Network analysis of
international trade 1965-1980, University of Caliornia, Irvine, mimeo.
- Snyder, David and Edward L. Kick. 1979. Structural position in the world system and economic growth 1955-1970:
A multiple-network analysis of transnational interactions, American Journal of Sociology, 84: 1096-1126
- Stark, Rodney and William Sims Bainbridge. 1980. Networks of faith: Interpersonal bonds and recuritment to
cults and sects, American Journal of Sociology, 85: 1376-95
- Tepperman, Lorne. 1988. Collective mobility and the persistence of dynasties, pp. 405-429 in Wellman and Berkowitz
( eds.) Social structures: A network approach. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Tilly, Charles. 1988. Misreading, then reading, nineteenth-century social change, pp. 332-358 in Wellman and
Berkowitz (eds.) Social structures: A network approach. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Travers, Jeffrey and Stanley Milgram. 1969. An experimental study of the small world problem, Sociometry
32: 425-443
- Turk, Herman. 1970. Interorganizational networks in urban society: Initial perspectives and comparative research,
American Sociological Review, 35: 1-20.
- Uehara, Edwina. 1990. Dual Exchange Theory, Social Networks, and Informal Social Support. American Journal
of Sociology. 96: 521-57.
- Wasserman, Stanley, and Katherine Faust. 1994. Social Network Analysis: Methods and Applications. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press.
- Wellman, Barry, Peter J. Carrington, and Alan Hall. 1988. Networks as personal communities, pp. 130-184 in
Wellman and Berkowitz (eds.) Social structures: A network approach. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Wellman, Barry and S.D. Berkowitz (eds.) 1988. Social structures: A network approach Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press.
- Wellman, Barry. 1988. Networks as Personal Communities. Pp. 130-184 in Wellman and Berkowitz (Eds.) Social
Structures: A Network Approach. New York: Cambridge University Press.
- Wellman, Barry. 1988. Structural analysis: From method and metaphor to theory and substance, pp. 19-61 in Wellman
and Berkowitz (eds.) Social structures: A network approach. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Wellman, Barry. 1979. The community question: The intimate networks of East Yorkers, American Journal of
Sociology, 84: 1201-31.
- Wellman, Barry and S.D. Berkowitz. 1988. Introduction: Studyning social structures, pp. 1-14 in Wellman and
Berkowitz (eds.) Social structures: A network approach. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Wellman, Barry, and Scot Wortley. 1990. Different Strokes from Different Folks: Community Ties and Social Support.
American Journal of Sociology. 96: 558-88.
- White, Douglas R. and H. Gilman McCann. 1988. Cites and fights: Material entailment analysis of the eighteenth-century
chemical revolution, pp. 359-379 in Wellman and Berkowitz (eds.) Social structures: A network approach.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- White, Harrison. 1988. Varieties of markets, pp. 226-260 in Wellman and Berkowitz (eds.) Social structures:
A network approach. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- White, Douglas R. and Karl P. Reitz. 1983. Graph and semigroup homomorphisms on netwoks and relations, Social
Networks, 5: 193-234
- White, Harrison, S. Boorman, and R. Breiger. 1976. Social structure from multiple networks. I.: Blockmodels
of roles and positions, American Journal of Sociology, 81: 730-780.
- Winship, Christopher and Michael Mandel. 1983. Roles and positions: A critique and extension of the blockmodeling
approach, pp. 314-344 in Samuel Leinhardt (ed.) Sociological Methodology 1983-1984. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass
- Witz, Klaus and John Earls. 1974. A representation of systems of concepts by relational structures, pp. 104-120
in Paul A. Ballonoff (ed.) Mathematical models of social and cognitive structures: Contributions to the mathematical
development of anthropology.
- Wu, Lawrence. 1983. Local blockmodel algebras for analyzing social networks, pp. 272-313 in Samuel Leinhardt
(ed.) Sociological Methodology 1983-84. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
- Yamagishi, Toshio and Karen S. Cook. 1993. Generalized Exchange and Social Dilemmas. Social Psychology Quarterly.
56: 235-48.
table of contents
of contents of the book